
This is a developer module to assist in building forward-compatible, object-oriented modules. If you are not writing modules or instructed by another module, do not install this.

Ghost contains a number of object-oriented components for building Drupal sites which have previously been part of other modules.

Page Controller

Status: Working

Page Controller provides a standardised Controller class for object-oriented page callbacks in Drupal 7, a bit like Drupal 8 page controllers.

This functionality was previously part of the Page Controller module, which is no longer supported.

Form Controller

Status: Working

Provides object-oriented Form Controllers, with a structure similar to Drupal 8.

Block plugins

Status: Working

Allows to you create new Blocks using a plugin discovery mechanism, instead of using hook_block_info() et al.


Status: Working

An extensible Logging class. Provides watchdog() logging out-of-the-box, but can be extended to support other loggers, or enhance your development process with better logging conditions.

Display Suite Field Prototypes

Status: Working for Function field types only

Small helper class for declaring Fields in Display Suite.

This functionality was previously part of the Display Suite Field Prototypes module, which is no longer supported.

Field Formatter plugins

Status: Working

Allows you to create Field Formatters as ctools plugins, instead of splitting your field implementation across six functions.