'. t('This module improves support for multilingual content in Drupal sites:') .'

'; $output .= ''; $output .= '

'. t('This is the base module for several others adding different features:') .'

'; $output .= ''; $output .= '

'. t('For more information, see the online handbook entry for Internationalization module.', array('@i18n' => 'http://drupal.org/node/133977')) .'

'; return $output; case 'admin/settings/i18n': $output = ''; return $output; } } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function i18n_menu() { $items['admin/settings/i18n'] = array( 'title' => 'Multilingual system', 'description' => 'Configure extended options for multilingual content and translations.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('i18n_admin_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => 'i18n.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/settings/i18n/main'] = array( 'title' => 'Internationalization', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_menu_alter(). * * Take over the node translation page. */ function i18n_menu_alter(&$items) { // dsm($router_items); /* $items['node/%node/translate']['page callback'] = 'i18n_translation_node_overview'; $items['node/%node/translate']['file'] = 'i18n.pages.inc'; $items['node/%node/translate']['module'] = 'i18n'; */ /** $items = array(); $items['node/%node/translate'] = array( 'title' => 'Translate', 'page callback' => 'translation_node_overview', 'page arguments' => array(1), 'access callback' => '_translation_tab_access', 'access arguments' => array(1), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => 2, 'file' => 'i18n.pages.inc', ); return $items; */ } /** * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). */ /* function i18n_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) { if (variable_get("i18n_node_$node->type", 0)) { switch ($op) { case 'load': return db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT trid, language, status AS i18n_status FROM {i18n_node} WHERE nid=%d", $node->nid)); case 'insert': case 'update': db_query("DELETE FROM {i18n_node} WHERE nid=%d",$node->nid); if ($node->language){ // Assign a trid from the beginning db_query("INSERT INTO {i18n_node} (nid, trid, language, status) VALUES(%d, '%d', '%s', '%d')", $node->nid, $node->trid, $node->language, $node->i18n_status); } // Handle menu items. Fixes duplication issue and language for menu items which happens when editing nodes in languages other than current. if (isset($node->menu) && !$node->menu['delete'] && $node->menu['title']) { $item = $node->menu; $item['path'] = ($item['path']) ? $item['path'] : "node/$node->nid"; $item['type'] = $item['type'] | MENU_MODIFIED_BY_ADMIN; if ($item['mid']) { // Update menu item. db_query("UPDATE {menu} SET pid = %d, path = '%s', title = '%s', description = '%s', weight = %d, type = %d, language = '%s' WHERE mid = %d", $item['pid'], $item['path'], $item['title'], $item['description'], $item['weight'], $item['type'], $node->language, $item['mid']); drupal_set_message(t('The menu item %title has been updated with node language.', array('%title' => $item['title']))); } elseif (SAVED_NEW == menu_save_item($item)) { // Creating new menu item with node language. db_query("UPDATE {menu} SET language = '%s' WHERE mid = %d", $node->language, $item['mid']); drupal_set_message(t('The menu item %title has been added with node language.', array('%title' => $item['title']))); } menu_rebuild(); unset($node->menu); // Avoid further processing by menu module. } // Pathauto integration. Dynamic replacement of variables to allow different patterns per language. if (module_exists('path') && module_exists('pathauto')) { // Language for pathauto variables is either node language or default language. $language = $node->language ? $node->language : i18n_default_language(); if ($language != i18n_get_lang()) { i18n_variable_init($language, 'pathauto_node'); } } break; case 'delete': db_query('DELETE FROM {i18n_node} WHERE nid=%d', $node->nid); break; case 'prepare': // Book pages, set the right language nodes and outlines. if (arg(3) == 'parent' && is_numeric(arg(4)) && ($parent = node_load(arg(4))) && $parent->language) { $node->language = $parent->language; i18n_selection_mode('node', $parent->language); } break; } } }*/ /** * Implementation of hook_alter_translation_link(). * * Handles links for extended language. The links will have current language. */ function i18n_translation_link_alter(&$links, $path) { global $language; // Check for a node related path, and for its translations. if ((preg_match("!^node/([0-9]+)(/.