Next release ============ Features and enhancements - #1226768 - Improved exception handling. - #1185632 - Handle headers in CSV source plugin. Bug fixes - #1225636 - File field: fixed warnings, added docs. - #1227130 - On import, clear messages before applyMappings(). - #1195802 - Fixed SQL Server problem handling end of batch; brought Oracle/SQL Server implementations in line with each other. - #1205278 - Fixed file entity rollback to preserve files when requested. - #1223468 - Make sure getIDsFromXML always returns an array. - #1223734 - Fixed bogus assignment of uid to file fields. - #1223756 - Fix warnings with file_blob when file exists in file_managed. - #1216796 - Make sure file_replace argument exists. - #1195802 - Fixed prepareRow() support for MSSQL plugin. Migrate 2.2 RC1 =============== Features and enhancements - #1210152 - Improved error messages on file field migration. - #1212818 - migrate_ui support for one-step rollback-and-import. - #1218244 - Support for is_new for users. - #1216796 - Use file_destination() to generate destination filespec. - #719650 - Implemented ability to assign migrations to groups, and run by group. - #1201762 - Implemented built-in caching for source counts, and flag to enable it. - #1205278 - Added preserve_files argument to MigrateFileFieldHandler. - #1205278 - Added preserve_files option to MigrateDestinationFile. - #1078368 - Implemented create_term argument for term references, to lazy-create terms. - #1199150 - Added file_fid function to file field migration. - #1195802 - Added prepareRow() support for MSSQL plugin. - #1195784 - Added verification of required extension to MSSQL plugin. - #1180188 - Added ability to save BLOB data to file fields and file entities. - #1181136 - Provided mechanism to handle incoming MD5-encrypted passwords. - #1181720 - Add item/second limiting to UI. - #1181826 - Implemented hook_hook_info(), so implementing modules can define hook_migrate_api() in - #1179464 - Added capability of disabling handlers. - #1175094 - Added support for field handler complete() methods. - #1176930 - Renamed migrate-descriptions to migrate-mappings, enhanced to export to CSV. - #1169724 - Implemented source plugin for Oracle. Bug fixes - #1210076 - Filled out parameter docs for MigrateFileFieldHandler::buildFileArray(). - #1185046 - Wine example mistakenly said GROUP_CONCAT could only be used once. - #1202234 - Fix translatable field language handling. - #1184538 - Fixed term field allowed values in migrate_example. - #1181652 - Fixed MigrateDestinationTable to work on update. - #1174934 - Support multi-column keys for table_copy destination. - #1176790 - Prevent multiple handlers from messing up fields info. - #1169796 - Handle example upgrades if image field is missing. Migrate 2.1 =========== Features and enhancements - #1025754 - Added support for multi-value source keys to handleSourceMigration(). - #1161584 - Added lookupSourceID() and lookupDestinationID() to MigrateMap. Bug fixes - #1161612 - Handle integer highwater marks properly. - #1159274 - Handle spaces in URLs for MigrateDestinationFile. - #1161812 - Added handling for NULL watchdog variables. - #1009708 - Fixed E_STRICT notice on MigrateDestinationRole::getKeySchema(). - #1161590 - Made $migration optional for handleSourceMigration(), createStubWrapper(), lookupDestinationID(). - #1161482 - Handle NULL source_field mappings. - #1156972 - Do not include message table in source queries. Migrate 2.1 Beta 1 ================== API change: Any field handler prepare() or complete() methods you have defined must be changed to remove stdClass for the $entity argument. I.e., prepare(stdClass $entity, stdClass $row) should now be prepare($entity, stdClass $row). Features and enhancements - #1017246 - Added support for running migrations from the dashboard. - #1004812 - Added schema-driven table destination plugin. - #1009708 - Added role destination plugin. - #737170 - Added support for field level callbacks. - #1005090 - Modified filefield property import to use JSON input. - #730980 - Added more detailed reporting on import. - #1142384 - Extended file field support to copy from remote URLs. - #1138096 - Added MigrateSourceMultiItems class for self-contained XML sources. - #1101586 - Add shortcut methods for adding several field mappings at once. - #1101592 - Replace --itemlimit with --limit, supporting time limits as well. - #1139080 - Added example and test for importing profile pictures over http. Bug fixes - #1155740 - Make remote file fetch HTTP version independent - #1037872 - Deal with updates with idlists when mapping nids directly. - #943546 - Make sure both slashes and backslashes are trimmed where necessary. - #1146366 - Fixed rollback of table destinations. - #1148474 - Enforce unique IDs in MigrateItemsXML. - #1132034 - Don't assume entity is a stdClass. - #753284 - Fixed systemOfRecord==DESTINATION updates for nodes and users. - #1142104 - Proper prefixing of tables when updating comment statistics. - #1136852 - Fixed cross-threaded test in preImport(). - #1134858 - Improved validation for XML imports. - #1134300 - Add parameter $messages_only to MigrateMap::delete(). - #1134506 - Removed obsolete views_alter() hook. - #1133096 - CSV source always processed last row, fix to clear currentRow. - #1124318 - Properly use source_field arguments for file field attributes. - #1133030 - Undefined constant in drush migrate-fields-destination. - #1128532 - Handle call to watchdog when Migration class not defined. - #1126108 - Fix undefined variables in XML error handling. - #1117602 - Bad counts reported on bulk rollback. - #1118480 - Document _name arguments to file fields. - #1108700 - Remove obsolete references to prepare(). - #1107546 - Check file presence with is_file() instead of file_exists(). - #1097136 - Replace list_number with list_integer and list_float in set of supported simple field types. - #1103042 - Rollback broken with multi-valued keys. Migrate 2.0 =========== No changes since RC3. Migrate 2.0 Release Candidate 3 =============================== Features and enhancements Added JSON source plugin. Bug fixes - #867940 - Prevent overwriting of migrated files with common basenames. - #1072170 - Allow revision setting to be overridden. - #1073770 - Quietly skip missing files in MigrateFileFieldHandler. - #1079416 - postRollback called outside of rollback operation. - #1070894 - Apply tokens when saving files. - #1067918 - Static cache of migrations messes up simpletests. - #1053798 - Message meant for debug not marked 'debug'. - #1063926 - prepareRow() call missing from MigrateSourceList. - #1062200 - Validate arguments for getFieldLanguage(). - #1061284 - Appropriately translate watchdog severities to migrate severities. Migrate 2.0 Release Candidate 2 =============================== Bug fixes - migrate_example error when auto_nodetitle module not present. - #1053798 - Missing 'debug' on showMessage. Migrate 2.0 Release Candidate 1 =============================== Features and enhancements - #919108 - Add deleteDestination() for maps; cache migration list. - #1005090 - Support multiple values for file fields. - #996086 - Add prepareRollback and completeRollback methods for entities. - #1039882 - Pass client migration to stub creation. Note that $migration->values (the destination object being built) is now $migration->destinationValues - any migrations referencing this member will need to change. - #946350 - Accept arrays in sourceMigration(); Let a node migration set node_revisions.uid. That's the 'last edited by' user Bug fixes - #1053798 - Consistent use of error codes. - #1053526 - Machine names in drush commands now case-insensitive. - #914440 - Enhance multilingual support. - #1014648 - Defaulting of file field subfields. - #1037872 - Make sure is_new is off for previously migrated content. - #919706 - Fix drush migrate-descriptions command. - #1027468 - Limit map/message table name lengths. - #1045646 - Handle PHP memory_limit of -1. - #1050348 - Check map table existence in correct DB. - #1028824 - Errors during registry rebuild trigger fatal error. Fix highwater handling to deal with duplicate values. - #998604 - Fixed dedupe. - #998586 - Improved feedback for disabled migrations. - #972382 - Fix MigrateDestinationTableCopy. - #962120 - Support idlist on rollback. - #1017256 - Document case-sensitivity in - #1013844 - Better error handling in getInstance(). - #1008228 - migrate_example broken by list changes in D7 RC3. Migrate 2.0 Beta 3 ================== Features and enhancements - #989200 - Support "dynamic" migrations. Changes to be aware of: All modules implementing migration classes must now implement hook_migrate_api() (see migrate_migrate_api() for an example). Dependencies and sourceMigrations must now be expressed in terms of machine name rather than class name. MigrationBase::getInstance now takes a machine name rather than a class name. Migration class names are no longer required to end in 'Migration'. - #992898 - Pass options to source and destination constructors as arrays. File destinations (i.e., migrating directly to the file_managed table, with optional copying of the files themselves) are now supported. Allow migration of comment enable/disable. Check max_execution_time as well as memory_limit, for graceful exit when max_execution_time is in play. Add dedupe() method for a field mapping. Apply MigrateBase::timestamp() to comment created/changed Bug fixes - #1006272 - Remove lengths on int fields in schema (breaks Postgres) - #1005030 - Replace eval() with proper call_user_func(). - #1005360 - Skip .test files in registry scan - #1004268 - Don't munge date separators - prepareRow() hook skips current row only if boolean FALSE is returned. - #989622 - Fix undefined variable in MigrateDestinationNode::import(). - #984294 - Make migrate dashbard a local task. needs_update => needs-update to match drush conventions. - #959400 - Better way to get vid for vocabulary. - #984336 - Additional fields and vocabularies not reported on migration info page - #990960 - Initialize fields array for profiles - #993684 - hook_requirements should always return array. - #983968 - Bogus settings of ->uid Migrate 2.0 Beta 2 ================== Bug fixes - #984294 - Migration info pages are blank Migrate 2.0 Beta 1 ================== Version 2 of the Migrate module is an entirely new implementation - it is pointless to list changes since Migrate 1.