This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module requires tinymce.module.

The linktocontent module allows you to extend the tinyMCE editor by several plugins.
With these plugins you can link to nodes or menu items or user profiles (planned for drupal 6.x).


Link to every node of every enabled type by browsing through your taxonomy structure.
Link to menu items by browsing through your menu structure. You can enable each menu you like (for example "Navigation" or "Primary links").
Because linktocontent_node does not work correctly with containers and categories (category.module) linktocontent_category is an addon to it. It does not provide an own TinyMce plugin but will extend linktocontent_node.

Planned plugins (drupal 6.x):

With linktocontent_profile you can insert links to user profiles. If organic groups is enabled you can browse the groups and select the users in them.
Extends linktocontent_node to browse forums.

If you're using jquery_update.module you should use at least version 5.x-1.3 of linktocontent. Earlier version do not support jquery greater than 1.0.x.

Project information
