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  1. Feb 25, 2011
  2. Oct 11, 2006
  3. Sep 21, 2006
  4. Sep 20, 2006
  5. Aug 17, 2006
    • Chad Phillips's avatar
      78247 -- move profile values into profile_values table. migrated profile... · 5ce6d4ca
      Chad Phillips authored
      78247 -- move profile values into profile_values table.  migrated profile values from users table, data column, into proper place in profile_values table.  this was caused by a bug in the LT registration function.  also fixed LT update 2, which was corrupting the user data by inserting extra escape characters.  NOTE: if you ran a db upgrade on LT between March 13th, 2006, and August 16th, 2006, the serialized data in the data column of the users table was corrupted!  it's either missing necessary curly braces, or has extra escape characters that prevent the data from being properly unserialized.  custom repair of that data will be necessary if it needs to be recovered.
  6. Jul 10, 2006
  7. Jul 09, 2006
    • Chad Phillips's avatar
      disallowed selection of the anonymous user role as the pre-auth role--the new... · ac341e2e
      Chad Phillips authored
      disallowed selection of the anonymous user role as the pre-auth role--the new handling of roles in core makes this setting impossible. set it so the update code will automatically move the pre auth role to the auth user role if it is currently in the anon role. site maintainers are encouraged to create a new role w/ the same perms as the anon role, and set this new role as the LT pre-auth role--this will allow the same functionality as before (in this case it will also be necessary to manually add the new pre-auth role to any users who were unvalidated previous to this change.
  8. Jun 18, 2006
  9. May 19, 2006
  10. Mar 13, 2006