Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx --------------------------------------- #1883070 by tom friedhof: Vertical and Horizontal alignment must be integers. #2213851 by jwilson3, jiff: Change theme registry modifications to improve performance and fix compatibility with devel_themer. #1874246 by netdream, bryanhirsch, anwonac: Download qTip from GitHub. #2106821 by acouch: Retain processed menu settings in JS. #1947590 by wadmiraal, DamienMcKenna: JS errors when no menus enabled. #1960204 by james.williams: Use Menu_MiniPanels option failed when creating new menus. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.1, 2012-12-01 ----------------------------------- #1854870 by DamienMcKenna: Replaced the array_replace_recursive() function with one taken from #1851816 by DamienMcKenna: Cleaned up handling of default values and settings for the shared settings form, resolves errors in 1.0. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0, 2012-11-24 ----------------------------------- #1847292 by patrickd: Drush Make integration for automatic downloading of the necessary qTip library. #1844338 by willvincent, DamienMcKenna: Workaround for older versions of PHP that don't have the array_replace_recursive function. #1148956 by DamienMcKenna, lussoluca: Support for qTip's position 'adjust' settings. #1148956 by DamienMcKenna: Due to problems with qTip, both 'adjust' values must be non-zero in order for them to work. #1798938 by DamienMcKenna: Separated the bundled qTip JS callback code so it may be overridden & customized. #1021372 by DamienMcKenna: Remove each menu item's configuration in hook_uninstall(). #1840360 by DamienMcKenna: Check the entire menu tree when determining if qTip should be loaded. #1849694 by DamienMcKenna: Disable integration with the Admin Menu and Devel modules. #1849710 by DamienMcKenna: Drush download-qtip command could fail when the Libraries API module is installed. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc9, 2012-11-13 --------------------------------------- #1718012 by DamienMcKenna: Optional style setting fields were required; also reorganized the style settings fieldset for a slight UX improvement. #1775482 by DamienMcKenna: Position Type selections are incorrect. #1218174 by DamienMcKenna: Allow the position container to be changed. #1837178 by DamienMcKenna: Corrected the Mini Panels admin link. #1810496 by DamienMcKenna: If the 'container' value is empty, don't output it. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc8, 2012-08-21 --------------------------------------- #1580312 by codycraven, DamienMcKenna: Improved the custom JS to be cleaner and more compatible with theming changes. #1661730 by DamienMcKenna: Replaced $.each with for() loop (minor performance improvement). #1683872 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed callbacks, they were broken by the changes in #1661730. #1633136 by DamienMcKenna: If the main menu and secondary menu are the same, also process the second level of that menu. #1728018 by DamienMcKenna: Restructured the output generation so it happens earlier in the page cycle to help avoid problems with other modules. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc7, 2012-06-17 --------------------------------------- #1264738 by DamienMcKenna: Added a note about 404 pages and Navigation404. #1553144 by DamienMcKenna: Removed some unnecessary code from menu_minipanels_prepare_links(). #1586122 by DamienMcKenna: Bug in how menus were enabled, should work now. #1396032 by DamienMckenna: Manually re-load contextual menus on all qTip popups and cleans up the output code to better use the render API. #1604638 by DamienMcKenna: Added a note to the README.txt about a compatibility problem with old versions of Menu_Attributes. #1425046 by jwilson3: Hover class could still get stuck in certain scenarios. Added a note about compatibility problems with JavaScript widgets. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc6, 2012-04-28 --------------------------------------- #1440474 by davidwhthomas, DamienMcKenna: Allow pages to be skipped by path. #1535712 by DamienMcKenna: Quick links to toggle menus from the settings page. #1551562 by DamienMcKenna: Don't load qTip code if no menu items configured. #1535736 by DamienMcKenna: Documentation updates. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc5, 2012-04-08 --------------------------------------- #1505112 by DamienMcKenna: Updated drupal_add_js() calls to ensure the module's files load before any custom style JS files are loaded. #1199790 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed update 7101. #1199790 by DamienMcKenna: Slight code cleanup on the update scripts. #1337710 by DamienMcKenna: Moved the menu path to the correct location, and slightly improved the settings menu item's description. #1387914 by DamienMcKenna: Updated the README.txt file. #1216546 by DamienMcKenna: Added support for the Hide Delay setting. #1508774 by DamienMcKenna: Added the 'configure' directive to the info file so that a link to the settings page shows on the main modules page. #1508776 by DamienMcKenna: Show the qTip library status on the settings page. #1284396 by DamienMcKenna: Settings form UX improvements. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc4, 2012-03-23 --------------------------------------- #1370840 by DuaelFr: Stop searching for the JS file at the first matching path. #1491396 by DamienMcKenna: Collision between admin and non-admin JS. #1491502 by DamienMcKenna: Mention the Drush command in hook_requirements. #1491490 by DamienMcKenna: Changed to use hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). #1491514 by DamienMcKenna: Show minipanel name in menu edit form if the title is blank. #1199790 by DamienMcKenna: Rewrote how the menus were identified, allowing all menus to be used and not just the primary & secondary links. #1491398 by DamienMckenna: Improved default settings so the popup looks more like a popup menu rather than a tooltip. #1496980 by DamienMcKenna: Slight cleanup. #1199790 by DamienMcKenna: Follow-up to avoid enabling any shortcut sets that may exist. #1441214 by DamienMcKenna: Added a note to README.txt about menu link titles not working as tooltips due to how qTip works. #1425046 by DamienMcKenna, jwilson3: Hover class could get stuck in certain scenarios. #1233488 by DamienMcKenna, raiatea: z-index doesn't get set in certain circumstances. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc3, 2012-01-26 --------------------------------------- #1379542 by DamienMcKenna: Added note to README.txt about a known conflict with the DivX Player. #1376860 by DamienMcKenna: Option to not output anything on admin pages. #1304560 by codycraven, Amitaibu, jwilson3, DamienMcKenna: Automatically assign the "qtip-hover" class to the triggering menu link. Updated the API.txt example accordingly. #1130664 by DamienMcKenna: Don't overwrite the $form['options'] element on the menu item edit form as it breaks other modules. #1379542 by DamienMcKenna: Improved the README.txt note to be slightly more accurate of the problem. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc2, 2011-09-03 --------------------------------------- #1239292 by DamienMcKenna: Missed another line from rerolling the #1230622 patch that caused the settings page to break. #1116990 by kndr, DamienMcKenna: Added access to the qTips callbacks. #1251804 by DamienMcKenna: Indicate what qTip JS file is being used. #1238890 by DamienMcKenna: Leave a warning in hook_install() if the qTip JS library is not installed. #1258150 by davidwhthomas: Incorrect usage of drupal_add_css() caused CSS aggregation to not work. #1238882 by DamienMcKenna: Drush script to download the qTip script. #1264738 by DamienMcKenna: Restructured how the output is built so now it now also works on 404 pages. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-rc1, 2011-08-04 --------------------------------------- #1230622 by DamienMcKenna: Missed a line when I originally rerolled this patch. #943842 by DamienMcKenna: Allow the qTip file to be loaded from multiple paths but cache the path to offset the performance hit. #943842 by DamienMcKenna: Now includes proper Libraries API support as the first location checked for the qTip JS file. #1234654 by DamienMcKenna: Applied changes from the v6.x-1.1 release, including #997476 (custom targets), #980592 (duplicate menus), #945886 (duplicate minipanels) and #945884 (fixed JS regex); thanks to the respective contributors for their patches. Also tidied up a few small things - comments, output variables, etc. This update will require that configurations are re-saved to add important extra values; a message is left via hook_update_N() when updates are ran, and Watchdog will report errors on each page load until the problems are resolved. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-beta4, 2011-07-31 ----------------------------------------- #1230686 by davidwhthomas: Fatfingered the last patch. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-beta3, 2011-07-30 ----------------------------------------- #1221566 by DamienMcKenna: Added hook_menu_minipanels_defaults_alter() to allow the defaults to be customized. Indicated that the Length fields are stored in milliseconds. #1185506 by DamienMcKenna: The style Name field is actually required. #1230622 by davidwhthomas, DamienMcKenna: Separated admin functionality. #1148958 by lussoluca, DamienMcKenna: Added hook_menu_minipanels_style() and hook_menu_minipanels_styles() to allow creation of custom styles. #1185506 by DamienMcKenna: Indicate which fields are really required, don't output settings which are not required. #1230686 by muhleder, DamienMcKenna: Prevent duplicate content on DOM change. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-beta2, 2011-01-22 ----------------------------------------- Corrected the spelling of "qTip". D7 uses the class name 'main-menu' for the main menu UL by default. Changed to using hook_page_alter() instead of template_preprocess_page() to output the menus, seems like the correct option for D7. Menu_MiniPanels 7.x-1.0-beta1, 2011-01-22 ***************************************** Initial port to Drupal 7. Changed the module to load the qTip script from sites/all/libraries. Small optimization - split the JS into two files so less code is loaded for most page views. Don't continue trying to load the menus if the qTip JS file has not been installed. If no Mini Panels are available, show a message on the menu admin page. Fixed a JS error that would occur if some of the main menu items did not contain a minipanel definition. Changed some labels to be less confusing. Changed the defaults so that the minipanel shows up underneath the menu, rather than on top. Menu_MiniPanels 6.x-1.2, 2011-01-09 ----------------------------------- All users advised to upgrade from 1.1 and 1.0. NOTE: (If not already done in 1.1 upgrade) Manual update process required. If you are upgrading an existing site that uses Menu_MiniPanels, you'll need to edit and save (without changing options) each menu item that uses a menu_minipanel to make it work. Fix issue introduced in last update. Any menu item that didn't have a specific element set was broken. #991246 - Additional fix. Moving minipanel rendering from init to footer, broke panels css display, because minipanels were rendered after css had already been added to page. Menu_MiniPanels 6.x-1.1, 2011-01-08 ----------------------------------- NOTE: Manual update process required. If you are upgrading an existing site that uses Menu_MiniPanels, you'll need to edit and save (without changing options) each menu item that uses a menu minipanel to make it work. #997476 - Suggestion from sammo. Add ability to set custom target for the minipanel, to enable things like full width drop downs. #980592 - Not working when using same menu. When the same menu was added on the same page (e.g primary links in a block), Drupal.settings was being set twice and breaking javascript. Thus add a check if the mlid has already been added. This also fixes an issue introduced in previous commit that meant minipanels would only work with primary and secondary links. #945886 - Using the same minipanel for more than one menu item doesn't work. This is fixed with some re-engineering to use the mlid in the drupal.settings array and panel id. This fix will break existing sites until the menu items are edited and resaved. The time required to write an automated upgrade path is not justified when a few manual clicks will do. #945884 - Minipanels that had a system name containing a number weren't working because the regex didn't have numbers in the character class. Menu_MiniPanels 6.x-1.0, 2010-10-16 ----------------------------------- Improved code as a result of a code review by @kiamlaluno. All sensible qTip configuration parameters implemented.