+|)$!", $path, $matches)) && ($node = node_load((int)$matches[1])) && !empty($node->tnid)) { $languages = language_list(); $extended = array(); foreach (translation_node_get_translations($node->tnid) as $langcode => $translation_node) { if (!isset($links[$langcode]) && isset($languages[$langcode])) { $extended[$langcode] = array( 'href' => 'node/'. $translation_node->nid . $matches[2], 'language' => $language, 'language_icon' => $languages[$langcode], 'title' => $languages[$langcode]->native, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'language-link'), ); } } // This will run after languageicon module, so we add icon in case that one is enabled. if ($extended && function_exists('languageicons_translation_link_alter')) { languageicons_translation_link_alter($extended, $path); } $links = array_merge($links, $extended); } } /** * Implementation of hook_link_alter(). * * Handles links for extended languages. Sets current interface language. */ function i18n_link_alter(&$links, $node) { global $language; if ($node->tnid) { foreach (array_keys(i18n_language_list('extended')) as $langcode) { $index = 'node_translation_'. $langcode; if (!empty($links[$index])) { $links[$index]['language'] = $language; } } } } /** * Implementation of hook_user(). * * Switch to user's language after login. */ function i18n_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) { if ($op == 'login' && $account->language) { $_SESSION['language'] = $account->language; i18n_get_lang($account->language); } } /** * Simple i18n API */ /** * Get language properties. * * @param $code * Language code. * @param $property * It may be 'name', 'native', 'ltr'... */ function i18n_language_property($code, $property) { $languages = language_list(); return isset($languages[$code]->$property) ? $languages[$code]->$property : NULL; } /** * Get node language. */ function i18n_node_get_lang($nid, $default = '') { $lang = db_result(db_query('SELECT language FROM {node} WHERE nid = %d', $nid)); return $lang ? $lang : $default ; } /** * Get allowed languages for node. * * This allows node types to define its own language list implementing hook 'language_list'. * * @param $node * Node to retrieve language list for. * @param $translate * Only languages available for translation. Filter out existing translations. */ function i18n_node_language_list($node, $translate = FALSE) { // Check if the node module manages its own language list. $languages = node_invoke($node, 'language_list', $translate); if (!$languages) { if (variable_get('i18n_node_'. $node->type, 0) == LANGUAGE_SUPPORT_EXTENDED) { $languages = locale_language_list('name', TRUE); // All defined languages } else { $languages = locale_language_list(); // All enabled languages } if ($translate && isset($node->tnid) && $node->tnid && ($translations = translation_node_get_translations($node->tnid))) { unset($translations[$node->language]); foreach (array_keys($translations) as $langcode) { unset($languages[$langcode]); } } $languages = array('' => t('Language neutral')) + $languages; } return $languages; } /** * Function i18n_get_links(). * * Returns an array of links for all languages, with or without names/flags. * * @param $path * Drupal internal path. * @param $query * Query string. * @param $names * Names to use for the links. Defaults to native language names. */ function i18n_get_links($path = '', $query = NULL, $names = NULL) { if ($path == variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node')) { $path = ''; } $names = $names ? $names : locale_language_list('native'); foreach (array_keys(i18n_supported_languages()) as $lang) { $links[$lang] = theme('i18n_link', $names[$lang], i18n_path($path, $lang), $lang, $query); } return $links; } /** * Selection mode for content. * * Warning: when used with params they need to be escaped, as some values are thrown directly in queries. * * Allows several modes for query rewriting and to change them programatically. * off = No language conditions inserted. * simple = Only current language and no language. * mixed = Only current and default languages. * strict = Only current language. * default = Only default language. * user = User defined, in the module's settings page. * params = Gets the stored params. * reset = Returns to previous. * custom = add custom where clause, like "%alias.language = 'en'". */ function i18n_selection_mode($mode = NULL, $params = NULL) { static $current_mode = NULL; static $current_value = ''; static $store = array(); // Initialization, first time this runs with no explicit mode. if (!$current_mode && !