Popular searches block
Apache Solr Statistics screenshot

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This is an add-on module for Apache Solr Search Integration that logs each query including keywords, fields and sort options used, the Solr service response times, spellchecker suggestions and number of results returned.


Requires Apache Solr Search Integration.

The charts are generated with the Google Charts API, so while you don't need an API key, you will need a live internet connection to view the charts.


Install and enable module. You must first enable logging at admin/settings/apachesolr/stats before viewing any results.

After a few searches you can see results under admin/reports/apachesolr/stats. Below the report header you can select the report's granularity: per minute, per hour or per day. The reports only include recent activity depending on granularity.


  • you can enable a block that will show users popular searches (but only those that returned any results). The block is cached and refreshed after 10 minutes to ensure performance.
  • you can enable a Google gadget that will allow to you to embed a report into iGoogle or other pages; the provides a secret key that can be "revoked" at any time to disable already-installed gadgets. Configure this in admin/settings/apachesolr/stats.


Track clickthrus on results, facets, spelling suggestions, etc. (e.g. "Facet A has X% clickthru rate vs. Facet B's Y%") to help admins make some design choices with some hard data. One issue currently tackling this is #573006: Improve reporting on facet usage

Also, want a feature? Have a suggestion? Please file an issue.


The current BETA version has been tested in a production environment and seems stable. Feedback welcome!

Project information
