array( 'closeText' => t('Close Window'), 'closeImage' => theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-delete.png'), t('Close window'), t('Close window')), 'throbber' => theme('image', panels_get_path('images/throbber.gif'), t('Loading...'), t('Loading')), )); if ($modals) { $ajax['panels']['modals'] = $modals; } drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/panels-base.js')); drupal_add_js($ajax, 'setting'); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/dimensions.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/mc.js')); drupal_add_js('misc/jquery.form.js'); drupal_add_js('misc/autocomplete.js'); drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js'); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/modal_forms.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/checkboxes.js')); } /** * Based upon Views' views_ajax_form_wrapper, respecialed to Panels' needs. */ function panels_ajax_form_wrapper($form_id, &$form_state) { // This won't override settings already in. $form_state += array( 're_render' => FALSE, 'no_redirect' => !empty($form_state['ajax']), ); $output = drupal_build_form($form_id, $form_state); if (!empty($form_state['ajax']) && empty($form_state['executed'])) { // If the form didn't execute and we're using ajax, build up a // json command object to render. $object = new stdClass(); $object->output = ''; $object->type = 'display'; if ($messages = theme('status_messages')) { $object->output = '
' . $messages . '
'; } $object->output .= $output; $object->title = empty($form_state['title']) ? '' : $form_state['title']; if (!empty($form_state['help_topic'])) { $module = !empty($form_state['help_module']) ? $form_state['help_module'] : 'panels'; $object->title = theme('advanced_help_topic', $module, $form_state['help_topic']) . $object->title; } $object->url = empty($form_state['url']) ? url($_GET['q'], array('absolute' => TRUE)) : $form_state['url']; $object->js = empty($form_state['js settings']) ? NULL : $form_state['js settings']; $output = $object; } // These forms have the title built in, so set the title here: if (empty($form_state['ajax']) && !empty($form_state['title'])) { drupal_set_title($form_state['title']); } return $output; } /** * @todo -- move this somewhere more useful. */ function panels_ajax_image_button($image, $dest, $alt, $class = '') { return panels_ajax_text_button(theme('image', panels_get_path("images/$image")), $dest, $alt, $class); } /** * Note: 'html' => true so be sure any text is vetted! Chances are these kinds of buttons will * not use user input so this is a very minor concern. * */ function panels_ajax_text_button($text, $dest, $alt, $class = '') { return l($text, $dest, array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('class' => "panels-ajax-link $class", 'title' => $alt, 'alt' => $alt))); } /** * Simple render function to make sure output is what we want. * @ingroup panels_ajax */ function panels_ajax_render($output = NULL, $title = NULL, $url = NULL) { if (!is_object($output)) { $temp = new stdClass(); $temp->output = $output; switch ($output) { case 'dismiss': $temp->type = $output; break; default: $temp->type = 'display'; } $temp->title = $title; $temp->url = $url; $output = $temp; } if (!$output->output || !$output->type) { $output->output = t('The input was invalid'); $output->type = 'display'; $output->title = t('Error'); } drupal_json($output); exit; }