$Id$ # *GMAP API DOCUMENTATION* # The GMap API is a simple way to create Google Maps from a macro or PHP code. **NOTE**: This is a work in progress! CONCEPTS -------- * Baselayer The actual map (Street map, topological map, satellite imagery, etc.) that everything is being displayed upon. * Macro The gmap API allows other modules to integrate Google Maps into their Drupal site. It can also be used by theme developers to integrate Google maps into portions of their theme. It can also be used to insert a map into any block of php. * Map Type See Baselayer. * Overlay A transparent layer drawn on top of the baselayer. PROGRAMMING API --------------- There are two different methods of inserting a Google Map using the gmap API. The first is using a macro as can be built from the macro creator included as part of this module. The second uses the gmap associative array to define the Google Map function. ###Macro### **NOTE**: This section is downright wrong at the moment. The macro is straight with each variable separated by a "|" and then uses an "=" to define that variable. Possible parameters are: id - the id for the map. Each map on a page must have a unique id. center - The comma separated latitude and longitude of the centre of the map. width - width of the map height - height of the map zoom - the zoom factor of the google map align - the alignment of the map 'right', 'left' or 'center' control - the control shown on the map 'Large', 'Small', or 'None' type - 'Map', 'Hybrid' or 'Satellite' points/markers - a string of points to mark on the map with + between each point line - the line is defined by a set of points separated by a + feed - the RSS feed with geo:lat information to be parsed by js The following shape types require XMaps: (xmaps is not currently functioning) circle - a circle based on a center point and a radius in km separated by a + and optionally can include the number of sizes. rpolygon - a regular polygon is defined by the center point and a point on the permiter separated by a + polygon - a polygon is defined by a set of points For a more detailed explanation on how to make complicated macros see: You can convert a macro into a gmap array with the function gmap_parse_macro($instring,$ver=2) $ver is only required if you need to use a macro generated with an old version of gmap where the format was longitude, latitude (set to 1 in that case). ###GMap Array### The main map array is quite complex. Most of the features have a macro equivilent, but some of the more powerful constructs do not. ####Style subsection#### Some places in the array accept a style array. A style array is an array with 3 or 5 elements, used to define fill and stroke parameters. Google Maps does not currently support named colors properly. (@@@ verify this?) @@@ Describe changes to style array for 5? ####Marker subsection#### ####Shape subsection#### Shapes are parsed by gmap_shapes.js and loaded by shapeloader_static.js. #####Line##### 'line', // points is an array of arrays containing [latitude, longitude] pairs. // There must be at least two points. 'points' => array(array(0.000, 0.000), array(0.000, 0.000)), // Optional. Will use the 'line_default' style if not defined. 'style' => $style, ); $map['shapes'][] = $shape; ?> #####Polygon##### 'polygon', // points is an array of arrays containing [latitude, longitude] pairs. // The first and last point should have the same coordinate, and there // should be at least three points. 'points' => array(array(0.000, 0.000), array(0.000, 0.000), array(0.000, 0.000)), // Optional. Will use the 'poly_default' style if not defined. 'style' => $style, ); $map['shapes'][] = $shape; ?> #####Circle##### Circle is a special case of Polygon, except the points will be calculated on the fly. 'circle', // Center coordinate of the circle. 'center' => array(0.000, 0.000), // Radius of the circle, specified in kilometers. 'radius' => 100, // Optional. Will use the 'poly_default' style if not defined. 'style' => $style, ); $map['shapes'][] = $shape; ?> #####RPolygon##### RPolygon is similar to Circle, except that one of the vertexes will be *point2*. 'rpolygon', // Center coordinate of the regular polygon. 'center' => array(0.000, 0.000), // A point on the rim of the regular polygon. 'point2' => array(0.000, 0.000), // Optional. Will use the 'poly_default' style if not defined. 'style' => $style, ); $map['shapes'][] = $shape; ?