'HTTPRL', 'page callback' => 'httprl_nonblockingtest_page', 'access callback' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Test URL to make sure non blocking requests work.', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'httprl.nonblocktest.inc', ); // Admin page. if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7) { $config_url = 'admin/config/development/httprl'; } else { $config_url = 'admin/settings/httprl'; } $items[$config_url] = array( 'title' => 'HTTPRL', 'description' => 'Configure HTTPRL settings.', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('httprl_admin_settings_form'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => 'httprl.admin.inc', ); // Async Function Callback. $items['httprl_async_function_callback'] = array( 'title' => 'HTTPRL', 'page callback' => 'httprl_async_page', 'access callback' => TRUE, 'description' => 'URL for async function workers.', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'httprl.async.inc', ); return $items; } /** * Implement hook_cron(). * * This hook should be ran about once a day to once an hour. */ function httprl_cron() { // Let expiration times vary by 30 seconds or so. $fuzz_factor = 30; // Remove expired locks from the semaphore database table. if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7) { db_delete('semaphore') ->condition('value', 'httprl') ->condition('expire', REQUEST_TIME - $fuzz_factor, '<') ->execute(); } else { db_query("DELETE FROM {semaphore} WHERE value = 'httprl' AND expire < %f", time() - $fuzz_factor); } } /** * Helper function to build an URL for asynchronous requests to self. * * @param $path * Path to a URI excluding everything to the left and including the base path. * @param $detect_schema * If TRUE it will see if this request is https; if so, it will set the full * url to be https as well. */ function httprl_build_url_self($path = '', $detect_schema = FALSE) { global $base_path, $conf; static $variable_loaded = FALSE; if (!empty($base_path)) { $root_path = $base_path; } else { // $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] can, in contrast to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], not // be modified by a visitor. if ($dir = trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '\,/')) { $base_path = "/$dir/"; } else { $root_path = '/'; } } // Server auth. $auth = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['AUTH_TYPE']) && $_SERVER['AUTH_TYPE'] == 'Basic') { $auth = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ':' . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] . '@'; } // Get Host. $ip = httprl_variable_get('httprl_server_addr', FALSE); if ($ip == -1) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } elseif (empty($ip)) { $ip = empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? '' : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; // Check for IPv6. If IPv6 convert to IPv4 if possible. if (strpos($ip, ':') !== FALSE) { if ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '::1') { $ip = ""; } elseif (preg_match('/^::\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+$/', $ip)) { $ip = substr($ip, 2); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // Last option is to use the IP from the host name. $ip = gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } } } // Port. $port = ''; // if ( isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) // && is_numeric($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) // && ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) // ) { // $port = ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; // } // http or https. $schema = httprl_get_server_schema() . '://'; return $schema . $auth . $ip . $port . $root_path . $path; } /** * Run parse_url and handle any errors. * * @param $url * String containing the URL to be parsed by parse_url(). * @param &$result * Result object; used only for error handling in this function. * * @return $uri * Array from parse_url(). */ function httprl_parse_url($url, &$result) { // Parse the URL and make sure we can handle the schema. $uri = @parse_url($url); // If the t function is not available use httprl_pr. if (function_exists('t')) { $t = 't'; } else { $t = 'httprl_pr'; } if (empty($uri)) { // Set error code for failed request. $result->error = $t('Unable to parse URL.'); $result->code = HTTPRL_URL_PARSE_ERROR; } elseif (!isset($uri['scheme'])) { // Set error code for failed request. $result->error = $t('Missing schema.'); $result->code = HTTPRL_URL_MISSING_SCHEMA; } return $uri; } /** * Set the default options in the $options array. * * @param &$options * Array containing options. */ function httprl_set_default_options(&$options) { global $base_root; // Merge the default options. $options += array( 'headers' => array(), 'method' => 'GET', 'data' => NULL, 'max_redirects' => 3, 'timeout' => HTTPRL_TIMEOUT, 'context' => NULL, 'blocking' => TRUE, 'version' => '1.0', 'referrer' => FALSE, 'domain_connections' => 2, 'global_connections' => 128, 'global_timeout' => HTTPRL_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT, 'chunk_size_read' => 32768, 'chunk_size_write' => 1024, 'async_connect' => TRUE, ); // Merge the default headers. // Set user agent to drupal. // Set connection to closed to prevent keep-alive from causing a timeout. $options['headers'] += array( 'User-Agent' => 'Drupal (+http://drupal.org/)', 'Connection' => 'close', ); // Set referrer to current page. if (!isset($options['headers']['Referer']) && !empty($options['referrer'])) { if (function_exists('request_uri')) { $options['headers']['Referer'] = $base_root . request_uri(); } } // stream_socket_client() requires timeout to be a float. $options['timeout'] = (float) $options['timeout']; } /** * If server uses a proxy, change the request to utilize said proxy. * * @param &$uri * Array from parse_url(). * @param &$options * Array containing options. * @param $url * String containing the URL. * * @return $proxy_server * String containing the proxy servers host name if one is to be used. */ function httprl_setup_proxy(&$uri, &$options, $url) { // Proxy setup $proxy_server = httprl_variable_get('proxy_server', ''); // Use a proxy if one is defined and the host is not on the excluded list. if ($proxy_server && _httprl_use_proxy($uri['host'])) { // Set the scheme so we open a socket to the proxy server. $uri['scheme'] = 'proxy'; // Set the path to be the full URL. $uri['path'] = $url; // Since the full URL is passed as the path, we won't use the parsed query. unset($uri['query']); // Add in username and password to Proxy-Authorization header if needed. if ($proxy_username = httprl_variable_get('proxy_username', '')) { $proxy_password = httprl_variable_get('proxy_password', ''); $options['headers']['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($proxy_username . (!empty($proxy_password) ? ":" . $proxy_password : '')); } // Some proxies reject requests with any User-Agent headers, while others // require a specific one. $proxy_user_agent = httprl_variable_get('proxy_user_agent', ''); // The default value matches neither condition. if (is_null($proxy_user_agent)) { unset($options['headers']['User-Agent']); } elseif ($proxy_user_agent) { $options['headers']['User-Agent'] = $proxy_user_agent; } } return $proxy_server; } /** * Create the TCP/SSL socket connection string. * * @param $uri * Array from parse_url(). * @param &$options * Array containing options. * @param $proxy_server * String containing the proxy servers host name if one is to be used. * @param &$result * Result object; used only for error handling in this function. * * @return $socket * String containing the TCP/SSL socket connection URI. */ function httprl_set_socket($uri, &$options, $proxy_server, &$result) { $socket = ''; switch ($uri['scheme']) { case 'proxy': // Make the socket connection to a proxy server. $socket = 'tcp://' . $proxy_server . ':' . httprl_variable_get('proxy_port', 8080); // The Host header still needs to match the real request. $options['headers']['Host'] = $uri['host']; $options['headers']['Host'] .= isset($uri['port']) && $uri['port'] != 80 ? ':' . $uri['port'] : ''; break; case 'http': case 'feed': $port = isset($uri['port']) ? $uri['port'] : 80; $socket = 'tcp://' . $uri['host'] . ':' . $port; // RFC 2616: "non-standard ports MUST, default ports MAY be included". // We don't add the standard port to prevent from breaking rewrite rules // checking the host that do not take into account the port number. if (empty($options['headers']['Host'])) { $options['headers']['Host'] = $uri['host']; } if ($port != 80) { $options['headers']['Host'] .= ':' . $port; } break; case 'https': // Note: Only works when PHP is compiled with OpenSSL support. $port = isset($uri['port']) ? $uri['port'] : 443; $socket = 'ssl://' . $uri['host'] . ':' . $port; if (empty($options['headers']['Host'])) { $options['headers']['Host'] = $uri['host']; } if ($port != 443) { $options['headers']['Host'] .