This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

For the moment, there will be no port to D8+ for this module. Instead, please check out this one, which is basically the same:

This module adds 3 autocomplete widgets for CCK fields of type Text and Number.

  • Autocomplete for allowed values list: This widget can be used for Text and Number fields and it takes candidate values from the defined list of Allowed values of the fields. You can even generate your allowed values list using PHP, so the limit to provide a widget with autocomplete features is your imagination!
  • Autocomplete for existing field data: This widget can be used for Text only and it takes candidate values from existing values in the database for that field.
  • (7.x only) Autocomplete for predefined suggestions: This widget can be used for Text only and allows an admin to provide a list of suggestions but still allows users to enter anything they want in a text field. Use this widget to help avoid (but not prevent) variations of the same value. Ex: burger, hamburger, Burger ...
  • (7.x only) Autocomplete for existing field data and some node titles: This widget works just like the "existing field data" widget above except it will also suggest node titles for nodes of a specific content type(s).

All widgets allow you to choose the size of the text element and the method used to match values between 'Starts with' and 'Contains'. You can also enable case sensitive or insensitive matches option. Note however that MySQL may ignore case sensitivity depending on the collation used in your database definition.

When the Internationalization module is enabled, the 'Autocomplete for existing field data' widget also provides an option to filter values by the language assigned to their corresponding nodes. This option allows you to provide a different set of allowed values per language.

Wondering about the differences between this module and other similar modules? Please, read this. Thanks

A new 7.x branch is being maintained by: bleen18

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