; $Id$ [advanced help settings] line break = TRUE [about] title = What is Panels weight = -100 [about-layouts] title = Selecting and modifying layouts parent = about [about-styles] title = Panel styles parent = about [about-cache] title = Using caching with Panels parent = about [about-context] title = Understanding contexts weight = 10 parent = about [common-tasks] title = Accomplishing common tasks in Panels weight = -50 [tutorial-landing] title = Creating a simple landing page [tutorial-node] title = Styling a node page [tutorial-vocabulary] title = Styling a vocabulary [apps] title = Panel applications [panels-pages] title = Panel pages parent = apps [panels-mini] title = Mini panels parent = apps [panels-node] title = Panel nodes parent = apps [glossary] title = Panels glossary of terms [api] title = Panels API weight = 100 [api-defaults] title = Creating default panel objects parent = api [plugin-layout] title = Creating layout plugins parent = api [plugin-style] title = Creating style plugins parent = api