> #####GMap Array##### The map array is processed and converted to a javascript object. Anything left out of the array will be filled in with the default map settings. You can change these settings at *admin/settings/gmap*. * id The identifier used to tell the map apart from other maps on the page. Any controls that are to be synced with the map use the same map id. Usually required. * width The width of the map, specified as a valid css dimension. * height The height of the map, specified as a valid css dimension. * latitude The latitude of the initial point to center the map on. * longitude The longitude of the initial point to center the map on. * zoom The initial zoom level of the map. * maxzoom The maximum zoom level this map will zoom to *automatically*. Only applicable if the 'autozoom' behavior flag is on. * controltype The panzoom control type. Choose either 'Large', 'Small', or 'None'. * align You may center or align the map on the page with this. Available choices: 'left', 'right', 'center'. Default is to left align. * maptype Choose the default baselayer for the map. By default, 'Map', 'Satellite', 'Hybrid', and 'Physical' are available, but modules can add additional choices. The most common one is 'Map'. * mtc Choose the 'map type control', the widget used to select among multiple baselayers. The options 'none', 'standard', 'hier', and 'menu' are available. * none: Don't use a map type control at all. The baselayer will not be changeable. * standard: The 'GMapTypeControl' widget (Button bar). * hier: The 'GHierarchicalMapTypeControl' widget (Similar to standard, but buttons can have dropdowns.) * menu: The 'GMenuMapTypeControl' widget. (A dropdown menu.) * baselayers An array of enabled baselayer names. GMap.module defines 'Map', 'Satellite', 'Hybrid', and 'Physical', and other modules can define additional baselayers to choose from. Usually something like array('Map', 'Satellite', 'Hybrid'). * styles An array of style names and definitions. Currently, 'line_default' and 'poly_default' are defined. In the future, there may be the ability to store styles to apply to shapes easily, but it is currently not implemented. * line_default: The default style for lines. * poly_default: The default style for polygons. 'baselayers' => array('Map', 'Satellite', 'Hybrid'), 'styles' => array( 'line_default' => array('0000ff',5,45,'',0,0), 'poly_default' => array('000000',3,25,'ff0000',45), ), 'line_colors' => array('#00cc00', '#ff0000', '#0000ff'), ====Example==== The following example contains most of the $myshapes=array(array('color' => '#00dd00', 'type'=>'line', 'opacity' => '0.5', 'points' => array( array('latitude'=>'49.19011831503412','longitude'=>'-123.20737838745117'), array('latitude'=>'49.18506953036687','longitude'=>'-123.16274642944336'))), array('color' => '#00dd00', 'opacity' => '0.5', 'type'=>'line', 'points' => array(array('latitude'=>'49.20526157803394','longitude'=>'-123.19965362548828'), array('latitude'=>'49.20077516864678','longitude'=>'-123.16102981567383')))); $mymarkers=array(array('markername'=>'blue', 'label' => 'Terminal bus stop', 'latitude' =>'49.19236205396474', 'longitude'=>'-123.1790542602539'), array('markername'=>'green', 'label' => 'Service buildings bus stop', 'latitude' =>'49.19224986943509', 'longitude'=>'-123.1538200378418'), array('markername'=>'green', 'label' => 'Transer to Vancouver bus', 'latitude' =>'49.191801128772326', 'longitude'=>'-123.14231872558594')); $mymap=array('id' => 'mymap', 'latitude' => '49.19258642226091', 'longitude'=>' -123.17647933959961', 'zoom' => 13, 'width' => '100%', 'height' => '400px', 'type' => 'Satellite', 'shapes' => $shapes, 'markers' => $mymarkers); gmap_draw_map($mymap); **NOTE**: This rest of this section is inaccurate. The GMap Array is an associative array with the following definitions: ocontrol - the 'width,height' of the overview map control type - 'Map', 'Hybrid' or 'Satellite' drag - 'yes' or 'no' map is draggable. Default is 'yes' markers - an array of marker arrays. Each marker array is an associative array with the following elements: 'latitude' - the latitude of the marker 'longitude' - the longitude of the marker 'markername' - the marker icon to use. For example if it is set to 'number', then the icons in the marker directory named 'number1.png', 'number2.png' etc. will be used. If these don't exist 'number.png' would be used. If that doesn't exist then the default marker will be used. (optional) 'text' - html text to be located in a pop-up window when you click on the marker. (@@@ Describe array tabs trick... --Bdragon) shapes - an array of shape arrays. Each shape array can have the following elements: 'type' - 'line', 'circle', 'rpolygon', or 'polygon' 'color' - the hex for the color to create the line (eg. '#00dd00') 'width' - the width of the line in px 'opacity' - between 0 and 1 for the opacity of the line 'pattern' - a broken line definition '20 5 10 5' would mean 20 px long line, 5x break, 10px line 5px break 20px line ... (xmaps objects only) 'text' - the text used in the line (xmaps only) 'fillcolor' - the fill color for filled objects (xmaps objects only) 'fillopacity' - the opacity of the filled objects (xmaps object only) feeds - an array of feed arrays. Each feed array can have the following elements: 'url' - the url of the feed. 