### Group Forum The Group Node module (a submodule of the Group module) supports permission control for group forum nodes. The Group Forum module adds the ability to make forums private to a group or groups. When you assign a root forum container to a group (or groups), forums and subforums within that container will be private to the group(s). You can assign containers to any number of groups, so that more than one group can access a container. (Note: Only root containers matter for determining access, so moving a container out of its root position in the taxonomy may permit access to the container.) Groups can either access all forums and subforums within a root, or none within that root. The module does not support restricting a group to specific forums within a root, so structure your forum taxonomy accordingly. Note that topic nodes themselves are still under the purview of the Group Node module. It will be possible for a user to access a node -- if it is their group content and you allow access via their Group Node permissions -- even if they can't access the forum in which the node appears. It is expected that in most cases Group Forum will be used in conjunction with Group Node, allowing the site builder to control both forum topic permissions and access to forum containers. # Install 1. At admin/structure/forum, create one or more forum containers you want to make private. Add at least one forum to each of these containers. 2. Install the Group module if you have not done so already. You will probably also want to enable the Group Node module. 3. Create a group type and create a taxonomy reference field in your group type. By default, the Group Forum module expects this field to be named 'field_forum_containers' (machine name). Configure the field to be unlimited to allow multiple forum containers per group. 4. Use "Set available content" in your group type to make Forum Topic available for your group type. In the Group module, adjust the Group permissions as desired to control access to forum topic nodes. 3. Create/edit some groups and use the taxonomy reference field to associate each group with one or more of your forum containers. 4. Enable the Group Forum module and edit the module config if you are using something different than 'field_forum_containers' for the taxonomy reference field name.