0) { $robots_meta = implode(', ', $robots_meta); $robots_meta = "\n"; } else { $robots_meta = ''; } return $robots_meta; } /** * Post-processor that fills the array for the template with common details * * @param $node * generated node with a printer-friendly node body * @param $message * optional sender's message (used by the send e-mail module) * @param $cid * id of current comment being generated (NULL when not generating * an individual comment) * @return * array with the fields to be used in the template */ function _print_var_generator($node, $message = NULL, $cid = NULL) { global $base_url, $language; $path = empty($node->nid) ? $node->path : "node/$node->nid"; $themed = theme('print_text'); // print module settings $print_css = variable_get('print_css', PRINT_CSS_DEFAULT); $print_urls = variable_get('print_urls', PRINT_URLS_DEFAULT); $print_logo_options = variable_get('print_logo_options', PRINT_LOGO_OPTIONS_DEFAULT); $print_logo_url = variable_get('print_logo_url', PRINT_LOGO_URL_DEFAULT); $print_html_sendtoprinter = variable_get('print_html_sendtoprinter', PRINT_HTML_SENDTOPRINTER_DEFAULT); $print_sourceurl_enabled = variable_get('print_sourceurl_enabled', PRINT_SOURCEURL_ENABLED_DEFAULT); $print_sourceurl_forcenode = variable_get('print_sourceurl_forcenode', PRINT_SOURCEURL_FORCENODE_DEFAULT); $print_sourceurl_date = variable_get('print_sourceurl_date', PRINT_SOURCEURL_DATE_DEFAULT); $print['language'] = $language->language; $print['title'] = $node->title; $print['head'] = drupal_get_html_head(); $print['scripts'] = drupal_get_js(); $print['robots_meta'] = _print_robots_meta_generator(); $print['url'] = url($path, array('absolute' => TRUE)); $print['base_href'] = "\n"; $print['favicon'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_favicon') ? "\n" : ''; $css_files = array(); if (!empty($print_css)) { $replace_pairs = array('%b' => base_path(), '%t' => path_to_theme()); $css_files[] = strip_tags(strtr($print_css, $replace_pairs)); } else { $css_files[] = base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'print') .'/print.css'; } // If the current language is RTL add the RTL stylesheet. if (defined('LANGUAGE_RTL') && $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL) { $css_files[] = base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'print') .'/print-rtl.css'; } // Add CCK's CSS file to properly display the fields if (module_exists('content')) { $css_files[] = base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'content') .'/theme/content.css'; } // If we are sending a message via e-mail, the CSS must be embedded if (!empty($message)) { $style = ''; $pattern = '!^'. base_path() .'!'; foreach ($css_files as $filename) { // Convert to a local path, by removing the base_path $filename = preg_replace($pattern, '', $filename); $res = file_get_contents($filename, TRUE); if ($res != FALSE) { $style .= $res; } } $print['css'] = "\n"; } else { $print['css'] = ''; foreach ($css_files as $value) { $print['css'] .= "\n"; } } $print['sendtoprinter'] = $print_html_sendtoprinter ? ' onload="window.print();"' : ''; switch ($print_logo_options) { case 0: // none $logo_url = 0; break; case 1: // theme's $logo_url = theme_get_setting('logo'); break; case 2: // user-specifed $logo_url = strip_tags($print_logo_url); break; } $print['logo'] = $logo_url ? "\n" : ''; $published_site = variable_get('site_name', 0); if ($published_site) { $published = (empty($themed['published'])) ? t('Published on %site_name', array('%site_name' => $published_site)) : ($themed['published'] .' '. $published_site); $print['site_name'] = $published .' ('. l($base_url, $base_url) .')'; } else { $print['site_name'] = ''; } if ($print_sourceurl_enabled == 1) { /* Grab and format the src URL */ if (empty($print_sourceurl_forcenode)) { $url = $print['url']; } else { $url = $base_url .'/'. (((bool)variable_get('clean_url', '0')) ? '' : '?q=') . $path; } if ($cid) { $url .