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/* $Id$ */

 * This is an example stylesheet. Sub-themes should NOT include the zen/zen.css
 * file, but instead copy this CSS to their own stylesheets.
 * In this stylesheet, we have included all of the classes and IDs from this
 * theme's tpl.php files. We have also included many of the useful Drupal core
 * styles to make it easier for theme developers to see them.
 * Many of these styles are over-riding Drupal's core stylesheets, so if you
 * remove a declaration from here, the styles may still not be what you want
 * since Drupal's core stylesheets are still styling the element. See the
 * drupal6-reference.css file for a list of all Drupal 5.x core styles.
 * In addition to the style declarations in this file, other Drupal styles that
 * you might want to override or augment are those for:
 *   Book Navigation  See line 74  of Zen's drupal6-reference.css file
 *   Forum            See line 197 of Zen's drupal6-reference.css file
 *   Menus            See line 667 of Zen's drupal6-reference.css file
 *   News Aggregator  See line 20  of Zen's drupal6-reference.css file
 *   Polls            See line 287 of Zen's drupal6-reference.css file
 *   Search           See line 320 of Zen's drupal6-reference.css file
 *   User Profiles    See line 945 of Zen's drupal6-reference.css file



/** header **/


  #logo-title /* Wrapper for logo, website name, and slogan */

  #logo /* Wrapper for logo */

  #logo-image /* The actual logo image */

  h1#site-name, div#site-name /* The name of the website */

  #site-name a:link,
  #site-name a:visited
    color: #000;
    text-decoration: none;

  #site-name a:hover
    text-decoration: underline;

  #site-slogan /* The slogan (or tagline) of a website */

  #header-blocks /* Wrapper for any blocks placed in the header region */

/** main (container for everything else) **/


/** content **/


  #mission /* The mission statement of the site (displayed on homepage) */

  #content-top /* Wrapper for any blocks placed in the "content top" region */

  #content-header /* Wrapper for breadcrumb, title, messages, tabs, and help */

  .breadcrumb /* The path to the current page in the form of a list of links */
    padding-bottom: 0; /* Undo system.css */

  h1.title, /* The title of the page */
  h2.title, /* Block title or the title of a piece of content when it is given in a list of content */
  h3.title /* Comment title */
    margin: 0;

  div.messages /* Important messages (status, warning, and error) for the user */
    margin: 0 1em 5px 1em;
    border: 2px solid #ccc;
    padding: 5px;
    color: #000;
    background-color: #fff;
    font-style: italic;

  div.status /* Normal priority messages */

  div.warning /* Medium priority messages */
    /* border: 1px solid #f0c020; */ /* Drupal core uses: 1px solid #f0c020 */
  body.section-admin tr.warning
    /* color: #220; */ /* Drupal core uses #220 */

  div.error /* High priority messages. See also the .error declaration below. */
    /* border: 1px solid #d77; */ /* Drupal core uses: 1px solid #d77 */
  body.section-admin tr.error
    /* color: #200; */ /* Drupal core uses #200 */

  div.tabs /* See also the tabs.css file. */

  .help /* Help text on a page */
    margin: 1em 0;

  .more-help-link /* Link to more help */
    font-size: 0.85em;
    text-align: right;

  #content-area /* Wrapper for the actual page content */

  .pager /* A list of page numbers when more than 1 page of content is available */
    clear: both;
    margin: 1em 0;
    text-align: center;

  .pager a, .pager strong.pager-current
    padding: 0.5em;

  .feed-icons /* The links to the RSS or Atom feeds for the current list of content */
    margin: 1em 0;

  #content-bottom /* Wrapper for any blocks placed in the "content bottom" region */

/** navbar **/


  #search-box /* Wrapper for the search form */

  #edit-search-theme-form-1-wrapper label /* Label that says "Search this site:" */
    display: none;

  #primary /* Primary links */

  #secondary /* Secondary links */

/** sidebar-left **/


/** sidebar-right **/


/** footer **/


  #footer-message /* Wrapper for the footer message from Drupal's "Site information"
                     and for any blocks placed in the footer region */

/** closure **/
  #closure-blocks /* Wrapper for any blocks placed in the closure region */

/** Drupal nodes **/
  .node /* Node wrapper */

  .node-inner /* Additional wrapper for node */

  .sticky /* A sticky node (displayed before others in a list) */

  .node-unpublished /* Unpublished nodes */
    /* background-color: #fff4f4; */ /* Drupal core uses a #fff4f4 background */

