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if (Drupal.jsEnabled) {
  $(document).ready(function () {
    lastObj = false;
    strs = Drupal.settings.thmrStrings;
    $('body').wrap('<span class="thmr_call" id="thmr_'+Drupal.settings.page_id+'"></span>');
      function () {
        if (themerEnabled && this.parentNode.nodeName != 'BODY' && $(this).attr('thmr_curr') != 1) {
          $(this).css('outline', 'red solid 1px');
      function () {
        if (themerEnabled && $(this).attr('thmr_curr') != 1) {
          $(this).css('outline', 'none');

    var themerEnabled = 0;
    var themerToggle = function () {
      themerEnabled = 1 - themerEnabled;
      $('input', this).attr('checked', themerEnabled ? 'checked' : '');
      $('#themer-popup').css('display', themerEnabled ? 'block' : 'none');
      if (themerEnabled) {
        document.onclick = themerEvent;
        if (lastObj != false) {
          $(lastObj).css('outline', '3px solid #999');
          // turn on the throbber
          $('#themer-toggle img.throbber').show();
          window.setTimeout('spanify()', 100);
      else {
        document.onclick = null;
        if (lastObj != false) {
          $(lastObj).css('outline', 'none');

    $('<div id="themer-toggle"><input type="checkbox" />'+ strs.themer_info + strs.toggle_throbber +'</div>')

        opacity: .6,
        handle: $('#themer-popup .topper')

    // close box
    $('#themer-popup .topper .close').click(function() {
function themerHilight(obj) {
  // hilight the current object (and un-highlight the last)
  if (lastObj != false) {
    $(lastObj).css('outline', 'none').attr('thmr_curr', 0);
  $(obj).css('outline', '#999 solid 3px').attr('thmr_curr', 1);
  lastObj = obj;

function themerDoIt(obj) {
  if (thmrInPop(obj)) {
    return true;
  // start throbber
  $('#themer-popup img.throbber').show();
  var objs = thmrFindParents(obj);
  if (objs.length) {
  return false;

function spanify() {
    .each(function () {
      // make spans around block elements into block elements themselves
      var kids = $(this).children();
      for(i=0;i<kids.length;i++) {
        if ($(kids[i]).css('display') != 'inline' && $(kids[i]).is('DIV, P, ADDRESS, BLOCKQUOTE, CENTER, DIR, DL, FIELDSET, FORM, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, HR, ISINDEX, MENU, NOFRAMES, NOSCRIPT, OL, PRE, TABLE, UL,  DD, DT, FRAMESET, LI, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR')) {
          $(this).css('display', 'block');
  thmrSpanified = true;
  // turn off the throbber
  $('#themer-toggle img.throbber').hide();

function thmrInPop(obj) {
  //is the element in either the popup box or the toggle div?
  if ( == "themer-popup" || == "themer-toggle") return true;
  if (obj.parentNode) {
    while (obj = obj.parentNode) {
      if ("themer-popup" || == "themer-toggle") return true;
  return false;

function themerEvent(e) {
  if (!e) {
    var e = window.event;
  if ( var tg =;
  else if (e.srcElement) var tg = e.srcElement;
  return themerDoIt(tg);

 * Find all parents with class="thmr_call"
function thmrFindParents(obj) {
  var parents = new Array();
  if (obj.className == 'thmr_call') {
    parents[parents.length] = obj;
  if (obj && obj.parentNode) {
    while (obj = obj.parentNode) {
      if (obj.className == 'thmr_call') {
        parents[parents.length] = obj;
  return parents;

 * Check to see if object is a block element
function thmrIsBlock(obj) {
  if ( == 'block') {
    return true;
  else if ( == 'inline' || == 'none') {
    return false;
  if (obj.tagName != undefined) {
    var i = blocks.length;
    if (i > 0) {
      do {
        if (blocks[i] === obj.tagName) {
          return true;
      } while (i--);
  return false;

function thmrRefreshCollapse() {
  $('#themer-popup .devel-obj-output dt').each(function() {
      $(this).toggle(function() {
          }, function() {

Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
 * Rebuild the popup
 * @param objs
 *   The array of the current object and its parents. Current object is first element of the array
function thmrRebuildPopup(objs) {
  // rebuild the popup box
  var id = objs[0].id;
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Jeff Robbins committed
  // vars is the settings array element for this theme item
  var vars = Drupal.settings[id];
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Jeff Robbins committed
  // strs is the translatable strings
  var strs = Drupal.settings.thmrStrings;
  var type = vars.type;
  var key =;

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Jeff Robbins committed
  // clear out the initial "click on any element" starter text
  $('#themer-popup div.starter').empty();

  if (type == 'func') {
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    // populate the function name
    $('#themer-popup dd.key').empty().prepend('<a href="'+ strs.api_site +'api/search/'+ strs.drupal_version +'/'+ key +'" title="'+ strs.drupal_api_docs +'">'+ key +'()</a>');
    $('#themer-popup dt.key-type').empty().prepend(strs.function_called);
  else {
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    // populate the template name
    $('#themer-popup dd.key').empty().prepend(key);
    $('#themer-popup dt.key-type').empty().prepend(strs.template_called);

  // parents
  var parents = '';
  parents = strs.parents +' <span class="parents">';
  for(i=1;i<objs.length;i++) {
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    var pvars = Drupal.settings[objs[i].id];
    parents += i!=1 ? '&lt; ' : '';
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    // populate the parents
    // each parent is wrapped with a span containing a 'trig' attribute with the id of the element it represents
    parents += '<span class="parent" trig="'+ objs[i].id +'">'+ +'</span> ';
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
  // stick the parents spans in the #parents div
  $('#themer-popup #parents').empty().prepend(parents);
  $('#themer-popup span.parent').click(function() {
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    // make them clickable
    $('#'+ $(this).attr('trig')).each(function() { themerDoIt(this) });
  .hover(function() {
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
      // make them highlight their element on mouseover
      $('#'+ $(this).attr('trig')).trigger('mouseover');
    function() {
      // and unhilight on mouseout
      $('#'+ $(this).attr('trig')).trigger('mouseout');
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    // if there's no item in the settings array for this element
    $('#themer-popup dd.candidates').empty();
    $('#themer-popup div.attributes').empty();
    $('#themer-popup div.used').empty();
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    $('#themer-popup div.duration').empty();
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
    $('#themer-popup div.duration').empty().prepend('<span class="dt">' + strs.duration + '</span>' + vars.duration + ' ms');
    $('#themer-popup dd.candidates').empty().prepend(vars.candidates.join('<span class="delimiter"> < </span>'));
    uri = Drupal.settings.devel_themer_uri + '/' + id;
Jeff Robbins's avatar
Jeff Robbins committed
      if (vars.candidates != undefined && vars.candidates.length != 0) {
        // populate the candidates
        $('#themer-popup dt.candidates-type').empty().prepend(strs.candidate_functions);
      $('#themer-popup div.attributes').empty().load(uri).prepend('<h4>'+ strs.function_arguments + '</h4>');
      $('#themer-popup div.used').empty();
    else {
      $('#themer-popup dt.candidates-type').empty().prepend(strs.candidate_files);
      $('#themer-popup div.attributes').empty().load(uri).prepend('<h4>'+ strs.template_variables + '</h4>');
      $('#themer-popup div.used').empty().prepend('<dt>'+ strs.file_used  +'</a></dt><dd><a href="'+ strs.source_link + vars.used +'" title="'+ strs.source_link_title +'">'+ vars.used +'</a></dd>');
  // stop throbber
  $('#themer-popup img.throbber').hide();