/** * $Id$ * * * IE CSS * * CSS targeted specifically for Internet Explorer for Windows. * * Properties starting with an underscore _ are for IE 5 and 6 only. * Properties starting with head:first-child+body are for IE7 only. * Properties with a child selector (>) or sibling selector (+) are for IE7 only. * */ /* * Layout CSS */ /** body **/ #site-title span { display:none; } .sidebar { _margin-right:1em; } #rss { _margin:1.3em .75em 0 0; } .indicator { margin:0; } /* Prevent fieldsets from shifting when changing collapsed state. */ html.js fieldset.collapsible { position: static; top: -1em; } html.js fieldset.collapsed { top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; } tr.menu-disabled { /* Use filter to emulate CSS3 opacity */ filter: alpha(opacity=50); } tr.taxonomy-term-preview { filter: alpha(opacity=50); } #attach-hide label, #uploadprogress div.message { /* Fading elements in IE causes the text to bleed unless they have a background. */ background-color: #ffffff; } fieldset { /* Don't draw backgrounds on fieldsets in IE, as they look really bad. */ background: none; } div.admin .left { margin-left:.1em; } /** Drupal admin tables **/ .section-admin #content tr.even th, .section-admin #content tr.even td, .section-admin #content tr.odd th, .section-admin #content tr.odd td { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE doesn't display borders on table rows */ }