John Albin Wilkins's avatar
John Albin Wilkins committed
  .node-unpublished div.unpublished, /* The word "Unpublished" displayed beneath the content. */
  .comment-unpublished div.unpublished
    height: 0;
    overflow: visible;
    color: #d8d8d8;
    font-size: 75px;
    line-height: 1;
    font-family: Impact, "Arial Narrow", Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    text-align: center;
    word-wrap: break-word; /* A very nice CSS3 property */

  .node-mine /* A node created by the current user */

  .node-teaser /* A node displayed as teaser */

  /* All nodes are given a node-type-FOO class that describes the type of
   * content that it is. If you create a new content type called
   * "my-custom-type", it will receive a "node-type-my-custom-type" class.
  .node-type-page /* Page content node */

  .node-type-story /* Story content node */

  .node h2.title /* Node title */

  .marker /* "New" or "Updated" marker for content that is new or updated for the current user */
    color: #c00;

  .node .picture /* The picture of the node author */

John Albin Wilkins's avatar
John Albin Wilkins committed
  .node.node-unpublished .picture,
  .comment.comment-unpublished .picture
    position: relative; /* Otherwise floated pictures will appear below the "Unpublished" text. */

  .node .submitted /* The "posted by" information */

  .node .taxonomy /* Node taxonomy (categories) */

  .node .content /* Node's content wrapper */

  .node div.links /* Wrapper for node links */
    margin: 1em 0;

  ul.links /* Taxonomy links, node links, comment links */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

    display: inline;

  ul.links li
    display: inline;
    list-style-type: none;
    padding: 0 0.5em;

  .preview .node /* Preview of the content before submitting new or updated content */
    /* background-color: #ffffea; */ /* Drupal core uses a #ffffea background */

/** Drupal comments **/
  #comments /* Wrapper for the list of comments and its title */
  #comments-title /* Heading for the list of comments */

  .comment /* Wrapper for a single comment */

  .comment-inner /* Additional wrapper for a single comment */

  .comment-preview /* Preview of the comment before submitting new or updated comment */
  } /* A new comment since the user last viewed the page. */

  .comment.odd /* An odd-numbered comment in the list of comments */

  .comment.even /* An even-numbered comment in the list of comments */

  .comment.first /* The first comment in the list of comments */

  .comment.last /* The last comment in the list of comments */

  .comment-unpublished /* Unpublished comments */
    /* background-color: #fff4f4; */ /* Drupal core uses a #fff4f4 background */

John Albin Wilkins's avatar
John Albin Wilkins committed
  .comment-unpublished div.unpublished /* The word "Unpublished" displayed beneath the content. See also the div.unpublished declaration in the node section above. */

  .comment-published /* Published comments */

  .comment-by-anon /* A comment created by an anonymous user */

  .comment-by-author /* A comment created by the node's author */

  .comment-mine /* A comment created by the current user */

  .comment h3.title /* Comment title */

  .new /* "New" marker for comments that are new for the current user */
    color: #c00;

  .comment .picture /* The picture of the comment author */

  .comment .submitted /* The "posted by" information */

  .comment .content /* Comment's content wrapper */

  .comment .user-signature /* The user's signature */

  .comment div.links /* Wrapper for comment links. See also the ul.links declaration in the node section above. */
    margin: 1em 0;

  .indented /* Nested comments are indented */
    /* margin-left: 25px; */ /* Drupal core uses a 25px left margin */

  .preview .comment /* Preview of the comment before submitting new or updated comment */
    /* background-color: #ffffea; */ /* Drupal core uses a #ffffea background */

/** Drupal blocks **/
  .block /* Block wrapper */
    margin-bottom: 1em;

John Albin Wilkins's avatar
John Albin Wilkins committed
  .block.region-odd /* Zebra striping for each block in the region */

  .block.region-even /* Zebra striping for each block in the region */

  .block.odd /* Zebra striping independent of each region */

  .block.even /* Zebra striping independent of each region */

  .region-count-1 /* Incremental count for each block in the region */

  .count-1 /* Incremental count independent of each region */

  .block-inner /* Additional wrapper for block */

  .block h2.title /* Block title */

  .block .content /* Block's content wrapper */

  #block-aggregator-category-1 /* Block for the latest news items in the first category */

  #block-aggregator-feed-1 /* Block for the latest news items in the first feed */

  #block-block-1 /* First administrator-defined block */

  #block-blog-0 /* "Recent blog posts" block */

  #block-book-0 /* "Book navigation" block for the current book's table of contents */