= ':' . $port; } break; default: // If the t function is not available use httprl_pr. if (function_exists('t')) { $t = 't'; } else { $t = 'httprl_pr'; } $result->error = $t('Invalid schema @scheme.', array('@scheme' => $uri['scheme'])); $result->code = HTTPRL_URL_INVALID_SCHEMA; } return $socket; } /** * Select which connect flags to use in stream_socket_client(). * * @param &$options * Array containing options. * @param $uri * Array from parse_url(). * * @return $flags * STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT or STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT|STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT. */ function httprl_set_connection_flag(&$options, $uri) { // Set connection flag. if ($options['async_connect']) { // Workaround for PHP bug with STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT and SSL // https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48182 - Fixed in PHP 5.2.11 and 5.3.1 if ($uri['scheme'] == 'https' && (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.11', '<') || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '='))) { $flags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; $options['async_connect'] = FALSE; } else { $flags = STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT|STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; } } else { $flags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; } return $flags; } /** * If data is being sent out in this request, handle it correctly. * * If $options['data'] is not a string, convert it to a string using * http_build_query(). Set the Content-Length header correctly. Set the * Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded if not already set and * using method is POST. * * @todo * Proper mime support. * * @param &$options * Array containing options. */ function httprl_handle_data(&$options) { // Encode data if not already done. if (!empty($options['data']) && !is_string($options['data'])) { // No files passed in, url-encode the data. if (empty($options['data']['files']) || !is_array($options['data']['files'])) { $options['data'] = http_build_query($options['data'], '', '&'); // Set the Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded if the data // is not empty, the Content-Type is not set, and the method is POST or // PUT. if (!empty($options['data']) && !isset($options['headers']['Content-Type']) && ($options['method'] == 'POST' || $options['method'] == 'PUT')) { $options['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } } else { $data_stream = ''; // Add files to the request. foreach ($options['data']['files'] as $field_name => $info) { $multi_field = '[]'; // Convert $info into an array if it's a string. // This makes for one code path (the foreach loop). if (is_string($info)) { $multi_field = ''; $temp = $info; unset($info); $info[] = $temp; } foreach ($info as $fullpath) { // Strip '@' from the start of the path (cURL requirement). if (substr($fullpath, 0, 1) == "@") { $fullpath = substr($fullpath, 1); } $filename = basename($fullpath); // TODO: mime detection. $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'; // Build the datastream for this file. $data_stream .= '--' . HTTPRL_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY . "\r\n"; $data_stream .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[' . $field_name . ']' . $multi_field . '"; filename="' . $filename . "\"\r\n"; $data_stream .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' . "\r\n"; $data_stream .= 'Content-Type: ' . $mimetype . "\r\n\r\n"; $data_stream .= file_get_contents($fullpath) . "\r\n"; } } // Remove files from the data array as they have already been added. $data_array = $options['data']; unset($data_array['files']); // Add fields to the request too: $_POST['foo'] = 'bar'. httprl_multipart_encoder($data_stream, $data_array); // Signal end of request (note the trailing "--"). $data_stream .= '--' . HTTPRL_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY . "--\r\n"; $options['data'] = $data_stream; // Set the Content-Type to multipart/form-data if the data is not empty, // the Content-Type is not set, and the method is POST or PUT. if (!empty($options['data']) && !isset($options['headers']['Content-Type']) && ($options['method'] == 'POST' || $options['method'] == 'PUT')) { $options['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' . HTTPRL_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY; } } } // Only add Content-Length if we actually have any content or if it is a POST // or PUT request. Some non-standard servers get confused by Content-Length in // at least HEAD/GET requests, and Squid always requires Content-Length in // POST/PUT requests. $content_length = httprl_strlen($options['data']); if ($content_length > 0 || $options['method'] == 'POST' || $options['method'] == 'PUT') { $options['headers']['Content-Length'] = $content_length; } } /** * Multipart encode a data array. * * PHP has http_build_query() which will url-encode data. There is no built in * function to multipart encode data thus we have this function below. * * @param $uri * Array from parse_url(). * @param &$options * Array containing options. */ function httprl_multipart_encoder(&$data_stream, $data_array, $prepend = array()) { foreach ($data_array as $key => $value) { $key_array = $prepend; $key_array[] = $key; if (is_array($value)) { httprl_multipart_encoder($data_stream, $value, $key_array); } elseif (is_scalar($value)) { $key_string = array_shift($key_array); if (!empty($key_array)) { $key_string .= '[' . implode('][', $key_array) . ']'; } $data_stream .= '--' . HTTPRL_MULTIPART_BOUNDARY . "\r\n"; $data_stream .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' . $key_string . "\"\r\n\r\n"; $data_stream .= $value . "\r\n"; } } } /** * Set the Authorization header if a user is set in the URI. * * @param $uri * Array from parse_url(). * @param &$options * Array containing options. */ function httprl_basic_auth($uri, &$options) { // If the server URL has a user then attempt to use basic authentication. if (isset($uri['user'])) { $options['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($uri['user'] . (!empty($uri['pass']) ? ":" . $uri['pass'] : '')); } } /** * Build the request string. * * This string is what gets sent to the server once a connection has been made. * * @param $uri * Array from parse_url(). * @param $options * Array containing options. * * @return $request * String containing the data that will be written to the server. */ function httprl_build_request_string($uri, $options) { // Construct the path to act on. $path = isset($uri['path']) ? $uri['path'] : '/'; if (isset($uri['query'])) { $path .= '?' . $uri['query']; } // Assemble the request together. HTTP version requires to be a float. $request = $options['method'] . ' ' . $path . ' HTTP/' . sprintf("%.1F", $options['version']) . "\r\n"; foreach ($options['headers'] as $name => $value) { $request .= $name . ': ' . trim($value) . "\r\n"; } $request .= "\r\n" . $options['data']; return $request; } /** * Read the error number & string and give a nice looking error in the output. * * This is a flexible and powerful HTTP client implementation. Correctly * handles GET, POST, PUT or any other HTTP requests. * * @param $errno * Error number from stream_socket_client(). * @param $errstr * Error string from stream_socket_client(). * @param $socket * An integer holding the stream timeout value. * @param $result * An object for httprl_send_request. * @return $result * An object for httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_stream_connection_error_formatter($errno, $errstr, &$result) { // If the t function is not available use httprl_pr. if (function_exists('t')) { $t = 't'; // Make sure drupal_convert_to_utf8() is available. if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7) { require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/unicode.inc'; } else { require_once './includes/unicode.inc'; } // Convert error message to utf-8. Using ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) as source // encoding could be wrong; it is a simple workaround :) $errstr = trim(drupal_convert_to_utf8($errstr, 'ISO-8859-1')); } else { $t = 'httprl_pr'; } if (!$errno) { // If $errno is 0, it is an indication that the error occurred // before the connect() call. if (empty($errstr)) { // If the error string is empty as well, this is most likely due to a // problem initializing the stream. $result->code = HTTPRL_ERROR_INITIALIZING_STREAM; $result->error = $t('Error initializing socket @socket.', array('@socket' => $result->socket)); } elseif (stripos($errstr, 'network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed:') !