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  • hargobind's avatar
    Require PHP 5.4, minor bug fixes, made error messages consistent. · 7c7c0641
    hargobind authored
    - Require PHP 5.4 or higher in the .info file since the "google-places" library uses short array syntax.
    - Removed "@" from including the class path. When loading the library on PHP <= 5.3, a PHP error was thrown (due to short array syntax) but the "@" resulted in a WSOD.
    - Simplified the code that checks for the API key and the class path. Made the error messages consistent .
    - Updated release URL of the "google-places" library in README.txt since 1.2 is no different than 1.0.
    - Fix warning about '#prefix' not set on field ui cardinality.
    - Removed README.txt link on the config form since some hosts block TXT files, and the site admin can just view the file in the code.
    - Changes to hook_requirements(): added missing title, separate checks for library and empty API key.