$mode) { $current_mode = variable_get('i18n_selection_mode', 'simple'); if ($current_mode != 'off') { // Node language when loading specific nodes or creating translations. if (arg(0) == 'node' ) { if (($node = menu_get_object('node')) && $node->language) { $current_mode = 'node'; $current_value = $node->language; } elseif (arg(1) == 'add' && !empty($_GET['translation']) && !empty($_GET['language']) && empty($_POST)) { $current_mode = 'translation'; $current_value = db_escape_string($_GET['language']); } } elseif (arg(0) == 'admin') { // There are some exceptions for admin pages. if (arg(1) == 'content' && user_access('administer all languages')) { // No restrictions for administration pages. $current_mode = 'off'; } elseif (arg(1) == 'build' && arg(2) == 'menu-customize') { // All nodes available when editing custom menu items. $current_mode = 'off'; } } } } if (!$mode) { return $current_mode; } elseif ($mode == 'params') { return $current_value; } elseif ($mode == 'reset') { list($current_mode, $current_value) = array_pop($store); } else { array_push($store, array($current_mode, $current_value)); $current_mode = $mode; $current_value = $params; } } /** * Implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql(). * * Rewrite node queries so language selection options are enforced. */ function i18n_db_rewrite_sql($query, $primary_table, $primary_key, $args = array()) { // If mode is 'off' = no rewrite, we cannot return any empty 'where' string so check here. $mode = i18n_selection_mode(); if ($mode == 'off') return; // Disable language conditions for views. if (array_key_exists('view', $args)) return; switch ($primary_table) { case 'n': case 'node': // No rewrite for queries with subselect ? (views count queries). // @ TO DO Actually these queries look un-rewrittable, check with other developers. if (preg_match("/FROM \(SELECT/", $query)) return; // No rewrite for translation module queries. if (preg_match("/.*FROM {node} $primary_table WHERE.*$primary_table\.tnid/", $query)) return; // When loading specific nodes, language conditions shouldn't apply. if (preg_match("/WHERE.*\s$primary_table.nid\s*=\s*(\d|%d)/", $query)) return; // If language conditions already there, get out. if (preg_match("/i18n/", $query)) return; // Mixed mode is a bit more complex, we need to join in one more table // and add some more conditions, but only if language is not default. if ($mode == 'mixed' && i18n_get_lang() != i18n_default_language()) { $result['join'] = "LEFT JOIN {node} i18n ON $primary_table.tnid = i18n.tnid AND i18n.language = '". i18n_get_lang() ."'"; $result['where'] = i18n_db_rewrite_where($primary_table, 'node', 'simple'); // So we show also nodes that have default language. $result['where'] .= " OR ($primary_table.language = '". i18n_default_language() ."' AND i18n.nid IS NULL)"; } else { $result['where'] = i18n_db_rewrite_where($primary_table, 'node', $mode); } return $result; } } /** * Rewrites queries depending on rewriting mode. */ function i18n_db_rewrite_where($alias, $type, $mode = NULL) { if (!$mode) { // Some exceptions for query rewrites. $mode = i18n_selection_mode(); } // Get languages to simplify query building. $current = i18n_get_lang(); $default = i18n_default_language(); if ($mode == 'strict' && $type != 'node') { // Special case. Selection mode is 'strict' but this should be only for node queries. $mode = 'simple'; } elseif ($mode == 'mixed' && $current == $default) { // If mode is mixed but current = default, is the same as 'simple'. $mode = 'simple'; } switch ($mode) { case 'off': return ''; case 'simple': return "$alias.language ='$current' OR $alias.language ='' OR $alias.language IS NULL" ; case 'mixed': return "$alias.language ='$current' OR $alias.language ='$default' OR $alias.language ='' OR $alias.language IS NULL" ; case 'strict': return "$alias.language ='$current'" ; case 'node': case 'translation': return "$alias.language ='". i18n_selection_mode('params') ."' OR $alias.language ='' OR $alias.language IS NULL" ; case 'default': return "$alias.language ='$default' OR $alias.language ='' OR $alias.language IS NULL" ; case 'custom': return str_replace('%alias', $alias, i18n_selection_mode('params')); } } /** * Implementation of hook_exit(). */ function i18n_exit() { _i18n_variable_exit(); } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter(); * * This is the place to add language fields to all forms. */ function i18n_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { switch ($form_id) { case 'node_type_form': // Add extended language support option to content type form. $form['workflow']['i18n_node'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Extended language support'), '#default_value' => variable_get('i18n_node_'. $form['#node_type']->type, LANGUAGE_SUPPORT_NORMAL), '#options' => _i18n_content_language_options(), '#description' => t('If enabled, all defined languages will be allowed for this content type in addition to only enabled ones. This is useful to have more languages for content than for the interface.') ); break; default: // Extended language for node edit form. if (isset($form['#id']) && $form['#id'] == 'node-form') { if (isset($form['#node']->type) && variable_get('language_content_type_'. $form['#node']->type, 0)) { $form['language']['#options'] = i18n_node_language_list($form['#node'], TRUE); } } /** @ TO DO Upgrade if (isset($form['type']) && $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form' == $form_id && $node = $form['#node']) { // Language field if (variable_get('i18n_node_'.