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  1. Apr 29, 2002
  2. Apr 02, 2002
  3. Feb 21, 2002
    • Kjartan Mannes's avatar
      21 Feburary 2002 · 09d9ad4e
      Kjartan Mannes authored
      - moved link to private messages to the user block.
      - added link to send messages to user info pages.
      - some XHTML changes.
      - user system has changed from $user->id to $user->uid.
  4. Dec 20, 2001
    • Marco Molinari's avatar
      - sent messages; sender can delete unread messages (optional, see settings) · e50464be
      Marco Molinari authored
      - messages splitted in pages, setting for "how many messages per page"
      - privatemsg_get_link() to add theme support; see INSTALL
      - throttle to limit abuse; setting in admin for max send rate
      - checked sql indexing and added index to recipient
      - save sender ip address
      - code cleanup (less global variables, use drupal form functions, better date format in list, comply to coding standards)
      - minor cosmetic changes