26 March 2004 ------------- - Removed custom _form_submit in favor of "attributes" argument in core form_submit (jik) - Added optional "write to author" links under nodes/comments (modified patch by jik) - Minor code updates/cleanup - Update to work with new CVS _user hook changes 9 December 2003 --------------- - updated to function with latest menu system changes - updated to work with latest theme system updates - themeable functions return their output rather than printing it - updated to use theme(page) - grouped themeable functions and added phpDoc comments - added {} to allow table prefixing 23 May 2003, "qui, nell'ascensore?" ---------------------------------- - used $_POST instead of global vars - used theme() instead of $theme 22 May 2003, "day of the Matrix" -------------------------------- - major rewrite - updated to latest cvs, should work in Drupal 4.2 - added folders, you can move messages in folders, empty folders - mail once per day if you have unread messages (user option) - message pruning (move old messages to another table) - list of contacts: it's built automatically looking at users you write to - theme()ized - if you are updating run you just need to run privatemsg.sql 20 August 2002 -------------- - major cleanup, used t() and l() everywhere - minor bugs fixed 19 June 2002 ------------ - cached _privatemsg_get_new_messages(), saves 2-3 queries per page 21 Feburary 2002 ---------------- - moved link to private messages to the user block. - added link to send messages to user info pages. - some XHTML changes. - user system has changed from $user->id to $user->uid. 19 December 2001 "giuro che mi trattengo" -------------------------- - sent messages; sender can delete unread messages (optional, see settings) - messages splitted in pages, setting for "how many messages per page" 15 December 2001 "nice evening" -------------------------- - privatemsg_get_link() to add theme support; see INSTALL - throttle to limit abuse; setting in admin for max send rate - checked sql indexing and added index to recipient (should we index author?) - save sender ip address - code cleanup (less global variables, use drupal form functions, better date format in list, comply to coding standards) - minor cosmetic changes 12 December 2001 -------------------------- - initial release.