== FALSE) { // Host not found. No such host is known. The name is not an official host // name or alias. $result->code = HTTPRL_HOST_NOT_FOUND; $result->error = $errstr; } } else { // When a network error occurs, we use a negative number so it does not // clash with the HTTP status codes. $result->code = (int) -$errno; $result->error = !empty($errstr) ? $errstr : $t('Error opening socket @socket.', array('@socket' => $result->socket)); } } /** * Use stream_socket_client() to create a connection to the server. * * @param $socket * An integer holding the stream timeout value. * @param $flags * STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT or STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT|STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT. * @param $uri * Array from parse_url(). * @param $options * Array containing options. Used for timeout and async_connect here. * @return array * array($fp, $options, $errno, $errstr). */ function httprl_establish_stream_connection(&$result) { // Record start time. $start_time = microtime(TRUE); $result->fp = FALSE; // Try to make a connection, 3 max tries in loop. $count = 0; while (!$result->fp && $count < 3) { // Try the connection again not using async if in https mode. if ($count > 0) { if ($result->flags === STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT|STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT && $result->uri['scheme'] == 'https') { $result->flags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; $result->options['async_connect'] = FALSE; } else { // Break out of while loop if we can't connect. break; } } // Open the connection. if (empty($result->options['context'])) { $result->fp = @stream_socket_client($result->socket, $errno, $errstr, $result->options['timeout'], $result->flags); } else { // Create a stream with context. Context allows for the verification of // a SSL certificate. $result->fp = @stream_socket_client($result->socket, $errno, $errstr, $result->options['timeout'], $result->flags, $result->options['context']); } $count++; } // Make sure the stream opened properly. This check doesn't work if // async_connect is used, so only check it if async_connect is FALSE. Making // sure that stream_socket_get_name returns a "TRUE" value. if ( $result->fp && !$result->options['async_connect'] && !stream_socket_get_name($result->fp, TRUE) ) { $errno = HTTPRL_CONNECTION_REFUSED; $errstr = 'Connection refused. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.'; $result->fp = FALSE; } // Report any errors or set the steram to non blocking mode. if (!$result->fp) { httprl_stream_connection_error_formatter($errno, $errstr, $result); } else { stream_set_blocking($result->fp, 0); } // Record end time. $end_time = microtime(TRUE); $extra = 0; if (isset($result->options['internal_states']['running_time'])) { $extra = $result->options['internal_states']['running_time']; unset($result->options['internal_states']['running_time']); } $result->running_time = $end_time - $start_time + $extra; } /** * Queue up a HTTP request in httprl_send_request. * * @see drupal_http_request() * * This is a flexible and powerful HTTP client implementation. Correctly * handles GET, POST, PUT or any other HTTP requests. * * @param $urls * A string or an array containing a fully qualified URI(s). * @param array $options * (optional) An array that can have one or more of the following elements: * - headers: An array containing request headers to send as name/value pairs. * Some of the more useful headers: * - For POST: 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', * - Limit number of bytes server sends back: 'Range' => 'bytes=0-1024', * - Compression: 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', * - Let server know where request came from: 'Referer' => 'example.com', * - Content-Types that are acceptable: 'Accept' => 'text/plain', * - Send Cookies: 'Cookie' => 'key1=value1; key2=value2;', * - Skip the cache: 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache', * - Skip the cache: 'Pragma' => 'no-cache', * List of headers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields * - method: A string containing the request method. Defaults to 'GET'. * - data: A string containing the request body, formatted as * 'param=value¶m=value&...'. Defaults to NULL. * - max_redirects: An integer representing how many times a redirect * may be followed. Defaults to 3. * - timeout: A float representing the maximum number of seconds a connection * may take. The default is 30 seconds. If a timeout occurs, the error code * is set to the HTTPRL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT constant. * - context: A context resource created with stream_context_create(). * - blocking: set to FALSE to make this not care about the returned data. * - version: HTTP Version 1.0 or 1.1. Default is 1.0 for a good reason. * - referrer: TRUE - send current page; FALSE - do not send current * page. Default is FALSE. * - domain_connections: Maximum number of simultaneous connections to a given * domain name. Default is 8. * - global_connections: Maximum number of simultaneous connections that can * be open on the server. Default is 128. * - global_timeout: A float representing the maximum number of seconds the * function call may take. If a timeout occurs,the error code is set to the * HTTPRL_FUNCTION_TIMEOUT constant. Default is 120 seconds. * - chunk_size_write: max size of what will be written in fwrite(). * - chunk_size_read: max size of what will be read from fread(). * - async_connect: default is TRUE. FALSE may give more info on errors but is * generally slower. * - callback: Array where the first value is an array of options; the result * is passed to the callback function as the first argument, the other * options passed in this array are passed in after the result. The options * array needs to contain the function name and the target variable for the * result of the function. * - background_callback: Array where the first value is an array of options; * the result is passed to the callback function as the first argument, the * other options passed in this array are passed in after the result. The * options array needs to contain the function name. If the return or * printed keys are not defined this function will run in non blocking mode * and the parent will not be able to get the result; if the return or * printed keys defined then this function will run in blocking mode and the * returned and printed data as well as any variables passed by reference * will be available to the parent. * - alter_all_streams_function: Function name. This function runs at the end * of httprl_post_processing() so that one can alter the $responses and * $output variables inside of httprl_send_request. Defined function * should have the following parameters: * ($id, &$responses). * * @return array * Array where key is the URL and the value is the return value from * httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_request($urls, $options = array()) { // See if a full bootstrap has been done. $full_bootstrap = httprl_drupal_full_bootstrap(); // Transform string to an array. if (!is_array($urls)) { $temp = $urls; unset($urls); $urls = array($temp); unset($temp); } if ($full_bootstrap) { // Allow other modules to alter things before we get started. // Run hook_pre_httprl_request_alter(). $data = array($urls, $options); drupal_alter('pre_httprl_request', $data); list($urls, $options) = $data; } $connections = array(); $return = array(); // Set things up; but do not perform any IO. foreach ($urls as $url) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->url = $url; $result->status = 'in progress'; $result->code = 0; $result->chunk_size = 1024; $result->data = ''; // Copy Options. $these_options = $options; // Setup the default options. httprl_set_default_options($these_options); // Parse the given URL and skip if an error occurred. $uri = httprl_parse_url($url, $result); if (isset($result->error)) { // Put all variables into an array for easy alterations. $connections[] = array(NULL, NULL, $uri, $url, $these_options, $result, NULL); $return[$url] = FALSE; // Stop processing this request as we have encountered an error. continue; } // Set the proxy server if one is required. $proxy_server = httprl_setup_proxy($uri, $these_options, $url); // Create the socket string and skip if an error occurred. $socket = httprl_set_socket($uri, $these_options, $proxy_server, $result, $return, $url); if (isset($result->error)) { // Put all variables into an array for easy alterations. $connections[] = array($socket, NULL, $uri, $url, $these_options, $result, NULL); $return[$url] = FALSE; // Stop processing this request as we have encountered an error. continue; } // Use a sync of async connection. $flags = httprl_set_connection_flag($these_options, $uri); // If any data is given, do the right things to this request so it works. httprl_handle_data($these_options); // Build the request string. $request = httprl_build_request_string($uri, $these_options); // Put all