applyUpdates(); // Allow visitor account creation with administrative approval. $user_settings = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('user.settings'); $user_settings->set('register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL)->save(); // Enable default permissions for system roles. user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, array('access comments')); user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID, array('access comments', 'post comments', 'skip comment approval')); // Assign user 1 the "administrator" role. $user = User::load(1); $user->addRole('administrator'); $user->save(); user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, array('access site-wide contact form')); user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID, array('access site-wide contact form')); // Allow authenticated users to use shortcuts. user_role_grant_permissions(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, array('access shortcuts')); // Populate the default shortcut set. $shortcut = Shortcut::create(array( 'shortcut_set' => 'default', 'title' => t('Add content'), 'weight' => -20, 'link' => array('uri' => 'internal:/node/add'), )); $shortcut->save(); $shortcut = Shortcut::create(array( 'shortcut_set' => 'default', 'title' => t('All content'), 'weight' => -19, 'link' => array('uri' => 'internal:/admin/content'), )); $shortcut->save(); // Enable the admin theme. \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('node.settings')->set('use_admin_theme', '1')->save(); // ** CONTENT IMPORT ********************************************************* // Preload roles as helper for the user creation. Indexed by label. $roles = array(); $role_entities = Role::loadMultiple(); foreach ($role_entities as $role) { $roles[$role->label()] = $role; } // Create files first because we attach them to users and products as well. $images = array(); $files = glob(__DIR__ . '/content/images/*.jpg'); foreach ($files as $file_name) { file_unmanaged_copy($file_name, 'public://' . basename($file_name)); $image = File::create(array('uri' => 'public://' . basename($file_name))); $image->save(); $images[basename($file_name)] = $image; } // Create users based on the CSV. $users = array(); $handle = fopen(__DIR__ . '/content/d8mi-demo-content-user.csv', 'r'); $index = 0; while ($line = fgetcsv($handle)) { $index++; if ($index < 3) { continue; } // Roles are provided by label of role, not id of role. Convert. $user_roles = array('authenticated'); if (!empty($line[2])) { foreach (explode(',', $line[2]) as $role_label) { if (isset($roles[$role_label])) { $user_roles[] = $roles[$role_label]->id(); } } } $user = User::create( array( 'name' => $line[0], // Password same as name, this is a demo profile after all. 'pass' => $line[0], 'mail' => $line[1], 'init' => $line[1], 'langcode' => $line[3], 'preferred_langcode' => $line[3], 'field_bio' => array('value' => $line[6], 'format' => 'basic_html'), 'status' => 1, 'roles' => $user_roles, ) ); if (!empty($images[$line[4]])) { $user->user_picture = array(array('target_id' => $images[$line[4]]->id())); } if (!empty($line[5])) { $user->field_interests = multilingual_demo_install_terms('interests', $line[5]); } $user->save(); $users[$line[0]] = $user; } fclose($handle); // Create products based on the CSV. /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node[] $products */ $products = array(); $product_interests = array(); $handle = fopen(__DIR__ . '/content/d8mi-demo-content-product.csv', 'r'); $index = 0; while ($line = fgetcsv($handle)) { $index++; if ($index < 3) { continue; } if ($line[1] == 'en') { $node = Node::create( array( 'type' => 'product', 'langcode' => $line[1], 'title' => $line[3], 'body' => array('value' => $line[6], 'format' => 'basic_html'), 'field_subtitle' => $line[4], 'field_product_id' => $line[2], 'field_price' => $line[7], 'field_currency' => $line[8], 'uid' => 1, 'sticky' => 1, ) ); if (!empty($images[$line[9]])) { $node->field_image = array(array('target_id' => $images[$line[9]]->id())); } if (!empty($line[5])) { $product_interests[$line[0]] = explode(',', $line[5]); $node->field_interests = multilingual_demo_install_terms('interests', $line[5]); } $node->save(); $products[$line[2]] = $node; } else { // When saving a translation, we already have the node (English comes // first in our case), just need to take a translation language and save // specific values. We put the node back into the local array again for // reference. $entity_array = $products[$line[2]]->toArray(); $translated_fields = array( 'title' => $line[3], 'body' => array('value' => $line[6], 'format' => 'basic_html'), 'field_subtitle' => $line[4], ); $translated_entity_array = array_merge($entity_array, $translated_fields); $products[$line[2]]->addTranslation( $line[1], $translated_entity_array ); $products[$line[2]]->save(); if (!empty($line[5])) { // If the translation has terms, create translations of the original // terms, if not already present. The field is not translatable, so this // does not affect the node. $english_terms = $product_interests[$line[0]]; foreach (explode(',', $line[5]) as $id => $translated_term) { /** @var Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term[] $terms */ $terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager() ->getStorage('taxonomy_term') ->loadByProperties(array('name' => trim($english_terms[$id]), 'vid' => 'interests')); if (count($terms)) { $term = array_shift($terms); if (!