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// $Id$

// Content type form
Drupal.behaviors.og_content_type = function() {
  // Disable the group limit textarea if the content type is not a standard group post
    if (!$('#edit-og-content-type-usage-group-post-standard').attr('checked')) {
    } else {
  // Initial check to see if content type is standard group post
  if (!$('#edit-og-content-type-usage-group-post-standard').attr('checked')) {

Drupal.verticalTabs = Drupal.verticalTabs || {};

Drupal.verticalTabs.og_nodeapi = function() {
  var values = [];
  $('.vertical-tabs-og_nodeapi #edit-og-groups :selected')
    .each(function (i, selected) {
      values[i] = $(selected).text();

  return values.join(', ');

Drupal.verticalTabs.og = function() {
  var type = $('.vertical-tabs-og input[type=radio]:checked').val();
  switch (type) {
    case 'group':
      return Drupal.t('Group node');
    case 'omitted':
      return Drupal.t('May not be posted into a group.');
    case 'group_post_standard':
      return Drupal.t('Standard group post');
    case 'group_post_wiki':
      return Drupal.t('Wiki group post');