variables into an array for easy alterations. $connections[] = array($socket, $flags, $uri, $url, $these_options, $result, $request); $return[$url] = TRUE; } if ($full_bootstrap) { // Allow other programs to alter the connections before they are made. // run hook_httprl_request_alter(). drupal_alter('httprl_request', $connections); } $results = array(); foreach ($connections as $connection) { list($socket, $flags, $uri, $url, $options, $result, $request) = $connection; $result->request = $request; $result->options = $options; $result->socket = $socket; $result->flags = $flags; $result->uri = $uri; $result->running_time = 0; $results[] = $result; } httprl_send_request($results); return $return; } /** * Perform many HTTP requests. * * @see drupal_http_request() * * This is a flexible and powerful HTTP client implementation. Correctly * handles GET, POST, PUT or any other HTTP requests. * * @param $connections * (optional) A file pointer. * @return bool * TRUE if function worked as planed. */ function httprl_send_request($results = NULL) { static $responses = array(); static $counter = 0; if (!is_null($results)) { // Put the connection information into the responses array. foreach ($results as $result) { $responses[$counter] = $result; $counter++; } return TRUE; } // Exit if there is nothing to do. if (empty($responses)) { return FALSE; } // If the t function is not available use httprl_pr. if (function_exists('t')) { $t = 't'; } else { $t = 'httprl_pr'; } // Create output array. $output = array(); // Remove errors from responses array and set the global timeout. $global_timeout = 1; $global_connection_limit = 1; foreach ($responses as $id => &$result) { if (!empty($result->error)) { $result->status = 'Connection not made.'; // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); continue; } // Get connection limits. $global_connection_limit = max($global_connection_limit, $result->options['global_connections']); if (!isset($domain_connection_limit[$result->options['headers']['Host']])) { $domain_connection_limit[$result->options['headers']['Host']] = max(1, $result->options['domain_connections']); } else { $domain_connection_limit[$result->options['headers']['Host']] = max($domain_connection_limit[$result->options['headers']['Host']], $result->options['domain_connections']); } $global_timeout = max($global_timeout, $result->options['global_timeout']); } // Record start time. $start_time_this_run = $start_time_global = microtime(TRUE); // Run the loop as long as we have a stream to read/write to. $empty_runs = 0; $stream_select_timeout = 1; $stream_write_count = 0; while (!empty($responses)) { // Initialize connection limits. $this_run = array(); $global_connection_count = 0; $domain_connection_count = array(); $restart_timers = FALSE; // Get time. $now = microtime(TRUE); // Calculate times. $elapsed_time = $now - $start_time_this_run; $start_time_this_run = $now; $global_time = $global_timeout - ($start_time_this_run - $start_time_global); $reset_empty_runs = FALSE; // Inspect each stream, checking for timeouts and connection limits. foreach ($responses as $id => &$result) { // See if function timed out. if ($global_time <= 0) { // Function timed out & the request is not done. if ($result->status == 'in progress') { $result->error = $t('Function timed out. Write.'); // If stream is not done writing, then remove one from the write count. if (isset($result->fp)) { $stream_write_count--; } } else { $result->error = $t('Function timed out.'); } $result->code = HTTPRL_FUNCTION_TIMEOUT; $result->status = 'Done.'; // Do post processing on the stream and close it. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output, $global_time); continue; } // Do not calculate local timeout if a file pointer doesn't exist. if (isset($result->fp)) { // Add the elapsed time to this stream. $result->running_time += $elapsed_time; // Calculate how much time is left of the original timeout value. $timeout = $result->options['timeout'] - $result->running_time; // No streams are ready from stream_select, See if end server has // dropped the connection, or has failed to make the connection. $socket_name = 'Not empty.'; if ($empty_runs > 32) { // If nothing has happened after 32 runs, see if the connection has // been made. $socket_name = stream_socket_get_name($result->fp, TRUE); } // Connection was dropped or connection timed out. if ($timeout <= 0 || empty($socket_name)) { $result->error = $t('Connection timed out. If you believe this is a false error, turn off async_connect in the httprl options array and try again.'); // Stream timed out & the request is not done. if ($result->status == 'in progress') { $result->error .= $t(' Write.'); // If stream is not done writing, then remove one from the write count. $stream_write_count--; } else { $result->error .= $t(' Read.'); } $result->code = HTTPRL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; $result->status = 'Done.'; // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output, $timeout); $reset_empty_runs = TRUE; continue; } } // Connection was handled elsewhere. if (!isset($result->fp) && $result->status != 'in progress') { // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); $reset_empty_runs = TRUE; continue; } // Set the connection limits for this run. // Get the host name. $host = $result->options['headers']['Host']; // Set the domain connection limit if none has been defined yet. if (!isset($domain_connection_limit[$host])) { $domain_connection_limit[$host] = max(1, $result->options['domain_connections']); } // Count up the number of connections. $global_connection_count++; if (empty($domain_connection_count[$host])) { $domain_connection_count[$host] = 1; } else { $domain_connection_count[$host]++; } // If the conditions are correct, let the stream be ran in this loop. if ($global_connection_limit >= $global_connection_count && $domain_connection_limit[$host] >= $domain_connection_count[$host]) { // Establish a new connection. if (!isset($result->fp) && $result->status == 'in progress') { // Establish a connection to the server. httprl_establish_stream_connection($result); // Reset timer. $restart_timers = TRUE; // If connection can not be established bail out here. if (!$result->fp) { // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); $domain_connection_count[$host]--; $global_connection_count--; continue; } $stream_write_count++; } if (!empty($result->fp)) { $this_run[$id] = $result->fp; } } } // All streams removed; exit loop. if (empty($responses)) { break; } // Restart timers. if ($restart_timers) { $start_time_this_run = microtime(TRUE); } // No streams selected; restart loop from the top. if (empty($this_run)) { continue; } if ($reset_empty_runs) { $empty_runs = 0; $reset_empty_runs = FALSE; } // Set the read and write vars to the streams var. $read = $write = $this_run; $except = array(); // Do some voodoo and open all streams at once. Wait 25ms for streams to // respond. $n = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $stream_select_timeout, 25000); $stream_select_timeout = 0; // We have some streams to read/write to. $rw_done = FALSE; if (!empty($n)) { $empty_runs = 0; // Readable sockets either have data for us, or are failed connection // attempts. foreach ($read as $r) { $id = array_search($r, $this_run); // Make sure ID is in the streams. if ($id === FALSE) { @fclose($r); continue; } // Do not read from the non blocking sockets. if (empty($responses[$id]->options['blocking'])) { // Do post processing on the stream and close it. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); continue; } // Read socket. $chunk = fread($r, $responses[$id]->chunk_size); if (httprl_strlen($chunk) > 0) { $rw_done = TRUE; } $responses[$id]->data .= $chunk; // Process the headers if we have some data. if (!empty($responses[$id]->data) && empty($responses[$id]->headers) && ( strpos($responses[$id]->data, "\r\n\r\n") || strpos($responses[$id]->data, "\n\n") || strpos($responses[$id]->data, "\r\r") ) ) { // See if the headers are in the data stream. httprl_parse_data($responses[$id]); if (!empty($responses[$id]->headers)) { // Stream was a redirect, kill & close this connection; redirect is // being followed now. if (!empty($responses[$id]->options['internal_states']['kill'])) { fclose($r); unset($responses[$id]); continue; } // Now that we have the headers, increase the chunk size. $responses[$id]->chunk_size = $responses[$id]->options['chunk_size_read']; // If a range header is set, 200 was returned, and method is GET // calculate how many bytes need to be downloaded. if (!empty($responses[$id]->options['headers']['Range']) && $responses[$id]->code == 200 && $responses[$id]->method == 'GET') { $responses[$id]->ranges = httprl_get_ranges($responses[$id]->options['headers']['Range']); $responses[$id]->options['max_data_size'] = httprl_get_last_byte_from_range($responses[$id]->ranges); } } } // Close the connection if a Range request was made and the currently // downloaded data size is larger than the Range request. if ( !empty($responses[$id]->options['max_data_size']) && !is_null($responses[$id]->options['max_data_size']) && $responses[$id]->options['max_data_size'] < httprl_strlen($responses[$id]->data) ) { $responses[$id]->status = 'Done.'; $responses[$id]->code = 206; // Make the data conform to the range request. $new_data = array(); foreach ($responses[$id]->ranges as $range) { $new_data[] = substr($responses[$id]->data, $range['start'], ($range['end']+1) - $range['start']); } $responses[$id]->data = implode('', $new_data); // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); continue; } // Get stream data. $info = stream_get_meta_data($r); $alive = !