Embedding the Druplicon into a textarea using CKEditor.

Entity Embed allows any entity to be embedded within a text area using a WYSIWYG editor.



  • Editor (included with Drupal core).
  • Embed




  • Go to the Text formats and editors configuration page: /admin/config/content/formats, and for each text format/editor combo where you want to embed entities, do the following:
    • Enable the Display embedded entities filter for the desired text formats on the Text Formats configuration page.
    • Drag and drop the 'E' button into the Active toolbar.
    • If the text format uses the Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML filter, ensure the necessary tags and attributes were automatically added:
      <drupal-entity data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-view-mode data-entity-embed-display data-entity-embed-display-settings data-align data-caption data-embed-button data-langcode alt title> appears in the Allowed HTML tags setting.
    • If you're using both the Align images and Caption images filters make sure the Align images filter is run before the Caption images filter in the Filter processing order section. (Explanation: Due to the implementation details of the two filters it is important to execute them in the right sequence in order to obtain a sensible final markup. In practice this means that the alignment filter has to be run before the caption filter, otherwise the alignment class will appear inside the <figure> tag (instead of appearing on it) the caption filter produces.)

Notice: If you were using the module in very early pre-alpha stages you might need to add data-entity-id to the list of allowed attributes. Similarly, if you have been using the module in pre-beta stages, you need to add the data-entity-embed-settings attribute.

The 7.x releases always require the data-entity-id attribute.


Related Modules

  • URL Embed: allows URLs to be embedded within a text area using a WYSIWYG editor.
  • Entity Browser: When enabled, offers a more advanced embedded entity selection workflow.
  • Media: When embedding file entities, allows files to be selected using the media browser.

Project information
