### IMPORTANT! * Don't run any installer via sudo. You must be logged in as root or `sudo -i` first. * Don't run any system updates before running Barracuda installer. You should use vanilla system. * Please never use HEAD version on any production server. Always use Stable. The HEAD can be occasionally broken and should be used **only** for testing! ### Installing BOA system on a public server/VPS 1. Configure your domain DNS to point its wildcard enabled A record to your server IP address, and make sure it propagated on the Internet by trying `host server.mydomain.org` or `getent hosts server.mydomain.org` command on any other server/system. See our DNS wildcard configuration example for reference: http://bit.ly/UM2nRb NOTE! You shouldn't use anything like "mydomain.org" as your hostname. It should be some **subdomain**, like "server.mydomain.org". You **don't** need to configure your hostname (on the server) before running BOA installer, since BOA will do that for you, automatically. 2. Please read docs/NOTES.txt for other related details. 3. Download and run BOA Meta Installer. $ cd;wget -q -U iCab http://files.aegir.cc/BOA.sh.txt;bash BOA.sh.txt 4. Install Barracuda and Octopus. You must specify the kind of install with {in-stable|in-head|in-legacy}, location with {local|public}, your hostname and e-mail address, as shown below. Specifying Octopus username is optional. It will use "o1" if empty. The one before last part {ask|mini|max|stock} is optional, if you wish to control Octopus platforms install mode, as explained below. Note that none === "ask" which is default. The special "stock" option allows you to install non-BOA, vanilla Aegir 2.x version, useful **only** for testing/debugging, but it will automatically force in-head install. If not sure, don't even try this, because most of the time it will be (probably) broken. The last {newrelickey} part is optional, if you wish to install and auto-magically enable both New Relic Apps and Server Monitor. It must be a valid New Relic license key - even if it is their free Lite option. # Stable on public server - prompt for every platform install $ boa in-stable public server.mydomain.org my@email o1 # Stable on public server - no prompt with 3xD6 + 3xD7 + Atrium only $ boa in-stable public server.mydomain.org my@email o1 mini # Stable on public server - no prompt with all platforms and New Relic $ boa in-stable public server.mydomain.org my@email o1 max newrelickey To install HEAD instead of Stable, use the same commands, but replace "in-stable" with "in-head" To install Legacy version instead of Stable, use the same commands, but replace "in-stable" with "in-legacy" The Legacy version is currently the last Edition in the 2.1.x series, and will move gradually to 2.2.x series when 2.3.x will be released. It still supports Drupal 5 and uses Drush 4 along with older Aegir version. Note that once you will install current Stable or HEAD, you can't downgrade back to Legacy version! ### Installing BOA system on localhost 1. Please read docs/NOTES.txt 2. Download and run BOA Meta Installer. $ cd;wget -q -U iCab http://files.aegir.cc/BOA.sh.txt;bash BOA.sh.txt 3. Install Barracuda and Octopus. You must specify the kind of install with {in-stable|in-head}, location with {local|public}, and your e-mail address, as shown below. For local installs you don't need to specify hostname and Octopus username, as it is fully automated. The last {ask|mini|max} part is optional, if you wish to control Octopus platforms install mode, as explained below - none is the same as "ask". # Stable on localhost - prompt for every platform install $ boa in-stable local my@email # Stable on localhost - no prompt with 3xD6 + 3xD7 + Atrium only $ boa in-stable local my@email mini # Stable on localhost - no prompt with all platforms installed $ boa in-stable local my@email max To install HEAD instead of Stable, use the same commands, but replace "in-stable" with "in-head" To install Legacy version instead of Stable, use the same commands, but replace "in-stable" with "in-legacy" The Legacy version is the last Edition in the 2.2.x series which still supported Drupal 5 and used Drush 4 along with older Aegir version. Note that once you have current stable or head installed, you can't go back to legacy version. ### Installing more Octopus instances You can either run OCTOPUS.sh.txt directly or just run the same boa command again with new usernames - it will run Barracuda upgrade first and then new Octopus instance install - automatically. Example: $ boa in-stable public server.mydomain.org my@email o2 mini $ boa in-stable public server.mydomain.org my@email o3 $ boa in-stable public server.mydomain.org my@email o4 max