'markername' - the marker icon to use. same as for markers except that numbered markers are not supported. An example of the gmap_draw_map function being used. GMAP VIEWS API -------------- The gmap_views module also provides a small API for providing additional overlay data to the produced map. By defining: function hook_gmap_views_handle_field($phases, $data) You can tell gmap which fields contain the geographic information it needs to plot the nodes on the map. There are two phases to the hook, 'discovery' and 'process'. During the discovery phase, your hook will be called once for each field in the view. If your module can transform this field into latitude and longitude coordinates, you should return a value. This value will be store and returned to you during the 'process' phase. This can be use- ful in caching information, such has how to process the data, etc. If your module cannot process this field, return NULL (the norm in most cases). In the 'process' phase, the $data arugment will contain two keys: - 'module' => this will hold the name of the field, the module that is being invoked (your module) and an 'extra' field, containing whatever you returned during the 'discovery' phase. - 'entry' => the views "entry" containing all the fields returned from the database/ From this data you should return an array with keys "lat" and "lon". Gmap_views will use this array to plot the node on the map. ------- STUFF ABOVE THIS POINT HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED YET!------- ------- PLEASE DO NOT TRUST THIS DOCUMENTATION!---------- (Misc. documentation, up to date from this point down.) 'example', // Choose the default baselayer. // Core options: 'Map', 'Satellite', 'Hybrid', 'Physical'. // Additional options are available with gmap_extrabaselayers.module // and other addon modules. // Legacy names: 'type'. 'maptype' => 'Terrain', // Width of the map as a CSS dimension. 'width' => '400px', // Height of the map as a CSS dimension. 'height' => '400px', // The initial center point of the map. 'latitude' => 12.345, 'longitude' => 12.345, // The initial zoom of the map. 'zoom' => 4, // Map div alignment. // Options: 'left', 'right', 'center'. 'align' => 'left', // Pan/zoom control type. // Options: 'None', 'Small', 'Large'. // Legacy names: 'control'. 'controltype' => 'Small', // Map Type control. (aka layer selector) // Options: 'none', 'standard', 'hier', 'menu'. // Replaces and extends the old 'tcontrol' param. 'mtc' => 'standard', // Behavior flags. // Flags set to TRUE are forced on. // Flags set to FALSE are forced off. // Missing flags inherit from the defaults. 'behavior' => array( // Sets the map up for being used to select a coordinate. // Use in combination with latitude, longitude, or latlon fields. 'locpick' => FALSE, // Disable dragging. If dragging is disabled, keyboard shortcuts will // also be disabled. // FALSE: Allow dragging as usual. // TRUE: Inhibit dragging. // Replaces the old 'drag' param. 'nodrag' => FALSE, // Disable keyboard shortcuts. // FALSE: Allow keyboard shortcuts. // TRUE: Inhibit keyboard shortcuts. 'nokeyboard' => TRUE, // nomousezoom // autozoom // dynmarkers // Enable overview map control in the bottom right corner. 'overview' => TRUE, // collapsehack // Map scale indicator visibility. // FALSE: Hide map scale. // TRUE: Show map scale. // Replaces the old 'scontrol' param. 'scale' => TRUE, // fatmarkers ), // Static markers. // 'markers' is an array of marker arrays. // The contents of a marker array are specified seperately below for clarity. 'markers' => array(), // Static shapes. // 'shapes' is an array of shape arrays. // The contents of a shape array are specified seperately below for clarity. 