$info['eof'] && !feof($r) && !$info['timed_out'] && httprl_strlen($chunk); if (!$alive) { if ($responses[$id]->status == 'in progress') { $responses[$id]->error = $t('Connection refused by destination. Write.'); $responses[$id]->code = HTTPRL_CONNECTION_REFUSED; } $responses[$id]->status = 'Done.'; // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); continue; } else { $responses[$id]->status = 'Reading data'; } } // Write to each stream if it is available. if ($stream_write_count > 0) { foreach ($write as $w) { $id = array_search($w, $this_run); // Make sure ID is in the streams & status is for writing. if ($id === FALSE || empty($responses[$id]->status) || $responses[$id]->status != 'in progress') { continue; } // Calculate the number of bytes we need to write to the stream. if (!empty($responses[$id]->request_left)) { $data_to_send = $responses[$id]->request_left; } else { $data_to_send = $responses[$id]->request; } $len = httprl_strlen($data_to_send); if ($len > 0) { // Write to the stream. $bytes = fwrite($w, $data_to_send, min($responses[$id]->options['chunk_size_write'], $len)); } else { // Nothing to write. $bytes = $len; } // See if we are done with writing. if ($bytes === FALSE) { // fwrite failed. $responses[$id]->error = $t('fwrite() failed.'); $responses[$id]->code = HTTPRL_REQUEST_FWRITE_FAIL; $responses[$id]->status = 'Done.'; $stream_write_count--; // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); continue; } elseif ($bytes >= $len) { $stream_write_count--; // Clear out the request_left variable. if (isset($responses[$id]->request_left)) { unset($responses[$id]->request_left); } // If this is a non blocking request then close the connection and destroy the stream. if (empty($responses[$id]->options['blocking'])) { $responses[$id]->status = 'Non-Blocking request sent out. Not waiting for the response.'; // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); continue; } else { // All data has been written to the socket. We are read only from here on out. $responses[$id]->status = "Request sent, waiting for response."; } $rw_done = TRUE; } else { // There is more data to write to this socket. Cut what was sent // across the stream and resend whats left next time in the loop. $responses[$id]->request_left = substr($data_to_send, $bytes); $rw_done = TRUE; } } } } else { $empty_runs++; } if ($empty_runs > 400) { // If stream_select hasn't returned a valid read or write stream after // 10+ seconds, error out. foreach ($this_run as $id => $fp) { // stream_select timed out & the request is not done. $responses[$id]->error = $t('stream_select() timed out.'); $responses[$id]->code = HTTPRL_STREAM_SELECT_TIMEOUT; $responses[$id]->status = 'Done.'; // Do post processing on the stream. httprl_post_processing($id, $responses, $output); continue; } } if (!$rw_done) { // Wait 5ms for data buffers. usleep(5000); } } // Free memory/reset static variables. $responses = array(); $counter = 0; return $output; } /** * Extract the header and meta data from the http data stream. * * @see drupal_http_request() * * @param $result * An object from httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_parse_data(&$result) { // If in non blocking mode, skip. if (empty($result->options['blocking'])) { continue; } // If the headers are already parsed, skip. if (!empty($result->headers)) { continue; } // If the t function is not available use httprl_pr. if (function_exists('t')) { $t = 't'; } else { $t = 'httprl_pr'; } // Parse response headers from the response body. // Be tolerant of malformed HTTP responses that separate header and body with // \n\n or \r\r instead of \r\n\r\n. $response = $result->data; list($response, $result->data) = preg_split("/\r\n\r\n|\n\n|\r\r/", $response, 2); $response = preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $response); // Parse the response status line. $protocol_code_array = explode(' ', trim(array_shift($response)), 3); $result->protocol = $protocol_code_array[0]; $code = (int) $protocol_code_array[1]; // If the response does not include a description, don't try to process it. $result->status_message = isset($protocol_code_array[2]) ? $protocol_code_array[2] : ''; unset($protocol_code_array); $result->headers = array(); // Parse the response headers. $cookie_primary_counter = 0; while ($line = trim(array_shift($response))) { list($name, $value) = explode(':', $line, 2); $name = strtolower($name); // Parse cookies before they get added to the header. if ($name == 'set-cookie') { // Extract the key value pairs for this cookie. foreach (explode(';', $value) as $cookie_name_value) { $temp = explode('=', trim($cookie_name_value)); $cookie_key = trim($temp[0]); $cookie_value = isset($temp[1]) ? trim($temp[1]) : ''; unset($temp); // The cookie name-value pair always comes first (RFC 2109 4.2.2). if (!isset($result->cookies[$cookie_primary_counter])) { $result->cookies[$cookie_primary_counter] = array( 'name' => $cookie_key, 'value' => $cookie_value, ); } // Extract the rest of the attribute-value pairs. else { $result->cookies[$cookie_primary_counter] += array( $cookie_key => $cookie_value, ); } } $cookie_primary_counter++; } // Add key value pairs to the header; including cookies. if (isset($result->headers[$name]) && $name == 'set-cookie') { // RFC 2109: the Set-Cookie response header comprises the token Set- // Cookie:, followed by a comma-separated list of one or more cookies. $result->headers[$name] .= ',' . trim($value); } else { $result->headers[$name] = trim($value); } } $responses = array( 100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Time-out', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Large', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested range not satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Time-out', 505 => 'HTTP Version not supported', ); // RFC 2616 states that all unknown HTTP codes must be treated the same as the // base code in their class. if (!isset($responses[$code])) { $code = floor($code / 100) * 100; } $result->code = $code; switch ($code) { case 200: // OK case 206: // Partial Content case 304: // Not modified break; case 301: // Moved permanently case 302: // Moved temporarily case 307: // Moved temporarily $location = @parse_url($result->headers['location']); // If location isn't fully qualified URL (as per W3 RFC2616), build one. if (empty($location['scheme']) || empty($location['host'])) { // Get the important parts from the original request. $original_location = @parse_url($result->url); // Assume request is to self if none of this was setup correctly. $location['scheme'] = !empty($location['scheme']) ? $location['scheme'] : $original_location['scheme']; $location['host'] = !empty($location['host']) ? $location['host'] : !empty($original_location['host']) ? $original_location['host'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $location['port'] = !empty($location['port']) ? $location['port'] : !empty($original_location['port']) ? $original_location['port'] : ''; $location = httprl_glue_url($location); } else { $location = $result->headers['location']; } // Set internal redirect states. $result->options['internal_states']['redirect_code_array'][] = $code; $result->options['internal_states']['redirect_url_array'][] = $location; if (!isset($result->options['internal_states']['original_url'])) { $result->options['internal_states']['original_url'] = $result->url; } // Error out if we hit the max redirect. if ($result->options['max_redirects'] <= 0) { $result->code = HTTPRL_REQUEST_ALLOWED_REDIRECTS_EXHAUSTED; $result->error = $t('Maximum allowed redirects exhausted.'); } else { // Redirect to the new location. // TODO: Send cookies in the redirect request if domain/path match. $result->options['max_redirects']--; if (isset($result->options['headers']['Referer'])) { $result->options['headers']['Referer'] = $result->url; } // Remove the host from the header. unset($result->options['headers']['Host']); // Pass along running time. $result->options['internal_states']['running_time'] = $result->running_time; // Send new request. httprl_request($location, $result->options); // Kill this request. $result->options['internal_states']['kill'] = TRUE; } break; default: $result->error = $result->status_message; } } /** * Parse a range header into start and end byte ranges. * * @param $input * String in the form of bytes=0-1024 or bytes=0-1024,2048-4096 * @return array * Keyed arrays containing start and end values for the byte ranges. * Empty array if the string can not be parsed. */ function httprl_get_ranges($input) { $ranges = array(); // Make sure the input string matches the correct format. $string = preg_match('/^bytes=((\d*-\d*,? ?)