= '#comment-$cid'; } $retrieved_date = format_date(time(), 'small'); $retrieved = (empty($themed['retrieved'])) ? t('retrieved on %date', array('%date' => $retrieved_date)) : ($themed['retrieved'] .' '. $retrieved_date); $print['printdate'] = $print_sourceurl_date ? " ($retrieved)" : ''; $source_url = (empty($themed['sourceURL'])) ? t('Source URL') : $themed['sourceURL']; $print['source_url'] = ''. $source_url . $print['printdate'] .': '. l($url, $url); } else { $print['source_url'] = ''; } if (isset($node->type)) { $node_type = $node->type; if (theme_get_setting('toggle_node_info_$node_type')) { $by_author = ($node->name ? $node->name : variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous'))); $by = (empty($themed['by'])) ? t('By %author', array('%author' => $by_author)) : ($themed['by'] .' '. $by_author); $print['submitted'] = $by; $created_datetime = format_date($node->created, 'small'); $created = (empty($themed['created'])) ? t('Created %date', array('%date' => $created_datetime)) : ($themed['created'] .' '. $created_datetime); $print['created'] = $created; } else { $print['submitted'] = ''; $print['created'] = ''; } $print['type'] = $node->type; } else { $print['submitted'] = ''; $print['created'] = ''; $print['type'] = ''; } menu_set_active_item($path); $breadcrumb = drupal_get_breadcrumb(); if (!empty($breadcrumb)) { $breadcrumb[] = menu_get_active_title(); $print['breadcrumb'] = implode(' > ', $breadcrumb); } else { $print['breadcrumb'] = ''; } // Display the collected links at the bottom of the page. Code once taken from Kjartan Mannes' project.module if (!empty($print_urls)) { $urls = _print_friendly_urls(); $max = count($urls); $pfp_links = ''; if ($max) { for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $pfp_links .= '['. ($i + 1) .'] '. $urls[$i] ."
\n"; } $links = (empty($themed['links'])) ? t('Links') : $themed['links']; $print['pfp_links'] = "


"; } } if (module_exists('taxonomy')) { $terms = taxonomy_link('taxonomy terms', $node); $print['taxonomy'] = theme('links', $terms); } $print['content'] = $node->body; $print['node'] = $node; $print['message'] = $message; $print['footer_message'] = filter_xss_admin(variable_get('site_footer', FALSE)) ."\n". theme('blocks', 'footer') ; return $print; } /** * Callback function for the preg_replace_callback for URL-capable patterns * * Manipulate URLs to make them absolute in the URLs list, and to add a * [n] footnote marker. * * @param $matches * array with the matched tag patterns, usually +text+ * @return * tag with re-written URL and when appropriate the [n] index to the * URL list */ function _print_rewrite_urls($matches) { global $base_url, $base_root; // Get value of Printer-friendly URLs setting $print_urls = variable_get('print_urls', PRINT_URLS_DEFAULT); // first, split the html into the different tag attributes $pattern = '!\s*(\w+\s*=\s*"(?:\\\"|[^"])*")\s*|\s*(\w+\s*=\s*\'(?:\\\'|[^\'])*\')\s*|\s*(\w+\s*=\s\w+)\s*|\s+!im'; $attribs = preg_split($pattern, $matches[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($attribs as $key => $value) { $attribs[$key] = preg_replace('!(\w)\s*=\s*(.*)!', '$1=$2', $value); } $size = count($attribs); for ($i=1; $i < $size; $i++) { // If the attribute is href or src, we may need to rewrite the URL in the value if (preg_match('!^(?:href|src)\s*?=(.*)!i', $attribs[$i], $urls) > 0) { $url = trim($urls[1], " \t\n\r\0\x0B\"'"); if (strpos($url, '://') || preg_match('!^mailto:.*?@.*?\..*?$!iu', $url)) { // URL is absolute, do nothing $newurl = urldecode($url); } else { if ($url[0] == '#') { // URL is an anchor tag if (!empty($print_urls)) { $path = explode('/', $_GET['q']); unset($path[0]); $path = implode('/', $path); if (is_numeric($path)) { $path = "node/$path"; } // Printer-friendly URLs is on, so we need to make it absolute $newurl = url($path, array('fragment' => substr(urldecode($url), 1), 'absolute' => TRUE)); } // Because base href is the original page, change the link to // still be usable inside the print page $matches[1] = str_replace($url, $_GET['q'] . $url, $matches[1]); } else { // URL is relative, convert it into absolute URL if ($url[0] == '/') { // If it starts with '/' just append it to the server name $newurl = $base_root .'