This module provides support for internationalization of Drupal sites in various ways:

For url rewriting you need to have the file in the includes folder and add the following line to your configuration file:

  			include 'includes/';

You can try different settings to have only content translation, interface translation or both.

Module developed by

"); break; case "admin/system/modules#description": $output = t("Supports site internationalization (i18n)."); break; } return $output; } function i18n_settings(){ $output .= form_radios(t("Interface translation"),"i18n_interface",variable_get("i18n_interface",0),array(t("Disabled"),t("Enabled")),t("If disabled, uses Drupal's default. If enabled, translates the interface to selected language")); $output .= form_radios(t("Content translation"),"i18n_content",variable_get("i18n_content",0),array(t("Disabled"),t("Enabled")),t("If enabled, prepends language code to url and searches for translated content")); $output .= form_select(t("Front page"),"i18n_front_page",variable_get("i18n_front_page",0),array(t("Default"),t("Language dependant")),t("If language dependant and Content translation is enabled, default front page will be prepended with language code, i.e. 'en/node'")); $output .=form_radios(t("Keep Language"),"i18n_keep",variable_get("i18n_keep",'url'), array( ""=>t("Disabled"), "url" => t("URL rewriting"), "session" => t("Session"), "cookie" => t("Cookie") ),t("A language code independent of user's language will be kept accross requests using the selected method")); $output .= form_radios(t("Detect browser language"),"i18n_browser",variable_get("i18n_browser",0),array(t("Disabled"),t("Enabled"))); $output .= form_textfield(t("Flags directory"),"i18n_flags",variable_get("i18n_flags","misc/flags/*.gif"),70,180,t("Path for flags. Asterisk '*' is a placeholder for language code. This is only needed when you want a language selector block")); return $output; } function i18n_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0) { if ($op == 'list') { $blocks[0]['info'] = t('Languages'); } else { $blocks['subject']=t('Languages'); $content = "
"; $content .= theme("i18n_links",1,1,"","
"); $content .= "
"; $blocks['content'] =$content; } return $blocks; } /** * i18n api */ if(!function_exists("i18n_get_lang_prefix")){ function i18n_get_lang_prefix($path){ global $languages; $split=split("/",$path); $maybelang=$split[0]; if($languages[$maybelang]){ return $maybelang; } } } function i18n_get_lang(){ global $i18n_lang; if($i18n_lang){ return $i18n_lang; } elseif($lang=$_GET['i18n_lang']) { return $i18n_lang=$lang; } else { switch(variable_get('i18n_keep','')){ case 'url': // URL $lang= i18n_get_lang_prefix(i18n_get_original_path()); break; case 'session': // Session session_start(); $lang = $_SESSION['i18n_lang']; break; case 'cookie': // Cookie $lang=$_COOKIE['i18n_lang']; break; default: $lang=$_GET['i18n_lang']; } } return $i18n_lang=$lang; } function i18n_set_lang($lang){ global $i18n_lang; global $i18n_langpath; $i18n_lang=$lang; switch(variable_get('i18n_keep','')){ case 'url': // URL case 'query': // Query string $i18n_langpath=$lang; break; case 'session': // Session session_start(); $_SESSION["i18n_lang"]=$lang; break; case 'cookie': // Cookie setcookie('i18n_lang',$lang,NULL,'/'); break; } } function i18n_get_default_lang(){ global $user; global $languages; if(!$lang=$user->language){ if(variable_get('i18n_browser',0) && $lang=i18n_get_browser_lang()){ i18n_set_default_lang($lang); } else { $lang=key($languages); reset($languages); } } return $lang; } // Set language as default rearranging $languages array function i18n_set_default_lang($lang){ global $languages; global $i18n_lang; $i18n_lang=$lang; if(variable_get("i18n_interface",0)){ $deflang=key($languages); if($lang != $deflang){ // Reorder $languages to set $lang as the first element... $languages=array_merge(array($lang => $languages[$lang]),$languages); } else { //Language is the default reset($languages); } } } // Function based on, but returns nothing if mapping not found function i18n_get_normal_path($path) { if (($map = drupal_get_path_map()) && isset($map[$path])) { return $map[$path]; } } // To get the original path. Cannot use $_GET["q"] cause it may have been already changed function i18n_get_original_path(){ $path=$_REQUEST["q"]; return trim($path,"/"); } // Get language from browser settings, but only if it is in the $languages array function i18n_get_browser_lang(){ global $languages; $accept=explode(",",array_shift( explode(";",$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]))); foreach($accept as $lang){ $lang=substr($lang,0,2); if($languages[$lang]) return $lang; } } /** * Theme functions */ /** * Returns language links with optional flags * * @param $flags an integer, 1 to use language flags * @param $names an integer, 1 to use language names * @param $delim1 delimiter to place between language name and flag * @param $delim2 delimiter to place between different languages * * @return a string containing the @a links output. */ function theme_i18n_links($flags=1,$names=1,$delim1=" ",$delim2=" "){ global $languages; global $i18n_lang; foreach($languages as $lang => $langname){ $name= $names ? t($langname): ""; // Should be localized?? $flag= $flags ? _i18n_flag($lang) :""; if($lang==$i18n_lang){ $links[] = "$name$delim1$flag"; }else { $links[] = i18n_l($name,$lang).$delim1.i18n_l($flag,$lang); } } $output =implode($delim2,$links); return $output; } function theme_i18n_flags(){ return theme_i18n_links(1,0); } function _i18n_flag($lang,$attribs=array()){ if($path=variable_get("i18n_flags","misc/flags/*.gif")){ $flag=str_replace("*",$lang,$path); return ""; } } // Creates links for different languages function i18n_l($text, $lang , $url="",$attributes=array(),$query=NULL) { global $i18n_langpath; // If !url get from original request if(!$url) $url=i18n_get_original_path(); // If url has lang_prefix, remove it if(i18n_get_lang_prefix($url)) $url=substr($url,3); if(variable_get('i18n_keep','')=='url'){ $url="$lang/$url"; } else { if(variable_get('i18n_content',0)) $url="$lang/$url"; $query= $query ? $query.'&i18n_lang='.$lang : "i18n_lang=$lang"; } // Save $i18n_langpath, and set to null to avoid url_rewriting $tmp=$i18n_langpath; $i18n_langpath=""; $result= l($text,$url,$attributes,$query); // Restore $i18n_langpath $i18n_langpath=$tmp; return $result; } ?>