+)$/', $input, $matches) ? $matches[1] : FALSE; if (!empty($string)) { // Handle mutiple ranges foreach (explode(',', $string) as $range) { // Get the start and end byte values for this range. $values = explode('-', $range); if (count($values) != 2) { return FALSE; } $ranges[] = array('start' => $values[0], 'end' => $values[1]); } } return $ranges; } /** * Given an array of ranges, get the last byte we need to download. * * @param $ranges * Multi dimentional array * @return int or NULL * NULL: Get all values; int: last byte to download. */ function httprl_get_last_byte_from_range($ranges) { $max = 0; if (empty($ranges)) { return NULL; } foreach ($ranges as $range) { if (!is_numeric($range['start']) || !is_numeric($range['end'])) { return NULL; } $max = max($range['end']+1, $max); } return $max; } /** * Run post processing on the request if we are done reading. * * Decode transfer-encoding and content-encoding. * Reconstruct the internal redirect arrays. * * @param $result * An object from httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_post_processing($id, &$responses, &$output, $time_left = NULL) { // Create the result reference. $result = &$responses[$id]; // Close file. if (isset($result->fp)) { @fclose($result->fp); } // Set timeout. if (is_null($time_left)) { $time_left = $result->options['timeout'] - $result->running_time; } $result->options['timeout'] = $time_left; // Assemble redirects. httprl_reconstruct_redirects($result); // Decode chunked transfer-encoding and gzip/deflate content-encoding if we // have a successful read; code is greater than 0. if ($result->code > 0) { httprl_decode_data($result); } // If this is a background callback request, extract the data and return. if (isset($result->options['internal_states']['background_function_return']) && isset($result->headers['content-type']) && $result->headers['content-type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') { httprl_extract_background_callback_data($result); unset($responses[$id]); return; } // See if a full bootstrap has been done. $full_bootstrap = httprl_drupal_full_bootstrap(); // Allow other modules to alter the result. if ($full_bootstrap) { // Call hook_httprl_post_processing_alter(). drupal_alter('httprl_post_processing', $result); } // Run callback so other modules can do stuff in the event loop. if ( $full_bootstrap && !empty($result->options['callback']) && is_array($result->options['callback']) ) { httprl_run_callback($result); } // Run background_callback. if ( !empty($result->options['background_callback']) && is_array($result->options['background_callback']) ) { httprl_queue_background_callback($result->options['background_callback'], $result); } // Allow a user defined function to alter all $responses. if ($full_bootstrap && !empty($result->options['alter_all_streams_function']) && function_exists($result->options['alter_all_streams_function'])) { $result->options['alter_all_streams_function']($id, $responses); } // Copy the result to the output array. if (isset($result->url)) { $output[$result->url] = $result; } unset($responses[$id]); } /** * Set the return and printed values & any pass by reference values from a * background callback operation. * * @param $result * An object from httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_extract_background_callback_data(&$result) { // Extract data from string. $data = array(); parse_str($result->data, $data); $data = unserialize(current($data)); // Set return and printed values. if (isset($data['return'])) { $result->options['internal_states']['background_function_return'] = $data['return']; } if (isset($data['printed'])) { $result->options['internal_states']['background_function_printed'] = $data['printed']; } // Set any pass by reference values. httprl_recursive_array_reference_extract($result->options['internal_states']['background_function_args'], $data['args']); } /** * Replace data in place so pass by reference sill works. * * @param $array * An array containing the references if any. * @param $data * An array that has the new values to copy into $array. * @param $depth * Only go 10 levels deep. Prevent infinite loops. */ function httprl_recursive_array_reference_extract(&$array, $data, $depth = 0) { $depth++; foreach ($array as $key => &$value) { if (isset($data[$key])) { if (is_array($data[$key]) && is_array($value) && $depth < 10) { $value = httprl_recursive_array_reference_extract($value, $data[$key], $depth); } else { $value = $data[$key]; } } else { $value = NULL; } } // Copy new keys into the data structure. foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (isset($array[$key])) { continue; } $array[$key] = $value; } } /** * Will run the given callback returning values and what might have been * printed by that function, as well as respecting any pass by reference values. * * @param $result * An object from httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_run_callback(&$result) { // Get options. $callback_options = $result->options['callback'][0]; // Merge in values by reference. $result->options['callback'][0] = &$result; // Capture anything printed out. if (array_key_exists('printed', $callback_options)) { ob_start(); } // Call function. $callback_options['return'] = call_user_func_array($callback_options['function'], $result->options['callback']); if (array_key_exists('printed', $callback_options)) { $callback_options['printed'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } // Add options back into the callback array. if (isset($result->options['callback'])) { array_unshift($result->options['callback'], $callback_options); } } /** * Will run the given callback returning values and what might have been * printed by that function, as well as respecting any pass by reference values. * * @param $args * An array of arguments, first key value pair is used to control the * callback function. The rest of the key value pairs will be arguments for * the callback function. * @param $result * (optional) An object from httprl_send_request. If this is set, this will * be the first argument of the function. */ function httprl_queue_background_callback(&$args, &$result = NULL) { // Use a counter to prevent key collisions in httprl_send_request. static $counter; if (!isset($counter)) { $counter = 0; } $counter++; // Get options. $callback_options = $args[0]; if (is_null($result)) { array_shift($args); } else { // Merge in this request by reference. $args[0] = &$result; } // Set blocking mode. if (isset($callback_options['return']) || isset($callback_options['printed'])) { $mode = TRUE; } else { $mode = FALSE; } // Make sure some array keys exist. if (!isset($callback_options['return'])) { $callback_options['return'] = ''; } if (!isset($callback_options['function'])) { $callback_options['function'] = ''; } // Get the maximum amount of time this could take. $times = array(HTTPRL_TIMEOUT, HTTPRL_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT); if (isset($callback_options['options']['timeout'])) { $times[] = $callback_options['options']['timeout']; } if (isset($callback_options['options']['global_timeout'])) { $times[] = $callback_options['options']['global_timeout']; } // Acquire lock for this run. $locked = FALSE; $lock_counter = 0; while (!$locked && $lock_counter < 20) { $id = 'httprl_' . hash('sha512', mt_rand() . time()); // Set lock to maximum amount of time. $locked = lock_acquire($id, max($times)); $lock_counter++; } // Make sure lock exists after this process is dead. if (empty($mode)) { // Remove from the global locks variable. global $locks; unset($locks[$id]); // Remove the lock_id reference in the database. if (httprl_variable_get('lock_inc', './includes/lock.inc') === './includes/lock.inc') { if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7) { db_update('semaphore') ->fields(array('value' => 'httprl')) ->condition('name', $id) ->condition('value', _lock_id()) ->execute(); } else { db_query("UPDATE {semaphore} SET value = '%s' WHERE name = '%s' AND value = '%s'", 'httprl', $id, _lock_id()); } } } // Get URL to call function in background. if (empty($callback_options['url'])) { $url = httprl_build_url_self('httprl_async_function_callback?count=' . $counter); } else { $url = $callback_options['url']; } // Create data array and options for request. $options = array( 'data' => array( 'master_key' => hash('sha512', httprl_drupal_get_private_key()), 'temp_key' => $id, 'mode' => $mode, 'function' => $callback_options['function'], 'args' => serialize($args), ), 'internal_states' => array( 'background_function_return' => &$callback_options['return'], 'background_function_args' => &$args, ), 'blocking' => $mode, 'method' => 'POST', ); if (isset($callback_options['printed'])) { $options['internal_states']['background_function_printed'] = &$callback_options['printed']; } if (isset($callback_options['options']) && is_array($callback_options['options'])) { $options += $callback_options['options']; } // Send Request. return httprl_request($url, $options); } /** * Will decode chunked transfer-encoding and gzip/deflate content-encoding. * * @param $result * An object from httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_decode_data(&$result) { if (isset($result->headers['transfer-encoding']) && $result->headers['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked') { $stream_position = 0; $output = ''; $data = $result->data; while ($stream_position < httprl_strlen($data)) { // Get the number of bytes to read for this chunk. $rawnum = substr($data, $stream_position, strpos(substr($data, $stream_position), "\r\n") + 2); $num = hexdec(trim($rawnum)); // Get the position to read from. $stream_position += httprl_strlen($rawnum); // Extract the chunk. $chunk = substr($data, $stream_position, $num); // Decompress if compressed. if (isset($result->headers['content-encoding'])) { if ($result->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') { $chunk = gzinflate(substr($chunk, 10)); } elseif ($result->headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate') { $chunk = gzinflate($chunk); } } // Glue the chunks together. $output .= $chunk; $stream_position += httprl_strlen($chunk); } $result->data = $output; } // Decompress if compressed. elseif (isset($result->headers['content-encoding'])) { if ($result->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') { $result->data = gzinflate(substr($result->data, 10)); } elseif ($result->headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate') { $result->data = gzinflate($result->data); } } } /** * Reconstruct the internal redirect arrays. * * @param $result * An object from httprl_send_request. */ function httprl_reconstruct_redirects(&$result) { // Return if original_url is not set. if (empty($result->options['internal_states']['original_url'])) { return; } // Set the original url. $result->url = $result->options['internal_states']['original_url']; // Set the redirect code. $result->redirect_code_array = $result->options['internal_states']['redirect_code_array']; $result->redirect_code = array_pop($result->options['internal_states']['redirect_code_array']); // Set the redirect url. $result->redirect_url_array = $result->options['internal_states']['redirect_url_array']; $result->redirect_url = array_pop($result->options['internal_states']['redirect_url_array']); // Cleanup. unset($result->options['internal_states']['original_url'], $result->options['internal_states']['redirect_code_array'], $result->options['internal_states']['redirect_url_array']); if (empty($result->options['internal_states'])) { unset($result->options['internal_states']); } } /** * Output text, close connection, continue processing in the background. * * @param $output * string - Text to output to open connection. * @param $wait * bool - Wait 1 second? * @param $content_type * string - Content type header. * @param $length * int - Content length. * * @return * Returns TRUE if operation worked, FALSE if it failed. */ function httprl_background_processing($output, $wait = TRUE, $content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8", $length = 0) { // Can't do background processing if headers are already sent. if (headers_sent()) { return FALSE; } // Prime php for background operations. // Remove any output buffers. @ob_end_clean(); $loop = 0; while (ob_get_level() && $loop < 25) { @ob_end_clean(); $loop++; } // Ignore user aborts. ignore_user_abort(TRUE); // Output headers & data. ob_start(); header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); header("Content-type: " . $content_type); header("Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate"); header("Connection: close"); header('Etag: "' . microtime(TRUE) . '"'); print($output); $size = ob_get_length(); header("Content-Length: " . $size); @ob_end_flush(); @ob_flush(); @flush(); if (function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request')) { fastcgi_finish_request(); } // wait for 1 second if ($wait) { sleep(1); } // text returned and connection closed. // Do background processing. Time taken after should not effect page load times. return TRUE; } /** * Get the length of a string in bytes. * * @param $string * get string length */ function httprl_strlen($string) { static $mb_strlen; if (!isset($mb_strlen)) { $mb_strlen = function_exists('mb_strlen'); } if ($mb_strlen) { return mb_strlen($string, '8bit'); } else { return strlen($string); } } /** * Alt to http_build_url(). * * @see http://php.net/parse-url#85963 * * @param $parsed * array from parse_url() * @return string * URI is returned. */ function httprl_glue_url($parsed) { if (!is_array($parsed)) { return FALSE; } $uri = isset($parsed['scheme']) ? $parsed['scheme'] . ':' . ((strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'mailto') ? '' : '//') : ''; $uri .= isset($parsed['user']) ? $parsed['user'] . (isset($parsed['pass']) ? ':' . $parsed['pass'] : '') . '@' : ''; $uri .= isset($parsed['host']) ? $parsed['host'] : ''; $uri .= !empty($parsed['port']) ? ':' . $parsed['port'] : ''; if (isset($parsed['path'])) { $uri .= (substr($parsed['path'], 0, 1) == '/') ? $parsed['path'] : ((!empty($uri) ? '/' : '' ) . $parsed['path']); } $uri .= isset($parsed['query']) ? '?' . $parsed['query'] : ''; $uri .= isset($parsed['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed['fragment'] : ''; return $uri; } /** * Return the server schema (http or https). * * @return string * http OR https. */ function httprl_get_server_schema() { return ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HTTPS'] == 'on') ) ? 'https' : 'http'; } /** * Send out a fast 403 and exit. */ function httprl_fast403() { global $base_path; // Set headers. if (!headers_sent()) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 403 Forbidden'); header('X-HTTPRL: Forbidden.'); } // Print simple 403 page. print '' . "\n"; print ''; print '403 Forbidden'; print '


'; print '

You are not authorized to access this page.

'; print '


'; print ''; print ''; // Exit Script. httprl_call_exit(); } /** * Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire(). * * This will release the named lock. * * @param $name * The name of the lock. */ function httprl_lock_release($name) { if (httprl_variable_get('lock_inc', './includes/lock.inc') !== './includes/lock.inc') { lock_release($name); } else { global $locks; unset($locks[$name]); if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7) { db_delete('semaphore') ->condition('name', $name) ->execute(); } else { db_query("DELETE FROM {semaphore} WHERE name = '%s'", $name); } } } /** * Pretty print data. * * @param $data * Data In. * @return * Human readable HTML version of the data. */ function httprl_pr($data) { // Get extra arguments passed in. $data = func_get_args(); // If empty print out the dump of that variable. foreach ($data as $key => &$value) { if (strlen(print_r($value, TRUE)) == 0) { $value = strtoupper(var_export($value, TRUE)); } } // Merge into base array if only one argument passed in. if (count($data) == 1) { $data = array_pop($data); } // Remove non UTF-8 Characters, escape HTML markup, remove extra new lines. $output = array_filter(explode("\n", htmlentities(iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//IGNORE', print_r($data, TRUE)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))); // Whitespace compression. foreach ($output as $key => $value) { if (str_replace(' ', '', $value) == "(") { $output[$key-1] .= ' ('; unset($output[$key]); } } // Replace whitespace with html markup. $output = str_replace(' ', '    ', nl2br(implode("\n", $output))) . '
