Hierarchical taxonomy menu

Hierarchical Taxonomy Menu is a module that will help you create menus from taxonomy terms. You can display an image next to a menu item if your terms have an image field, and there is also an option to make the menu collapsible. This module comes with a Twig template, so you can customize the HTML structure any way you want.

How to use it?

After you install the module go to the block layout '/admin/structure/block' and place the 'Hierarchical Taxonomy Menu' block in any region you want. In block settings, you can choose a vocabulary from which you want to create a menu, and if that vocabulary has image fields you will see multiple options in a select box. You can limit your menu to a part of taxonomy terms, by selecting a base term. In this case, menu items will be generated only for the children's terms.

Supporting organizations: 
sponsored development

Project information
