data); $updated_data = array(); // Extract conf_mail and conf_pass from the user's data if (is_array($data)) { foreach($data as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, array('conf_mail', 'conf_pass'))) { $updated_data[$key] = $value; } } // reinsert the cleaned data for the user $updated_data = serialize($updated_data); db_query("UPDATE {users} SET data = '%s' WHERE uid = %d", $updated_data, $user->uid); } } drupal_set_message(t('logintoboggan cleaning of user data successful')); return array(); } /** * Implementation of hook_update_3() */ function logintoboggan_update_3() { if (variable_get('reg_passwd_set', 0) == 2) { variable_set('reg_passwd_set', 1); } return array(); } /** * Implementation of hook_update_4() */ function logintoboggan_update_4() { if (variable_get('toboggan_role', 2) == 1) { variable_set('toboggan_role', 2); drupal_set_message(t('Your previous setting for the logintoboggan pre-auth role was the anonymous user role, which is no longer allowed. The pre-auth role has now been set to the authenticated user role for your site. Because of this change, all unvalidated users on your site now have authenticated user permissions! If you wish to retain the previous functionality, create a new user role with the same access permissions as the anonymous user, and set the logintoboggan pre-auth role to the newly created role. You will also need to manually add any previously unvalidated users to the newly created pre-auth role.'), 'error'); } return array(); } /** * Implementation of hook_update_5() */ function logintoboggan_update_5() { // get all profile fields. $fields = db_query('SELECT fid, name FROM {profile_fields}'); while($field = db_fetch_object($fields)) { $fids[$field->fid] = $field->name; $where[] = "data LIKE '%%%s%%'"; } if (isset($fids)) { // get all users with any profile fields in their user data. $users = db_query('SELECT uid, data FROM {users} WHERE '. implode(' OR ', $where), $fids); while($user = db_fetch_object($users)) { $data = unserialize($user->data); $updated_data = array(); // Extract any profile values from the user's data. if (is_array($data)) { foreach($data as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $fids)) { $updated_data[$key] = $value; } elseif ($value) { // reinsert profile data into profile_values table. db_query("INSERT INTO {profile_values} VALUES (%d, %d, '%s')", array_search($key, $fids), $user->uid, $value); } } // reinsert the cleaned data for the user $updated_data = serialize($updated_data); db_query("UPDATE {users} SET data = '%s' WHERE uid = %d", $updated_data, $user->uid); } } } drupal_set_message(t('logintoboggan cleaning of user/profile data successful')); return array(); } /** * Implementation of hook_update_6() */ function logintoboggan_update_6() { variable_del('toboggan_display_logged_in'); return array(); } /** * 6.x database changes. */ // Better variable names. function logintoboggan_update_6000() { // This one no longer exists. variable_del('reg_passwd_set'); // Build defaults for existing variables. $defaults = array( 'toboggan_block_type' => 0, 'toboggan_block_msg' => '', 'login_with_mail' => 0, 'email_reg_confirm' => 0, 'toboggan_role' => DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, 'toboggan_redirect_on_register' => '', 'toboggan_redirect_on_confirm' => '', 'login_successful' => 0, 'toboggan_min_pass_length' => 0, ); // Rename poorly named variables. Note that we're not renaming // 'logintoboggan_immediate_login_on_register' here, as that variable // name is ok. $variables = array( 'toboggan_block_type' => 'logintoboggan_login_block_type', 'toboggan_block_msg' => 'logintoboggan_login_block_message', 'login_with_mail' => 'logintoboggan_login_with_email', 'email_reg_confirm' => 'logintoboggan_confirm_email_at_registration', 'toboggan_role' => 'logintoboggan_pre_auth_role', 'toboggan_redirect_on_register' => 'logintoboggan_redirect_on_register', 'toboggan_redirect_on_confirm' => 'logintoboggan_redirect_on_confirm', 'login_successful' => 'logintoboggan_login_successful_message', 'toboggan_min_pass_length' => 'logintoboggan_minimum_password_length', ); foreach ($variables as $old_name => $new_name) { $value = variable_get($old_name, $defaults[$old_name]); variable_set($new_name, $value); variable_del($old_name); } return array(); } // Alert admins to change in 'Redirect path on Confirmation' setting. function logintoboggan_update_6001() { drupal_set_message(t("Please note that the behavior of LoginToboggan's Redirect path on Confirmation setting has changed in the case where users are NOT setting their own password on registration. The previous behavior was to automatically redirect the user to user/%uid/edit, with a final destination of the Redirect path on Confirmation setting. This behavior has been removed. To replicate it, the path must be explicitly declared now. Ex: to have the user visit their edit page, with a final destination of node/foo, you would use user/%uid/edit?destination=node/foo.")); return array(); } /** * Implementation of hook_uninstall(). */ function logintoboggan_uninstall() { $variables = array( 'logintoboggan_login_block_type', 'logintoboggan_login_block_message', 'logintoboggan_login_with_email', 'logintoboggan_confirm_email_at_registration', 'logintoboggan_pre_auth_role', 'logintoboggan_purge_unvalidated_user_interval', 'logintoboggan_redirect_on_register', 'logintoboggan_redirect_on_confirm', 'logintoboggan_login_successful_message', 'logintoboggan_minimum_password_length', 'logintoboggan_immediate_login_on_register', 'logintoboggan_override_destination_parameter', ); foreach ($variables as $variable) { variable_del($variable); } }