Block Instances

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Blocks instances module allows users to render a block in different places when some conditions are met.

A block instance is a set of conditions that determine which block renders in a specified region. Each block instance can render a single block.

Current Features:

  • Display a block multiple times in different regions - and with different weights.
  • Export the block instances using features.
  • Compatible with boxes.
  • Provide two levels of access to administrate the module allowing to:
    • Restrict the regions where a block can be placed.
    • Restrict who can edit the block instance.
    • Restrict which blocks can be rendered in the site.
    • Restrict which regions are available for blocks.
    • Pass arguments to views blocks.

Although Block Instances works in a similar way to Context, both modules are incompatible to display blocks. This means, you can use Context, but not to render blocks..


  • Chaos Tools ctools. 6.x branch

Related projects

The following projects allows to render blocks multiple times too. But they have other specific use cases.

  • Context:
    • Pros: much more flexibility to configure when the block has to be renderd.
    • Cons: Hard to configure for the end user. All contexts are editable without distinction.
  • Multiblock:
    • Pros: much more faster.
    • Cons: Not exportable. Less flexible.

See the screencast:

Project information
