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  1. Feb 25, 2011
  2. Apr 19, 2008
    • John C Fiala's avatar
      * Fixed problem with having javascript load at the bottom of the page - a... · c302db1d
      John C Fiala authored
       * Fixed problem with having javascript load at the bottom of the page - a non-drupal_add_js'd jquery
          call was causing it to crash in some instances.  Now that is handled using old school js.
       * Added ability for late-loading of carousels.  Instead of having to load on document.ready, there's
          a javascript function that you can call when you know that nodecarousel will be visible.
       * Made the jquery selectors that had shown the Loading... and switched on the <ul> more specific,
          which was needed when some nodecarousels would load on document.ready and others wouldn't.
       * Created a surrounding div, with an id of 'nc_wrapper_'.name of the carousel, to make theming easier.
       * Nodecarousel default theming now tries to find an image in the result of a node_load operation,
          and displays that in the default theme.  Still overrideable with theme_nodecarousel_node.
       * Added various db_rewrite_sql calls throughout for better security.
       * Unpublished nodes are not displayed in carousels.
       * Now, if you have views installed, nodecarousel allows you to use a view you've established as a
          node source.
       * No longer depends on nodequeue to be used - instead, if nodequeue is not loaded, it will not
          be presented as an option.
       * #231461: Fixed problem with not all SQL table names being surrounded by {}.
  3. Feb 01, 2008
  4. Jan 30, 2008
  5. Jan 28, 2008
  6. Oct 17, 2007