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privatemsg-alternatives.js 1.43 KiB
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// $Id$

Drupal.behaviors.PrivatemsgAlternatives = function (context) {
  // Replace span with a link.
  $("span.privatemsg-recipient-alternative").each(function() {
      // Replace the span with a link, add href and class.
        .attr({'href' : '#'})
        // Add a on click function.
        .click(function () {
          // Replace the value of the recipient field with the
          // previous content but replace the unclear recipient
          // with the one that user clicked on.
                  // Get the original recipient string for this suggestion.

          // Add a new status message.
            .after('<div class="messages status">' + Drupal.t('The recipient field has been updated. You may now send your message.') + '</div>');

          // Hide the error message. Hide the parent of the span, this is
          // either div if there is only a single message or the li.
    // Remove the span.