$term->hasTranslation($line[1])) { $term->addTranslation( $line[1], array( 'name' => trim($translated_term) ) ); $term->save(); } } } } } } fclose($handle); // Create pages based on the CSV. /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node[] $pages */ $pages = array(); $handle = fopen(__DIR__ . '/content/d8mi-demo-content-page.csv', 'r'); $index = 0; while ($line = fgetcsv($handle)) { $index++; if ($index < 3) { continue; } if ($line[4] == 'en') { $node = Node::create( array( 'type' => 'page', 'langcode' => $line[4], 'title' => $line[1], 'body' => array('value' => $line[3], 'format' => 'basic_html'), 'sticky' => 1, ) ); $node->save(); $pages[$line[0]] = $node; } else { // When saving a translation, we already have the node (English comes // first in our case), just need to take a translation language and save // specific values. We put the node back into the local array again for // reference. $pages[$line[0]]->addTranslation( $line[4], array( 'title' => $line[1], 'body' => array('value' => $line[3], 'format' => 'basic_html'), ) ); $pages[$line[0]]->save(); } /** @var \Drupal\Core\Path\AliasStorageInterface $path_aliases */ $path_aliases = \Drupal::service('path.alias_storage'); $path_aliases->save( '/node/' . $pages[$line[0]]->id(), '/' . $line[2], // Save without specific language for original content. ($line[4] == 'en' ? LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED : $line[4]) ); } fclose($handle); // Create menu items based on the CSV. /** @var \Drupal\menu_link_content\Entity\MenuLinkContent[] $menus */ $menus = array(); $handle = fopen(__DIR__ . '/content/d8mi-demo-content-menu.csv', 'r'); $index = 0; while ($line = fgetcsv($handle)) { $index++; if ($index < 3) { continue; } if ($line[4] == 'en') { $item = MenuLinkContent::create( array( 'title' => $line[1], 'menu_name' => $line[2], 'link' => ['uri' => 'internal:/' . $line[3]], 'langcode' => $line[4], 'weight' => $line[5], 'bundle' => 'menu_link_content' ) ); $item->save(); $menus[$line[0]] = $item; } else { // When saving a translation, we already have the item (English comes // first in our case), just need to take a translation language and save // specific values. We put the item back into the local array again for // reference. $menus[$line[0]]->addTranslation( $line[4], array( 'title' => $line[1], ) ); $menus[$line[0]]->save(); } } fclose($handle); // Create custom blocks based on the CSV. /** @var Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContent[] $blocks */ $blocks = array(); $block_title_translations = array(); $handle = fopen(__DIR__ . '/content/d8mi-demo-content-block.csv', 'r'); $index = 0; while ($line = fgetcsv($handle)) { $index++; if ($index < 3) { continue; } if ($line[3] == 'en') { $item = BlockContent::create( array( 'info' => $line[1], 'type' => 'basic', 'body' => array('value' => $line[2], 'format' => 'basic_html'), 'langcode' => $line[3], ) ); $item->save(); $blocks[$line[0]] = $item; } else { // When saving a translation, we already have the item (English comes // first in our case), just need to take a translation language and save // specific values. We put the item back into the local array again for // reference. $blocks[$line[0]]->addTranslation( $line[3], array( 'info' => $line[1], 'type' => 'basic', 'body' => array('value' => $line[2], 'format' => 'basic_html'), ) ); $blocks[$line[0]]->save(); $block_title_translations[$line[0]][$line[3]] = $line[1]; } } fclose($handle); // The custom block placements need to be adjusted with the content UUID. Also // translations need to be saved dynamically as we cannot ship them. $block_placements = array( 1 => 'block.block.demotheme_explorewithus', 2 => 'block.block.demotheme_drupal8demo', ); $yaml_parser = new Parser(); foreach ($block_placements as $block_id => $placement_name) { if (isset($blocks[$block_id])) { $yaml = $yaml_parser->parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/content/' . $placement_name . '.yml')); $yaml['plugin'] = $yaml['settings']['id'] = 'block_content:' . $blocks[$block_id]->uuid(); $block_placement = Block::create($yaml); $block_placement->save(); // Save block placement title translations in config. foreach($block_title_translations[$block_id] as $langcode => $title) { \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageConfigOverride($langcode, $placement_name)->set('settings.label', $title)->save(); } } } // Set the default front page to 'home' page provided by views. \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('')->set('page.front', '/home')->save(); } /** * Helper function to save terms. * * @param string $vocabulary * Vocabulary name. * @param string $term_names * List of terms separated by comma. * @return array * Arrays with target_id keys to save to entity. */ function multilingual_demo_install_terms($vocabulary, $term_names) { $term_ids = array(); foreach (explode(',', $term_names) as $term_name) { $term_name = trim($term_name); // The term may already exist in this vocabulary. $terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager() ->getStorage('taxonomy_term') ->loadByProperties(array('name' => $term_name, 'vid' => $vocabulary)); if (empty($terms)) { // If not, create a new one. $term = Term::create( array( 'name' => $term_name, 'vid' => $vocabulary, ) ); $term->save(); } else { // If found, there should be only one. $term = array_shift($terms); } $term_ids[] = array('target_id' => $term->id()); } return $term_ids; }