
This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Blueprint is a starter Drupal theme meant to make development of custom themes faster.

Version 2.0 is now out!

The big improvements are added customization settings on the theme settings page, right-to-left language support, and a more robust system for sub-theming, including a basic starter theme.

NOTE: The Blueprint CSS framework files have now been moved out of the theme folder and into the libraries folder at /sites/all/libraries/blueprint. Additionally support has been added for the Libraries API module allowing you to place the file in any of the locations that the Libraries API supports. This change was made to clean up the theme folder and because while doing Drush updates, the Blueprint CSS files were getting removed.

Make:The 2.x version now includes a .make file for those that use Drush_make that will automagically download the framework files.


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If you have any questions, ideas or bugs, please let us know.

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