/* * Linkit javascript lib */ var linkit_helper = {}; (function ($) { linkit_helper = { /* * Makes an AJAX requst when a link is about to be edited with Linkit */ search_styled_link : function(string) { $('#linkit .form-item-link input').hide(); $('#linkit .form-item-link label').after($('').addClass('throbber').html('' + Drupal.t('Loading path...') + '')); // DO AJAX! var result = $.get(Drupal.settings.linkit.ajaxcall, { string: string } , function(data) { if(data) { $('#linkit #edit-link--2').val(data); $('#linkit .form-item-link .throbber').remove(); $('#linkit .form-item-link input').show(); } else { $('#linkit #edit-link--2').val(string); $('#linkit .form-item-link .throbber').remove(); $('#linkit .form-item-link input').show(); } }); }, /* * Show helper text * If there is no selection, the link text will be the result title. */ show_no_selection_text : function() { var info_text = Drupal.t('Notice: No selection element was found, your link text will appear as the item title you are linking to.'); $('#linkit .form-item-link').prepend(info_text); }, /* * IMCE integration */ openFileBrowser : function () { window.open(decodeURIComponent(Drupal.settings.linkit.IMCEurl), '', 'width=760,height=560,resizable=1'); }, /* * See if the link contains a #anchor */ seek_for_anchor : function(href) { var matches = href.match(/.*(#.*)/i); anchor = (matches == null) ? '' : matches[1].substring(1); return anchor; } } Drupal.behaviors.linkit_imce = { attach: function(context, settings) { $('#linkit-imce').click(function() { linkit_helper.openFileBrowser(); return false; }); } } })(jQuery);