// $Id$ if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { $(document).ready( function() { // Hide the elements we want hidden with JS. $('.js-hide').hide(); // Show the elements we want to expose with JS. $('.js-show').show(); // Add the JS to the delete button if necessary. $('.pm-add-delete').click( function() { var response = confirm(Drupal.settings.privatemsg.deleteMessage); if (response == true) { $('#edit-js-bypass').val(1); } return response; } ); // Add the JS to the folder select if necessary. $('.pm-add-folder-select').change( function() { // click is necessary for right $op. $('#edit-go-folder').each(function() { this.click(); }); } ); // Add the JS to the folder select if necessary. $('#edit-action').change( function() { // click is necessary for right $op. $('#edit-submit').each(function() { this.click(); }); } ); $('.pm-filter-select').change(function() { var table = $('#privatemsg_message_table'); switch (this.value) { case '_privatemsg_delimiter': break; case '_all': case 'all types': table.find('tr td input:checkbox').attr('checked', true); break; case '_read': table.find('tr.pm-new td input:checkbox').attr('checked', false).end() .find('tr:not(.pm-new) td input:checkbox').attr('checked', true); break; case '_unread': table.find('tr.pm-new td input:checkbox').attr('checked', true).end() .find('tr:not(.pm-new) td input:checkbox').attr('checked', false); break; case '_none': table.find('tr td input:checkbox').attr('checked', false); break; case '_invert': table.find('tr td input:checkbox').each(function() { this.checked = !this.checked; }); break; default: var cl = this.value.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/i, '_'); table.find('tr.pm-'+ cl +' td input:checkbox').attr('checked', true).end() .find('tr:not(.pm-'+ cl +') td input:checkbox').attr('checked', false); } var all = true; table.find('td input:checkbox').each(function() { all = all && this.checked; $(this).parents('tr:first')[ this.checked ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('selected'); }); if (Drupal.settings.tableSelect) { var settings = Drupal.settings.tableSelect; table.find('th.select-all input:checkbox').attr('checked', all) .attr('title', all ? settings.selectNone : settings.selectAll); } this.value = '_privatemsg_delimiter'; }); } ); }