README ====== Warning: This is a beta version and all the combinations of the module settings have not been tested yet Warning: Some features are experimental Warning: DO READ THE INSTALL FILE This module provides support for internationalization of Drupal sites in various ways: * Translation of the user interface for registered and anonymous users * Basic multi-language using URL Aliasing, combined with url aliasing. See below. * [EXPERIMENTAL, see INSTALL file] Advanced multi-language using duplicated tables. Selected tables will be made language dependent. * Detection of the brower language * Keeps the language settings accross consecutive requests, using a number of methods: URL rewriting, sessions, cookies * Provides a block for language selection and two theme functions: i18n_flags and i18n_links You can try different settings to have only content translation, interface translation or both. For url rewriting you need to have the file in the includes folder and add the following line to your configuration file: include 'includes/'; To have a language selector on your page, you can use the block provided or these theme functions: theme("i18n_flags") -> Adds just a row with the flags theme("i18n_links",$flags,$names,$delim1,$delim2) -> Check documentation in the code for different options About Multi-Language: ===================== There are currently two options to build multi-language sites: 1. With URL aliasing - using path module's Custom URLs and i18n's URL rewriting feature --------------------- You have to create a Custom URL for each language version of a node: I.e. 'en/mypage', 'es/mypage' should be English and Spanish versions of the same page The link to display this page will be only 'mypage'. The language code will be added automatically. 2. [EXPERIMENTAL] With duplicated tables [Only in HEAD CVS version of the module] ------------------------ You can keep separated tables -the ones you choose- for each language. You have to create the tables manually and add them to $db_prefix_i18n. See INSTALL file. * This feature uses db prefixing (An idea taken from Walkah's translate_node module) to keep separated tables for each language. ** When using language dependent tables other than 'node' or taxonomy tables, some manual synchronization may be needed. *** The automatic synchronization ACTUALLY DELETES NODES and TAXONOMY DATA. Take care. Jose A. Reyero, drupal at reyero dot net Feedback will be welcomed!