$form['type']['#value'], 0) && !isset($form['i18n']['language'])) { // Language field $form['i18n'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Multilingual settings'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#weight' => -4 ); // Language will default to current only when creating a node. $language = isset($form['#node']->language) ? $form['#node']->language : (arg(1)=='add' ? i18n_get_lang() : ''); $form['i18n']['language'] = _i18n_language_select($language, t('If you change the language, you must click on Preview to get the right categories & terms for that language.'), -4, i18n_node_language_list($node)); $form['i18n']['trid'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $form['#node']->trid ); } // Correction for lang/node/nid aliases generated by path module. // if ($form['#node']->path && $form['#node']->path == i18n_get_lang().'/node/'.$form['#node']->nid) { if ($node->path) { $alias = drupal_lookup_path('alias', 'node/'.$node->nid); if($alias && $alias != 'node/'.$node->nid) { $form['#node']->path = $alias; } else { unset($form['#node']->path); } } } */ // Multilingual variables in settings form. if (isset($form['#theme']) && $form['#theme'] == 'system_settings_form' && $variables = variable_get('i18n_variables', 0)) { if (i18n_form_alter_settings($form, $variables)) { $form['#submit'][] = 'i18n_variable_form_submit'; } } } } /** * Implementation of hook_perm(). * * Permissions defined * - administer all languages * Disables language conditions for administration pages, so the user can view objects for all languages at the same time. * This applies for: menu items, taxonomy */ function i18n_perm() { return array('administer all languages'); } /** * Process menu and menu item add/edit form submissions. */ function i18n_menu_edit_item_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $mid = menu_edit_item_save($form_state['values']); db_query("UPDATE {menu} SET language = '%s' WHERE mid = %d", $form_state['values']['language'], $mid); return 'admin/build/menu'; } /** * Check for multilingual variables in form. */ function i18n_form_alter_settings(&$form, &$variables) { $result = 0; foreach (element_children($form) as $field) { if (isset($form[$field]['#type']) && $form[$field]['#type'] == 'fieldset') { $result += i18n_form_alter_settings($form[$field], $variables); } elseif (in_array($field, $variables)) { $form[$field]['#description'] .= ' '. t('This is a multilingual variable.') .''; $result++; } } return $result; } /** * Save multilingual variables and remove them from form. */ function i18n_variable_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $op = isset($form_state['values']['op']) ? $form_state['values']['op'] : ''; $variables = variable_get('i18n_variables', array()); $language = i18n_get_lang(); foreach ($form_state['values'] as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $variables)) { if ($op == t('Reset to defaults')) { i18n_variable_del($key, $language); } else { if (is_array($value) && isset($form_state['values']['array_filter'])) { $value = array_keys(array_filter($value)); } i18n_variable_set($key, $value, $language); } unset($form_state['values'][$key]); } } // Re-submit form // system_settings_form_submit($form_id, $form_values); } /** * Initialization of multilingual variables. * * @param $language * Language to retrieve variables. Defaults to current language. * @param $prefix * Variable name prefix to load just a selected group of variables. */ function i18n_variable_init($langcode = NULL, $prefix = '') { global $conf; global $i18n_conf; $langcode = $langcode ? $langcode : i18n_get_lang(); if ($i18n_variables = variable_get('i18n_variables', '')) { if (!