'shapes' => array(), 'feeds' => array(), markers - an array of marker arrays. Each marker array is an associative array with the following elements: 'latitude' - the latitude of the marker 'longitude' - the longitude of the marker 'markername' - the marker icon to use. For example if it is set to 'number', then the icons in the marker directory named 'number1.png', 'number2.png' etc. will be used. If these don't exist 'number.png' would be used. If that doesn't exist then the default marker will be used. (optional) 'text' - html text to be located in a pop-up window when you click on the marker. (@@@ Describe array tabs trick... --Bdragon) shapes - an array of shape arrays. Each shape array can have the following elements: 'type' - 'line', 'circle', 'rpolygon', or 'polygon' 'color' - the hex for the color to create the line (eg. '#00dd00') 'width' - the width of the line in px 'opacity' - between 0 and 1 for the opacity of the line 'pattern' - a broken line definition '20 5 10 5' would mean 20 px long line, 5x break, 10px line 5px break 20px line ... (xmaps objects only) 'text' - the text used in the line (xmaps only) 'fillcolor' - the fill color for filled objects (xmaps objects only) 'fillopacity' - the opacity of the filled objects (xmaps object only) feeds - an array of feed arrays. Each feed array can have the following elements: 'url' - the url of the feed. 'markername' - the marker icon to use. same as for markers except that numbered markers are not supported. ); $map['markers'][] = array( ); $map['feeds'][] = array( 'url' => 'http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/catalogs/eqs7day-M5.xml', 'markername' => 'red', ); // Each marker is array( ), // ... ), $output = theme('gmap', array('#settings' => $map)); ?> HOOK_GMAP --------- *hook_gmap()* is a general hook for easily extending GMap. function hook_gmap($op, &$map) ###$op 'macro'### Test test test ###$op 'pre_theme_map'### Test test test ###$op 'macro_multiple'### Test test test ###$op 'behaviors'### Test test test GMAP_VIEWS EXTENSIONS --------------------- In Views 1.x, you need to use the "argument handling code" box to apply settings to a map view. You can set a custom macro with $view->gmap_macro. $view->gmap_macro = '[gmap |behavior=+autozoom]'; You can set the map object directly with $view->gmap_map. $view->gmap_map = $map; Extensions to core map object: $map = array( '#settings' => array( 'behavior' => array( // Fatmarkers is used to pass the raw views data in as markers. // This is useful if you are doing custom processing on the javascript side. 'fatmarkers' => FALSE, ), 'gmap_views' => array( // @@@ TODO: Actually *implement* this functionality! // Set all markers to the same thing. 'forcemarkername' => 'drupal', // Lookup table for marker names. // Use in combination with markername. 'markername_map' => array( 'blog' => 'blue', 'story' => 'green', 'page' => 'pink', ), // OR // 'markername_map' => 'my_custom_map_function', // Views fields // ============ // The field to use to determine the marker name. // Use in combination with markername_map if the field doesn't contain // marker names. 'markername' => 'my_custom_field', // The field to use to determine the marker offset. // If not set, it will be automatically tracked. 'markeroffset' => 'my_custom_field', // Latitude and longitude. 'lat' => 'my_custom_field', 'lon' => 'my_custom_field', 'popup_theme' => 'my_custom_popup', ), ), ); (parse macro header, integrate back into docs.) /** * * Returns a variable based on . * * @param $instring * A string with the settings of gmap insertion in the format var=setting|var2=setting2 * The possible variables are * id - the id of the map every map on a page must have a unique id * width - width of the map * height - height of the map * center - a string of the longitude and latitude of the centre of the map * zoom - the zoom factor of the google map * align - the alignment of the map 'right', 'left' or 'center' * control - the control shown on the map 'Large', 'Small', or 'None' * type - 'Map', 'Hybrid' or 'Satellite' * points/markers - a string of points to mark on the map with + between * each point * line - the line is defined by a set of points separated by a + * The following shape types require XMaps: * circle - a circle based on a center point and a radius in km separated * by a + and optionally can include the number of sizes. * rpolygon - a regular polygon is defined by the center point and a point * on the permiter separated by a + * polygon - a polygon is defined by a set of points * * Each of the shapes types can optionally have charecteristics of colour, * width, opacity, pattern, text, fill colour, fill opacity. Pattern, text * and fill are all only used by xmaps. * color - hexadecimal for the colour include the '#' * * * @return * A string with the google map ready to be inserted into a node. * */ @@@ Describe style changes for 1.0 final! UPDATING OLD MACROS ------------------- This section still needs written.