$index) { if ($index->item_type == 'file' && isset($index->options['fields']['fid'])) { $base[] = 'search_api_index_' . $machine_name; } } } // Display plugin. $plugins['display']['media_browser'] = array( 'title' => t('Media browser tab'), 'help' => t('Display as a tab in the media browser.'), 'handler' => 'media_views_plugin_display_media_browser', 'theme' => 'views_view', 'theme path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'views') . '/theme', 'base' => $base, 'use ajax' => TRUE, 'use pager' => TRUE, 'accept attachments' => TRUE, ); // Style plugin. $plugins['style']['media_browser'] = array( 'title' => t('Media browser'), 'help' => t('Displays rows as an HTML list.'), 'handler' => 'media_views_plugin_style_media_browser', 'theme' => 'media_views_view_media_browser', 'base' => $base, 'uses row plugin' => FALSE, 'uses row class' => FALSE, 'uses options' => FALSE, 'uses fields' => FALSE, 'type' => 'normal', 'help topic' => 'style-media-browser', ); return $plugins; } /** * Display the view as a media browser. */ function template_preprocess_media_views_view_media_browser(&$vars) { module_load_include('inc', 'media', 'includes/media.browser'); // Load file objects for each View result. $fids = array(); foreach ($vars['rows'] as $index => $row) { // The Search API module returns the row in a slightly different format, // so convert it to the format that the normal file_managed table returns. if (!empty($row->entity->fid)) { $vars['rows'][$index]->fid = $row->entity->fid; } $fids[$index] = $row->fid; } $files = file_load_multiple($fids); // Render the preview for each file. $params = media_get_browser_params(); $view_mode = isset($params['view_mode']) ? $params['view_mode'] : 'preview'; foreach ($vars['rows'] as $index => $row) { // If the view result is cached, then the result may include fids that no // longer exist. if (!isset($files[$row->fid])) { unset($vars['rows'][$index]); continue; } $file = $files[$row->fid]; // Add url/preview to the file object. media_browser_build_media_item($file, $view_mode); $vars['rows'][$index] = $file; $vars['rows'][$index]->preview = $file->preview; } // Add the files to JS so that they are accessible inside the browser. drupal_add_js(array('media' => array('files' => array_values($files))), 'setting'); // Add the browser parameters to the settings and that this display exists. drupal_add_js(array( 'media' => array( 'browser' => array( 'params' => media_get_browser_params(), 'views' => array( $vars['view']->name => array( $vars['view']->current_display, ), ), ), ), ), 'setting'); // Add classes and wrappers from the style plugin. $handler = $vars['view']->style_plugin; $class = explode(' ', $handler->options['class']); $class = array_map('drupal_clean_css_identifier', $class); $wrapper_class = explode(' ', $handler->options['wrapper_class']); $wrapper_class = array_map('drupal_clean_css_identifier', $wrapper_class); $vars['class'] = implode(' ', $class); $vars['wrapper_class'] = implode(' ', $wrapper_class); $vars['wrapper_prefix'] = '
'; $vars['wrapper_suffix'] = '
'; $vars['list_type_prefix'] = '<' . $handler->options['type'] . ' id="media-browser-library-list" class="' . implode(' ', $class) . '">'; $vars['list_type_suffix'] = 'options['type'] . '>'; // Run theming variables through a standard Views preprocess function. template_preprocess_views_view_unformatted($vars); // Add media browser JavaScript and CSS. drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'media') . '/js/plugins/media.views.js'); } /** * Implements hook_views_invalidate_cache(). */ function media_views_invalidate_cache() { drupal_static_reset('media_get_browser_plugin_info'); }