$i18n_conf) { $i18n_conf = array(); } $variables = _i18n_variable_init($langcode, $prefix); foreach ($i18n_variables as $name) { $i18n_conf[$name] = isset($variables[$name]) ? $variables[$name] : (isset($conf[$name]) ? $conf[$name] : ''); } $conf = array_merge($conf, $i18n_conf); } } /** * Helper function to create language selector. */ function _i18n_language_select($value ='', $description ='', $weight = -20, $languages = NULL) { $languages = $languages ? $languages : locale_language_list(); return array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Language'), '#default_value' => $value, '#options' => array_merge(array('' => ''), $languages), '#description' => $description, '#weight' => $weight, ); } /** * Load language variables into array. */ function _i18n_variable_init($language, $prefix = '') { $variables = array(); $cacheid = 'variables:'. $language . ($prefix ? ':'. $prefix : ''); if ($cached = cache_get($cacheid)) { $variables = $cached->data; } else { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {i18n_variable} WHERE language='%s' AND name LIKE '%s%'", $language, $prefix); while ($variable = db_fetch_object($result)) { $variables[$variable->name] = unserialize($variable->value); } cache_set($cacheid, $variables); } return $variables; } /** * Save multilingual variables that may have been changed by other methods than settings pages. */ function _i18n_variable_exit() { global $i18n_conf; global $conf; if ($i18n_conf) { $lang = i18n_get_lang(); $refresh = FALSE; // Rewritten because array_diff_assoc may fail with array variables. foreach ($i18n_conf as $name => $value) { if ($value != $conf[$name]) { $refresh = TRUE; $i18n_conf[$name] = $conf[$name]; db_query("DELETE FROM {i18n_variable} WHERE name='%s' AND language='%s'", $name, $lang ); db_query("INSERT INTO {i18n_variable} (language, name, value) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s')", $lang, $name, serialize($conf[$name])); } } if ($refresh) { cache_set('variables:'. $lang, $i18n_conf); } } } /** * Check whether we are in bootstrap mode */ function _i18n_is_bootstrap() { return !function_exists('drupal_get_headers'); } /** * Drupal 6, backwards compatibility layer * @ TO DO Fully upgrade all the modules and remove */ /** * This one expects to be called first from common.inc */ function i18n_get_lang() { global $language; return $language->language; } /** * @defgroup i18n_api Extended language API * @{ * This is an extended language API to be used by modules in i18n package. */ /** * Returns language lists */ function i18n_language_list($type = 'enabled', $field = 'name') { switch ($type) { case 'enabled': return locale_language_list($field); case 'extended': $enabled = locale_language_list($field); $defined = locale_language_list($field, TRUE); return array_diff_assoc($defined, $enabled); } } /** * Returns default language code. */ function i18n_default_language() { return language_default('language'); } /** * Get list of supported languages, native name. * * @param $all * TRUE to get all defined languages. */ function i18n_supported_languages($all = FALSE) { return locale_language_list('native', $all); } /** * Set a persistent language dependent variable. * * @param $name * The name of the variable to set. * @param $value * The value to set. This can be any PHP data type; these functions take care * of serialization as necessary. * @param $langcode * Language code. */ function i18n_variable_set($name, $value, $langcode) { global $conf, $i18n_conf; db_lock_table('i18n_variable'); db_query("DELETE FROM {i18n_variable} WHERE name = '%s' AND language='%s'", $name, $langcode); db_query("INSERT INTO {i18n_variable} (name, language, value) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $name, $langcode, serialize($value)); db_unlock_tables(); cache_clear_all('variables:'. $langcode, 'cache'); $conf[$name] = $value; $i18n_conf[$name] = $value; } /** * Unset a persistent multilingual variable. * * @param $name * The name of the variable to undefine. * @param $langcode * Language code. */ function i18n_variable_del($name, $langcode) { global $conf, $i18n_conf; db_query("DELETE FROM {i18n_variable} WHERE name = '%s' AND language='%s'", $name, $langcode); cache_clear_all('variables:'. $langcode, 'cache'); unset($conf[$name]); unset($i18n_conf[$name]); } /** * Utility. Get part of array variable. */ function i18n_array_variable_get($name, $element, $default = NULL) { if (($values = variable_get($name, array())) && isset($values[$element])) { return $values[$element]; } else { return $default; } } /** * Utility. Set part of array variable. */ function i18n_array_variable_set($name, $element, $value) { $values = variable_get($name, array()); $values[$element] = $value; variable_set($name, $values); } /** * @} End of "defgroup i18n_api". */ /** * List of language support modes for content. */ function _i18n_content_language_options() { return array( LANGUAGE_SUPPORT_NORMAL => t('Normal - All enabled languages will be allowed.'), LANGUAGE_SUPPORT_EXTENDED => t('Extended - All defined languages will be allowed.') ); }