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 * @file toolbar.js
 * Defines the behavior of the Drupal administration toolbar.
(function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings) {
  "use strict";

  // Merge run-time settings with the defaults.
  var options = $.extend(
      breakpoints: {
        'toolbar.narrow': '',
        'toolbar.standard': '',
        'toolbar.wide': ''
    // Merge strings on top of drupalSettings so that they are not mutable.
      strings: {
        horizontal: Drupal.t('Horizontal orientation'),
        vertical: Drupal.t('Vertical orientation')
   * Registers tabs with the toolbar.
   * The Drupal toolbar allows modules to register top-level tabs. These may point
   * directly to a resource or toggle the visibility of a tray.
   * Modules register tabs with hook_toolbar().
  Drupal.behaviors.toolbar = {
    attach: function (context) {
      // Verify that the user agent understands media queries. Complex admin
      // toolbar layouts require media query support.
      if (!window.matchMedia('only screen').matches) {
      // Process the administrative toolbar.
      $(context).find('#toolbar-administration').once('toolbar', function () {
        // Establish the toolbar models and views.
        var model = Drupal.toolbar.models.toolbarModel = new Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarModel({
          locked: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.trayVerticalLocked')) || false,
          activeTab: document.getElementById(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.activeTabID')))
        Drupal.toolbar.views.toolbarVisualView = new Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarVisualView({
          el: this,
          model: model,
          strings: options.strings
        Drupal.toolbar.views.toolbarAuralView = new Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarAuralView({
          el: this,
          model: model,
          strings: options.strings
        Drupal.toolbar.views.bodyVisualView = new Drupal.toolbar.BodyVisualView({
          el: this,
          model: model
        // Render collapsible menus.
        var menuModel = Drupal.toolbar.models.menuModel = new Drupal.toolbar.MenuModel();
        Drupal.toolbar.views.menuVisualView = new Drupal.toolbar.MenuVisualView({
          el: $(this).find('.toolbar-menu-administration').get(0),
          model: menuModel,
          strings: options.strings
        // Handle the resolution of Drupal.toolbar.setSubtrees.
        // This is handled with a deferred so that the function may be invoked
        // asynchronously.
        Drupal.toolbar.setSubtrees.done(function (subtrees) {
          menuModel.set('subtrees', subtrees);
          localStorage.setItem('Drupal.toolbar.subtrees', JSON.stringify(subtrees));
          // Indicate on the toolbarModel that subtrees are now loaded.
          model.set('areSubtreesLoaded', true);
        // Attach a listener to the configured media query breakpoints.
        for (var label in options.breakpoints) {
          if (options.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(label)) {
            var mq = options.breakpoints[label];
            var mql = Drupal.toolbar.mql[label] = window.matchMedia(mq);
            // Curry the model and the label of the media query breakpoint to the
            // mediaQueryChangeHandler function.
            mql.addListener(Drupal.toolbar.mediaQueryChangeHandler.bind(null, model, label));
            // Fire the mediaQueryChangeHandler for each configured breakpoint
            // so that they process once.
  , model, label, mql);
        // Trigger an initial attempt to load menu subitems. This first attempt
        // is made after the media query handlers have had an opportunity to
        // process. The toolbar starts in the vertical orientation by default,
        // unless the viewport is wide enough to accommodate a horizontal
        // orientation. Thus we give the Toolbar a chance to determine if it
        // should be set to horizontal orientation before attempting to load menu
        // subtrees.

          // Update the model when the viewport offset changes.
          .on('drupalViewportOffsetChange.toolbar', function (event, offsets) {
            model.set('offsets', offsets);

        // Broadcast model changes to other modules.
          .on('change:orientation', function (model, orientation) {
            $(document).trigger('drupalToolbarOrientationChange', orientation);
          .on('change:activeTab', function (model, tab) {
            $(document).trigger('drupalToolbarTabChange', tab);
          .on('change:activeTray', function (model, tray) {
            $(document).trigger('drupalToolbarTrayChange', tray);
   * Toolbar methods of Backbone objects.
  Drupal.toolbar = {

    // A hash of View instances.
    views: {},

    // A hash of Model instances.
    models: {},

    // A hash of MediaQueryList objects tracked by the toolbar.
    mql: {},

     * Accepts a list of subtree menu elements.
     * A deferred object that is resolved by an inlined JavaScript callback.
     * JSONP callback.
     * @see toolbar_subtrees_jsonp().
    setSubtrees: new $.Deferred(),

     * Respond to configured narrow media query changes.
    mediaQueryChangeHandler: function (model, label, mql) {
      switch (label) {
            'isOriented': mql.matches,
            'isTrayToggleVisible': false
          // If the toolbar doesn't have an explicit orientation yet, or if the
          // narrow media query doesn't match then set the orientation to
          // vertical.
          if (!mql.matches || !model.get('orientation')) {
            model.set({'orientation': 'vertical'}, {validate: true});
            'orientation': ((mql.matches) ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical')
          }, {validate: true});
          // The tray orientation toggle visibility does not need to be validated.
            'isTrayToggleVisible': mql.matches
   * A toggle is an interactive element often bound to a click handler.
   * @return {String}
   *   A string representing a DOM fragment.
  Drupal.theme.toolbarOrientationToggle = function () {
    return '<div class="toolbar-toggle-orientation"><div class="toolbar-lining">' +
      '<button class="toolbar-icon" type="button"></button>' +
}(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings));