*/ define('GA_TRACKFILES_EXTENSIONS', '7z|aac|arc|arj|asf|asx|avi|bin|csv|doc|exe|flv|gif|gz|gzip|hqx|jar|jpe?g|js|mp(2|3|4|e?g)|mov(ie)?|msi|msp|pdf|phps|png|ppt|qtm?|ra(m|r)?|sea|sit|tar|tgz|torrent|txt|wav|wma|wmv|wpd|xls|xml|z|zip'); function googleanalytics_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/settings/googleanalytics': return t('Google Analytics is a free (registration required) website traffic and marketing effectiveness service.', array('@ga_url' => 'http://www.google.com/analytics/')); } } function googleanalytics_perm() { return array('administer google analytics', 'opt-in or out of tracking', 'use PHP for tracking visibility'); } function googleanalytics_menu() { $items['admin/settings/googleanalytics'] = array( 'title' => 'Google Analytics', 'description' => 'Configure the settings used to generate your Google Analytics tracking code.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('googleanalytics_admin_settings_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer google analytics'), 'file' => 'googleanalytics.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); return $items; } function googleanalytics_init() { global $user; $id = variable_get('googleanalytics_account', ''); // 1. Check if the GA account number has a value. // 2. Track page views based on visibility value. // 3. Check if we should track the currently active user's role. if (!empty($id) && _googleanalytics_visibility_pages() && _googleanalytics_visibility_user($user)) { // Custom tracking. if (variable_get('googleanalytics_trackadsense', FALSE)) { drupal_add_js('window.google_analytics_uacct = ' . drupal_to_js($id) . ';', 'inline', 'header'); } // Add link tracking. $link_settings = array(); if ($track_outgoing = variable_get('googleanalytics_trackoutgoing', 1)) { $link_settings['trackOutgoing'] = $track_outgoing; } if ($track_mailto = variable_get('googleanalytics_trackmailto', 1)) { $link_settings['trackMailto'] = $track_mailto; } if (($track_download = variable_get('googleanalytics_trackfiles', 1)) && ($trackfiles_extensions = variable_get('googleanalytics_trackfiles_extensions', GA_TRACKFILES_EXTENSIONS))) { $link_settings['trackDownload'] = $track_download; $link_settings['trackDownloadExtensions'] = $trackfiles_extensions; } if (!empty($link_settings)) { drupal_add_js(array('googleanalytics' => $link_settings), 'setting', 'header'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'googleanalytics') .'/googleanalytics.js', 'module', 'header'); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_footer() to insert JavaScript at the end of the page. */ function googleanalytics_footer($main = 0) { global $user; $id = variable_get('googleanalytics_account', ''); // 1. Check if the GA account number has a value. // 2. Track page views based on visibility value. // 3. Check if we should track the currently active user's role. if (!empty($id) && _googleanalytics_visibility_pages() && _googleanalytics_visibility_user($user)) { // Add User profile segmentation values. $profile_fields = variable_get('googleanalytics_segmentation', array()); if (!empty($profile_fields) && ($user->uid > 0)) { // Invoke all modules having a hook_user_load() implemented. // If the invoked modules extend the $user object, the additional // data can be tracked. module_invoke_all('load_profile', $user); $fields = array(); foreach ($profile_fields as $field => $title) { $fields[$field] = is_array($user->$field) ? implode(',', $user->$field) : $user->$field; } // Only show segmentation variable if there are specified fields. $segmentation = ''; if (count($fields) > 0) { $segmentation = '_gaq.push(["_setVar", ' . drupal_to_js(implode(':', $fields)) . ']);'; } } // Site search tracking support. $url_custom = ''; if (module_exists('search') && variable_get('googleanalytics_site_search', FALSE) && arg(0) == 'search' && $keys = search_get_keys()) { $url_custom = drupal_to_js(url('search/'. arg(1), array('query' => 'search='. $keys))); } // If this node is a translation of another node, pass the original // node instead. if (module_exists('translation') && variable_get('googleanalytics_translation_set', 0)) { // Check we have a node object, it supports translation, and its // translated node ID (tnid) doesn't match its own node ID. $node = menu_get_object(); if ($node && translation_supported_type($node->type) && isset($node->tnid) && ($node->tnid != $node->nid)) { $source_node = node_load($node->tnid); $languages = language_list(); $url_custom = drupal_to_js(url('node/'. $source_node->nid, array('language' => $languages[$source_node->language]))); } } // Track access denied (403) and file not found (404) pages. $headers = drupal_get_headers(); if (strstr($headers, 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden')) { // See http://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?answer=86927 $url_custom = '"/403.html?page=" + document.location.pathname + document.location.search + "&from=" + document.referrer'; } elseif (strstr($headers, 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found')) { $url_custom = '"/404.html?page=" + document.location.pathname + document.location.search + "&from=" + document.referrer'; } // Add any custom code snippets if specified. $codesnippet_before = variable_get('googleanalytics_codesnippet_before', ''); $codesnippet_after = variable_get('googleanalytics_codesnippet_after', ''); // Build tracker code. $script = 'var _gaq = _gaq || [];'; $script .= '_gaq.push(["_setAccount", ' . drupal_to_js($id) . ']);'; if (variable_get('googleanalytics_tracker_anonymizeip', 0)) { $script .= '_gaq.push(["_anonymizeIp"]);'; } if (!empty($segmentation)) { $script .= $segmentation; } if (!empty($codesnippet_before)) { $script .= $codesnippet_before; } if (empty($url_custom)) { $script .= '_gaq.push(["_trackPageview"]);'; } else { $script .= '_gaq.push(["_trackPageview", ' . $url_custom . ']);'; } if (!empty($codesnippet_after)) { $script .= $codesnippet_after; } $script .= '(function() {'; $script .= 'var ga = document.createElement("script");'; $script .= 'ga.type = "text/javascript";'; $script .= 'ga.async = true;'; // Should a local cached copy of ga.js be used? if (variable_get('googleanalytics_cache', 0) && $path = _googleanalytics_cache('http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js')) { $script .= 'ga.src = "' . url($path) . '";'; } else { $script .= 'ga.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + ".google-analytics.com/ga.js";'; } $script .= 'var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];'; $script .= 's.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);'; $script .= '})();'; drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', 'footer'); } } /** * Implementation of hook_user(). * * Allow users to decide if tracking code will be added to pages or not. */ function googleanalytics_user($type, $edit, &$account, $category = NULL) { switch ($type) { case 'form': if ($category == 'account' && user_access('opt-in or out of tracking') && ($custom = variable_get('googleanalytics_custom', 0)) != 0 && _googleanalytics_visibility_roles($account)) { $form['googleanalytics'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Google Analytics configuration'), '#weight' => 3, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#tree' => TRUE ); switch ($custom) { case 1: $description = t('Users are tracked by default, but you are able to opt out.'); break; case 2: $description = t('Users are not tracked by default, but you are able to opt in.'); break; } $form['googleanalytics']['custom'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Enable user tracking'), '#description' => $description, '#default_value' => isset($account->googleanalytics['custom']) ? $account->googleanalytics['custom'] : ($custom == 1) ); return $form; } break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_cron(). */ function googleanalytics_cron() { // Regenerate the google analytics ga.js every day. if (time() - variable_get('googleanalytics_last_cache', 0) >= 86400) { // New google analytics version. file_delete(file_directory_path() .'/googleanalytics/ga.js'); // Clear aggregated JS files. if (variable_get('preprocess_js', 0)) { drupal_clear_js_cache(); } variable_set('googleanalytics_last_cache', time()); } } /** * Download and cache the ga.js file locally. * @param $location * The full URL to the external javascript file. * @return mixed * The path to the local javascript file on success, boolean FALSE on failure. */ function _googleanalytics_cache($location) { $directory = file_directory_path() .'/googleanalytics'; $file_destination = $directory .'/'. basename($location); if (!file_exists($file_destination)) { $result = drupal_http_request($location); if ($result->code == 200) { // Check that the files directory is writable if (file_check_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { return file_save_data($result->data, $directory .'/'. basename($location), FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); } } } else { return $file_destination; } } /** * Tracking visibility check for an user object. * * @param $account * A user object containing an array of roles to check. * @return boolean * A decision on if the current user is being tracked by Google Analytics. */ function _googleanalytics_visibility_user($account) { $enabled = FALSE; // Is current user a member of a role that should be tracked? if (_googleanalytics_visibility_roles($account)) { // Use the user's block visibility setting, if necessary. if (($custom = variable_get('googleanalytics_custom', 0)) != 0) { if ($account->uid && isset($account->googleanalytics['custom'])) { $enabled = $account->googleanalytics['custom']; } else { $enabled = ($custom == 1); } } else { $enabled = TRUE; } } return $enabled; } /** * Based on visibility setting this function returns TRUE if GA code should * be added for the current role and otherwise FALSE. */ function _googleanalytics_visibility_roles($account) { $enabled = FALSE; $roles = variable_get('googleanalytics_roles', array()); if (array_sum($roles) > 0) { // One or more roles are selected for tracking. foreach (array_keys($account->roles) as $rid) { // Is the current user a member of one role enabled for tracking? if (isset($roles[$rid]) && $rid == $roles[$rid]) { // Current user is a member of a role that should be tracked. $enabled = TRUE; break; } } } else { // No role is selected for tracking, therefor all roles should be tracked. $enabled = TRUE; } return $enabled; } /** * Based on visibility setting this function returns TRUE if GA code should * be added to the current page and otherwise FALSE. */ function _googleanalytics_visibility_pages() { static $page_match; // Cache visibility setting in hook_init for hook_footer. if (!isset($page_match)) { $visibility = variable_get('googleanalytics_visibility', 0); $pages = variable_get('googleanalytics_pages', ''); // Match path if necessary. if (!empty($pages)) { if ($visibility < 2) { $path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']); // Compare with the internal and path alias (if any). $page_match = drupal_match_path($path, $pages); if ($path != $_GET['q']) { $page_match = $page_match || drupal_match_path($_GET['q'], $pages); } // When $visibility has a value of 0, the block is displayed on // all pages except those listed in $pages. When set to 1, it // is displayed only on those pages listed in $pages. $page_match = !($visibility xor $page_match); } else { $page_match = drupal_eval($pages); } } else { $page_match = TRUE; } } return $page_match; }