  #block-comments-0 /* "Recent comments" block */

  #block-forum-0 /* "Active forum topics" block */

  #block-forum-1 /* "New forum topics" block */

  #block-menu-2 /* "Primary links" block */

  #block-node-0 /* "Syndicate" block for primary RSS feed */

  #block-poll-0 /* "Most recent poll" block */

  #block-profile-0 /* "Author information" block for the profile of the page's author */

  #block-search-0 /* "Search form" block */

  #block-statistics-0 /* "Popular content" block */

  #block-user-0 /* "User login form" block */

  #block-user-1 /* "Navigation" block for Drupal navigation menu */

  #block-user-2 /* "Who's new" block for a list of the newest users */

  #block-user-3 /* "Who's online" block for a list of the online users */

/** Drupal boxes **/
  /* Wrapper for Comment form, Comment viewing options, Menu admin, and
   * Search results.
  .box /* Wrapper for box */

  .box-inner /* Additional wrapper for box */

  .box h2.title /* Box title */

  .box .content /* Box's content wrapper */

/** Miscellaneous Drupal styles **/
  .error /* Errors that are separate from div.messages status messages (see above.) */
    /* color: #e55; */ /* Drupal core uses a #e55 background */

  .warning /* Warnings that are separate from div.messages status messages (see above.) */
    /* color: #e09010; */ /* Drupal core uses a #e09010 background */

  .more-link /* Aggregator, blog, and forum more link */
    text-align: right;

  #user-login-form /* Drupal's default login form */
    text-align: left;

  tr.even, tr.odd /* Some tables have rows marked even or odd. See also the ".section-admin tr.even" declaration below. */
    border-bottom: none;
    padding: 0;

    /* background-color: #eee; */ /* Drupal core uses a #eee background */

    /* background-color: #eee; */ /* Drupal core uses a #eee background */

  li /* The active item in a Drupal menu */
    color: #000;

/** Drupal forms **/
  .form-item, /* Wrapper for a form element (or group of form elements) and its label */
    margin: 1em 0;

  .form-item input.error, /* Highlight the form elements that caused a form submission error */
  .form-item textarea.error,
  .form-item select.error
    border: 2px solid #c00;

  .form-item label /* The label for a form element */
    display: block;
    font-weight: bold;

  .form-item label.option /* The label for a radio button or checkbox */
    display: inline;
    font-weight: normal;

  .form-required /* The part of the label that indicates a required field */
    color: #c00;

  .form-item .description /* The descriptive help text (separate from the label) */
    font-size: 0.85em;

  .form-checkboxes .form-item, /* Pack groups of checkboxes and radio buttons closer together */
  .form-radios .form-item
    margin: 0.4em 0;

  .form-submit /* The submit button */

  .container-inline div, .container-inline label /* Inline labels and form divs */

  .tips /* Tips for Drupal's input formats */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-size: 0.9em;

/** OpenID **/
  /* The default styling for the OpenID login link seems to assume Garland's
   * styling of list items.
  #user-login-form ul /* OpenID creates a new ul above the login form's links. */
    margin-bottom: 0; /* Position OpenID's ul next to the rest of the links. */

  #user-login-form li.openid-link, /* The "Log in using OpenID" links. */
  #user-login li.openid-link
    margin-top: 1em;
    margin-left: -20px; /* Un-do some of the padding on the ul list. */
  	padding-left: 20px;
  	background-position: left center;

  #user-login-form li.user-link, /* The "Cancel OpenID login" links. */
  #user-login li.user-link
    margin-top: 1em;
  	list-style-type: disc;
  	list-style-position: outside;

  #user-login li.openid-link, /* The OpenID links on the /user form. */
  #user-login li.user-link
    margin-left: -2em; /* Un-do all of the padding on the ul list. */

/** Drupal admin tables **/
  /* We overrode these styles in html-elements.css, but restore them for the
   * admin section of the site.
    border-top: 1px solid #ccc;

    text-align: left;
    padding-right: 1em;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #ccc;

    border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;

    text-align: left;
    padding-right: 1em;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #ccc;

  .section-admin tr.even,
  .section-admin tr.odd
    background-color: #eee;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
    padding: 0.1em 0.6em;

body { padding: 0; background-color: #f00; }
#page { background-color: #00f; }
#header, #main { background-color: #ccc; }