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/* ---------- Overall Specifications ---------- */

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Angie Byron's avatar
Angie Byron committed

 * The generic monospace font family is listed before Courier new to avoid a
 * a bug in font-size rendering:
Angie Byron's avatar
Angie Byron committed
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/* ------------------ Fonts ------------------ */

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/* ------------------ Reset Styles ------------------ */

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/* ------------------ Table Styles ------------------ */

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/* ------------------ List Styles ------------------ */

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/* User Login block in the header region */
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/* Search block in region header. */
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/* Language switcher block in region header. */
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/* --------------- Main Menu ------------ */
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/* --------------- Secondary Menu ------------ */

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/* ------------------- Main ------------------- */

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/* ----------------- Featured ----------------- */

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/* --------------- Highlighted ---------------- */

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/* ------------------- Help ------------------- */

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/* ----------------- Content ------------------ */

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/* ----------------- Comments ----------------- */

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/* ------------------ Sidebar ----------------- */
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/* ----------------- Triptych ----------------- */

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/* ------------------ Footer ------------------ */

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/* --------------- System Tabs  --------------- */

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