/'. trim(urldecode($url), '/'); } elseif (preg_match('!^(?:index.php)?\?q=!i', $url)) { // If it starts with ?q=, just prepend with the base URL $newurl = $base_url .'/'. trim(urldecode($url), '/'); } else { $newurl = url(trim(urldecode($url), '/'), array('absolute' => TRUE)); } } } } } $ret = '<'. $matches[1] .'>'; if (count($matches) == 4) { $ret .= $matches[2] . $matches[3]; if ((!empty($print_urls)) && (isset($newurl))) { $ret .= ' ['. _print_friendly_urls(trim(stripslashes($newurl))) .']'; } } return $ret; } /** * Auxiliary function to store the Printer-friendly URLs list as static. * * @param $url * absolute URL to be inserted in the list * @return * list of URLs previously stored if $url is 0, or the current count * otherwise. */ function _print_friendly_urls($url = 0) { static $urls = array(); if ($url) { $url_idx = array_search($url, $urls); if ($url_idx !== FALSE) { return ($url_idx + 1); } else { $urls[] = $url; return count($urls); } } $ret = $urls; $urls = array(); return $ret; } /** * Choose most appropriate template * * Auxiliary function to resolve the most appropriate template trying to find * a content specific template in the theme or module dir before falling back * on a generic template also in those dirs. * * @param format * format of the PF page being rendered (html, pdf, etc.) * @param $type * name of the node type being rendered in a PF page * @return * filename of the most suitable template */ function _print_get_template($format = NULL, $type = NULL) { $filenames = array(); // First try to find a template defined both for the format and then the type if (!empty($format) && !empty($type)) { $filenames[] = "print_$format.node-$type.tpl.php"; } // Then only for the format if (!empty($format)) { $filenames[] = "print_$format.tpl.php"; } // If the node type is known, then try to find that type's template file if (!empty($type)) { $filenames[] = "print.node-$type.tpl.php"; } // Finally search for a generic template file $filenames[] = 'print.tpl.php'; foreach ($filenames as $value) { // First in the theme directory $file = drupal_get_path('theme', $GLOBALS['theme_key']) .'/'. $value; if (file_exists($file)) { return $file; } // Then in the module directory $file = drupal_get_path('module', 'print') .'/'. $value; if (file_exists($file)) { return $file; } } } /** * Prepare a Printer-friendly-ready node body for content nodes * * @param $nid * node ID of the node to be rendered into a printer-friendly page * @param $cid * comment ID of the individual comment to be rendered * @param $teaser * if set to TRUE, outputs only the node's teaser * @param $message * optional sender's message (used by the send e-mail module) * @return * filled array ready to be used in the template */ function _print_generate_node($nid, $cid = NULL, $teaser = FALSE, $message = NULL) { // We can take a node id $node = node_load(array('nid' => $nid)); if (!node_access('view', $node)) { // Access is denied return drupal_access_denied(); } drupal_set_title($node->title); //alert other modules that we are generating a printer-friendly page, so they can choose to show/hide info $node->printing = TRUE; // Turn off Pagination by the Paging module unset($node->pages); unset($node->page_count); if ($teaser) { unset($node->body); } else { unset($node->teaser); } $node = (object)$node; if ($cid === NULL) { // Adapted (simplified) version of node_view for Drupal 5.x //Render the node content $node = node_build_content($node, $teaser, TRUE); // Disable fivestar widget output