This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

There is an open security issue: user profiles can be viewed after module enabled

Spaces 3.x

Spaces is an API module intended to make configuration options generally avaliable only at the sitewide level to be configurable and overridden by individual "spaces" on a Drupal site. It has been described as:

  • A way to make one Drupal site act like several sites
  • A way to provide much more configurable, full-feature Organic Groups or user homepages
  • A generalized API for contextual configuration

Requirements & compatibility

Use of spaces requires

However, you will want the following modules in order to build or use reasonably cool features with Spaces and take advantage of most space types:

Out of the box, Spaces provides integration modules for:

  • User: spaces_user
  • Taxonomy: spaces_taxonomy
  • OG: spaces_og

Basic usage

Spaces is not an end-user module and realistically speaking, there is no such thing as "Basic usage" of Spaces. : ) Please read README.txt before deciding whether Spaces is right for you and your project.

The Spaces 3.x branch makes significant departures from many of the concepts
in the 2.x branch. Here is a non-exhaustive list of important changes:

  • Removed strict PURL dependency. Spaces can now be made active through means other than a PURL provider (see spaces_user_init()).
  • Usage of CTools plugins API and export API.
  • spaces_customizers() and spaces_settings() have been replaced with a general configuration override system using object controllers (more on this below).

If you are upgrading from Spaces 2.x, prepare for a rocky ride. Update scripts are included to migrate as cleanly as possible from 2.x to 3.x but any custom settings you have created will need to be managed manually. The update scripts leave the spaces_settings table intact for this reason.

Please consult README.txt for more information about upgrading.


While we maintain core usage and API docs with the module itself, please feel encouraged to contribute tutorials, HOWTOs, screencasts, and other docs to the handbook and other resources on the web (e.g. you or your organization's blog).

Project information