'; return $output; } /** * Helper function for determining hosts excluded from needing a proxy. * * @return * TRUE if a proxy should be used for this host. */ function _httprl_use_proxy($host) { $proxy_exceptions = httprl_variable_get('proxy_exceptions', array('localhost', '')); return !in_array(strtolower($host), $proxy_exceptions, TRUE); } /** * Returns a persistent variable. * * This version ignores the $conf global and reads directly from the database. * * Case-sensitivity of the variable_* functions depends on the database * collation used. To avoid problems, always use lower case for persistent * variable names. * * @param $name * The name of the variable to return. * @param $default * The default value to use if this variable has never been set. * @return * The value of the variable. * * @see variable_del(), variable_set() */ function httprl_variable_get($name, $default = NULL) { // Try global configuration variable first. global $conf; if (isset($conf[$name])) { return $conf[$name]; } // Try database next if not at a full bootstrap level. if (function_exists('db_query') && !httprl_drupal_full_bootstrap()) { if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7) { $variables = array_map('unserialize', db_query('SELECT name, value FROM {variable} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $name))->fetchAllKeyed()); // Use the default if need be. return isset($variables[$name]) ? $variables[$name] : $default; } else { $result = db_query("SELECT value FROM {variable} WHERE name = '%s'", $name); if (!empty($result)) { $result = db_result($result); if (!empty($result)) { $value = unserialize($result); } } // Use the default if need be. return isset($value) ? $value : $default; } } else { // Return default if database is not available or if at a full bootstrap. return $default; } } /** * Run multiple functions or methods independently or chained. * * Example for running a Drupal 6 Database query. * @code * // Run 2 queries and get it's result. * $max = db_result(db_query('SELECT MAX(wid) FROM {watchdog}')); * $min = db_result(db_query('SELECT MIN(wid) FROM {watchdog}')); * echo $max . ' ' . $min; * * // Doing the same thing as above but with a set of arrays. * $max = ''; * $min = ''; * $args = array( * array( * 'type' => 'function', * 'call' => 'db_query', * 'args' => array('SELECT MAX(wid) FROM {watchdog}'), * ), * array( * 'type' => 'function', * 'call' => 'db_result', * 'args' => array('last' => NULL), * 'return' => &$max, * ), * array( * 'type' => 'function', * 'call' => 'db_query', * 'args' => array('SELECT MIN(wid) FROM {watchdog}'), * ), * array( * 'type' => 'function', * 'call' => 'db_result', * 'args' => array('last' => NULL), * 'return' => &$min, * ), * ); * httprl_run_array($args); * echo $max . ' ' . $min; * @endcode * * Example for running a Drupal 7 Database query. * @code * // Run a query and get it's result. * $min = db_select('watchdog', 'w') * ->fields('w', array('wid')) * ->orderBy('wid', 'DESC') * ->range(999, 1) * ->execute() * ->fetchField(); * echo $min; * * // Doing the same thing as above but with a set of arrays. * $min = ''; * $args = array( * array( * 'type' => 'function', * 'call' => 'db_select', * 'args' => array('watchdog', 'w',), * ), * array( * 'type' => 'method', * 'call' => 'fields', * 'args' => array('w', array('wid')), * ), * array( * 'type' => 'method', * 'call' => 'orderBy', * 'args' => array('wid', 'DESC'), * ), * array( * 'type' => 'method', * 'call' => 'range', * 'args' => array(999, 1), * ), * array( * 'type' => 'method', * 'call' => 'execute', * 'args' => array(), * ), * array( * 'type' => 'method', * 'call' => 'fetchField', * 'args' => array(), * 'return' => &$min, * ), * ); * httprl_run_array($args); * echo $min; * @endcode * * @param $array * 2 dimensional array * array( * array( * 'type' => function or method * 'call' => function name or name of object method * 'args' => array( * List of arguments to pass in. If you set the key to last, the return * value of the last thing ran will be put in this place. * 'last' => NULL * ), * 'return' => what was returned from this call. * 'printed' => what was printed from this call. * 'error' => any errors that might have occurred. * 'last' => set the last variable to anything. * ) * ) */ function httprl_run_array(&$array) { $last = NULL; foreach ($array as &$data) { // Skip if no type is set. if (!isset($data['type'])) { continue; } // Set the last variable if so desired. if (isset($data['last'])) { $last = $data['last']; } // Replace the last key with the last thing that has been returned. if (isset($data['args']) && array_key_exists('last', $data['args'])) { $data['args']['last'] = $last; $data['args'] = array_values($data['args']); } // Capture output if requested. if (array_key_exists('printed', $data)) { ob_start(); } // Pass by reference trick for call_user_func_array(). $args = array(); if (isset($data['args']) && is_array($data['args'])) { foreach ($data['args'] as &$arg) { $args[] = &$arg; } } // Start to capture errors. $track_errors = ini_set('track_errors', '1'); $php_errormsg = ''; // Call a function or a method. switch ($data['type']) { case 'function': if (function_exists($data['call'])) { $last = call_user_func_array($data['call'], $args); } else { $php_errormsg = 'Recoverable Fatal error: Call to undefined function ' . $data['call'] . '()'; } break; case 'method': if (method_exists($last, $data['call'])) { $last = call_user_func_array(array($last, $data['call']), $args); } else { $php_errormsg = 'Recoverable Fatal error: Call to undefined method ' . get_class($last) . '::' . $data['call'] . '()'; } break; } // Set any errors if any where thrown. if (!empty($php_errormsg)) { $data['error'] = $php_errormsg; ini_set('track_errors', $track_errors); watchdog('httprl', 'Error thrown in httprl_run_array().
@error', array('@error' => $php_errormsg), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } // End capture. if (array_key_exists('printed', $data)) { $data['printed'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } // Set what was returned from each call. if (array_key_exists('return', $data)) { $data['return'] = $last; } } return array('args' => array($array)); } /** * Run a single function. * * @param $function * Name of function to run. * @param $input_args * list of arguments to pass along to the function. */ function httprl_run_function($function, &$input_args) { // Pass by reference trick for call_user_func_array(). $args = array(); foreach ($input_args as &$arg) { $args[] = &$arg; } // Capture anything printed out. ob_start(); // Start to capture errors. $track_errors = ini_set('track_errors', '1'); $php_errormsg = ''; // Run function. if (function_exists($function)) { $return = call_user_func_array($function, $args); } else { $php_errormsg = 'Recoverable Fatal error: Call to undefined function ' . $function . '()'; } $printed = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Create data array. $data = array('return' => $return, 'args' => $args, 'printed' => $printed); // Set any errors if any where thrown. if (!empty($php_errormsg)) { $data['error'] = $php_errormsg; ini_set('track_errors', $track_errors); watchdog('httprl', 'Error thrown in httprl_run_function().
@error', array('@error' => $php_errormsg), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } return $data; } function httprl_boot() { global $base_root; $full_url = $base_root . request_uri(); // Return if this is not a httprl_async_function_callback request. if ( strpos($full_url, '/httprl_async_function_callback') === FALSE || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST' || empty($_POST['master_key']) || empty($_POST['temp_key']) || strpos($_POST['temp_key'], 'httprl_') !== 0 || !empty($_POST['function']) ) { return NULL; } // Load httprl.async.inc. if (defined('DRUPAL_ROOT')) { require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . dirname(drupal_get_filename('module', 'httprl')) . '/httprl.async.inc'; } else { require_once './' . dirname(drupal_get_filename('module', 'httprl')) . '/httprl.async.inc'; } httprl_async_page(); } /** * Gets the private key variable. * * @return * The private key. */ function httprl_drupal_get_private_key() { $full_bootstrap = httprl_drupal_full_bootstrap(); $private_key = $full_bootstrap ? drupal_get_private_key() : httprl_variable_get('drupal_private_key', 0); return $private_key; } /** * Performs end-of-request tasks and/or call exit directly. */ function httprl_call_exit() { if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7 && drupal_get_bootstrap_phase() == DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL) { drupal_exit(); } else { exit; } } /** * Sees if Drupal has been fully booted. * * @return Bool * TRUE if DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL. * FALse if not DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL. */ function httprl_drupal_full_bootstrap() { static $full_bootstrap; if (!isset($full_bootstrap)) { // See if a full bootstrap has been done given the Drupal version. if (defined('VERSION') && substr(VERSION, 0, 1) >= 7) { $level = drupal_bootstrap(); $full_bootstrap = ($level == DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { $full_bootstrap = isset($GLOBALS['multibyte']) ? TRUE : FALSE; } } return $full_bootstrap; } /** * Sets the global user to the given user ID. * * @param $uid * Integer specifying the user ID to load. */ function httprl_set_user($uid) { global $user; $account = user_load($uid); if (!empty($account)) { $user = $account; return TRUE; } } /** * Sets the global $_GET['q'] parameter. * * @param $q * Internal URL. */ function httprl_set_q($q) { $_GET['q'] = $q; }