unset($node->content['fivestar_widget']); // Disable service links module output unset($node->content['service_links']); $node->body = drupal_render($node->content); //TODO the following was part of the fix for http://drupal.org/node/254863 //check if it is reproducible and find the exact condition which //triggered it //$node->body = html_entity_decode($node->body); } $print_comments = variable_get('print_comments', PRINT_COMMENTS_DEFAULT); if (function_exists('comment_render') && (($cid != NULL) || ($print_comments))) { //Print only the requested comment (or if $cid is NULL, all of them) $comments = comment_render($node, $cid); //Remove the comment forms $comments = preg_replace('!.*?!sim', '', $comments); //Remove the 'Post new comment' title $comments = preg_replace('!Post new comment!', '', $comments); //Remove the comment title hyperlink $comments = preg_replace('!()()(.*?)()!', '$1$3$4', $comments); //Remove the comment author link $pattern = '!()!sim'; if (preg_match($pattern, $comments)) { $comments = preg_replace($pattern , '$1$2$3$4', $comments); } //Remove the comment links $comments = preg_replace('!\s*!sim', '', $comments); if ($cid != NULL) { // Single comment requested, output only the comment unset($node->body); } $node->body .= $comments; } node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'alter', FALSE, TRUE); // Convert the a href elements $pattern = '!<(a\s[^>]*?)>(.*?)()!is'; $node->body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $node->body); init_theme(); $print = _print_var_generator($node, $message, $cid); return $print; } /** * Prepare a Printer-friendly-ready node body for non-content pages * * @param $path * path of the node to be rendered into a printer-friendly page * @param $teaser * if set to TRUE, outputs only the node's teaser * @param $message * optional sender's message (used by the send e-mail module) * @return * filled array ready to be used in the template */ function _print_generate_path($path, $teaser = FALSE, $message = NULL) { $path = drupal_get_normal_path($path); menu_set_active_item($path); // Adapted from index.php. $node = new stdClass(); $node->body = menu_execute_active_handler($path); $node->title = drupal_get_title(); $node->path = $path; // It may happen that a drupal_not_found is called in the above call if (preg_match('/404 Not Found/', drupal_get_headers()) == 1) { return; } if (is_int($node->body)) { switch ($node->body) { case MENU_NOT_FOUND: return drupal_not_found(); break; case MENU_ACCESS_DENIED: return drupal_access_denied(); break; } } // Delete any links area $node->body = preg_replace('!\s*!sim', '', $node->body); // Convert the a href elements $pattern = '!<(a\s[^>]*?)>(.*?)()!is'; $node->body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $node->body); init_theme(); $print = _print_var_generator($node, $message); return $print; } /** * Prepare a Printer-friendly-ready node body for book pages * * @param $nid * node ID of the node to be rendered into a printer-friendly page * @param $teaser * if set to TRUE, outputs only the node's teaser * @param $message * optional sender's message (used by the send e-mail module) * @return * filled array ready to be used in the template */ function _print_generate_book($nid, $teaser = FALSE, $message = NULL) { $node = node_load(array('nid' => $nid)); if (!node_access('view', $node) || (!user_access('access printer-friendly version'))) { // Access is denied return drupal_access_denied(); } $tree = book_menu_subtree_data($node->book); $node->body = book_export_traverse($tree, 'book_node_export'); // Convert the a href elements $pattern = '!<(a\s[^>]*?)>(.*?)()!is'; $node->body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $node->body); init_theme(); $print = _print_var_generator($node, $message); // The title is already displayed by the book_recurse, so avoid duplication $print['title'] = ''; return $print; }