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Commerce order number is a module for
Drupal Commerce, that provides an
extensible framework for generating ID independent order numbers.

By default, Commerce sets the ID of the order entity as order number as well,
which leads to gaps (unfinished carts) and not always ascending order numbers.
This can cause problems, if orders are exported to external accounting systems,
when sequential order numbers are presumed.

The number generators are implemented as plugins, so custom ones can easily be
added. The module ships with three default implementations, that cover all the
invoice number generations from the 7.x version of
Commerce Billy. These are
infinite, yearly and monthly increments.

Number formatting options include prefixes and suffixes, as well as number
padding to a fixed string length.


Commerce order number depends on Drupal Commerce, including commerce_order sub

Deprecation notice

This module has been superseded by Commerce 2.15! Commerce 2.15 has added a number generation logic that supports everything this module does + more, so there's no reason for using this module anymore :-)

Please read the Centarro blog post for more info about that incl screenshots!


Commerce order number module was originally developed and is currently
maintained by Mag. Andreas Mayr.

All initial development was sponsored by agoraDesign KG.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
