configure your embedded Gallery.', array('%link' => url('admin/settings/gallery'))); gallery_error($err_msg, $ret); return; } // Image block options for search $params['blocks'] = "specificItem"; $param_show_array = variable_get('gallery_search_block_show', array()); $params['show'] = is_array($param_show_array) ? implode('|', $param_show_array) : ""; $params['maxSize'] = variable_get('gallery_search_maxsize', 160); $params['albumFrame'] = variable_get('gallery_search_album_frame', 'none'); $params['itemFrame'] = variable_get('gallery_search_item_frame', 'none'); $params['linkTarget'] = variable_get('gallery_search_link_target', ''); $show_g2_thumbs = variable_get('gallery_search_show_thumbs', 1); $max_items = variable_get('gallery_search_max_items', 50); list ($ret, $results) = GalleryEmbed::searchScan($keys, $max_items); if (!$ret) { /** * Format of $results is: * [GalleryCoreSearch] => Array( [start] => 1 [end] => 13 [count] => 13 [results] => Array( [0] => Array( [itemId] => 46 [fields] => Array( [0] => Array([key] => Title, [value] => DSCN2884.JPG) [1] => Array([key] => Summary, [value] => ) [2] => Array([key] => Keywords, [value] => ) [3] => Array([key] => Description, [value] => ) [4] => Array([key] => Owner, [value] => Me ) ) ) [1] => ... [name] => Gallery Core ) [comment] => ... [CustomField] => ... [MultiLang] => ... Other modules ) * You can set the maximum number of items, but not a start offset, unfortunately. */ $urlGenerator =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getUrlGenerator(); // Copy the results to a new array, and overwrite the results portions to a new format $find = $results; $g2_thumb = ''; foreach ($results as $name => $module) { if (count($module['results']) > 0) { $this_module_results = array(); foreach ($module['results'] as $result) { $excerpt = array(); $g2_thumb = ''; foreach ($result['fields'] as $field) { if (preg_match("/$keys/i", $field['value'])) { $excerpt[] = ''.$field['key'] .': '. search_excerpt($keys, $field['value']); } } $link = $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('itemId' => $result['itemId']), array('htmlEntities' => false)); if ($show_g2_thumbs) { $params['itemId'] = $result['itemId']; // No error checking. If it failed then no thumb is returned. Should be OK // (maybe there is no thumb for that item) list($ret, $g2_thumb, $head) = GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock($params); if ($head) { $g2_head[] = $head; } } $this_module_results[] = array( 'title' => $result['fields'][0]['value'], 'link' => $link, 'type' => '', 'snippet' => implode('
', $excerpt), 'extra' => array(), 'g2_thumb' => $g2_thumb, ); } $find[$name]['results'] = $this_module_results; } } // Try not to send the G2 head information multiple times if ($g2_head) { drupal_set_html_head(implode("\n", array_unique($g2_head))); } return $find; } } } /** * Implementation of hook_search_page to override how to display the search results */ function _gallery_search_page($results) { $num_items_per_row = variable_get('gallery_search_num_per_row', 3); $max_rows_per_pager = variable_get('gallery_search_max_rows_per_pager', 5); $max_items = variable_get('gallery_search_max_items', 50); $header = array_fill(0, $num_items_per_row, ''); $output = '
'; foreach ($results as $entry) { $output .= gallery_search_item($entry); } $output .= '
'; /** * From /drupal/includes/ * $pager_page_array[i] = page number (starts at 0) (eg 7) * $pager_total[i] = total number of pages = ceil($pager_total_items[i] / limit) (eg 15) * $pager_total_items[i] = total number of items in the pager (eg 75) * where i is the pager ID (must be a number!!!) (for multiple pagers on a page) * eg ?page=1,2,1 * => page 2 for pager1, page 3 for pager2, page 2 for pager 3 */ global $pager_page_array, $pager_total, $pager_total_items; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; $pager_page_array = explode(',', $page); $output = ''; $element = 0; // Split the search results from each module into individual pagers foreach ($results as $module => $table) { $search_items = array(); $row = 0; $col = 0; foreach ($table['results'] as $key => $item){ // Format the search results $search_items[$row][$col++] = gallery_search_item($item); if ($col >= $num_items_per_row) { $row++; $col = 0; } } // Add the title for that pager $output .= '

'; $count = $table['count']; if ($count > $max_items) { $count = $max_items; $count_text = t(' (>%count items found)', array( '%count' => $count)); } else { $count_text = t(' (%count %item found)', array( '%item' => ($count == 1) ? t('item') : t('items'), '%count' => $count)); } $output .= t('%name Results', array('%name' => $table['name'])); $output .= $count_text . '

'; if ($count > 0) { $pager_total_items[$element] = ceil($count/ $num_items_per_row); $pager_total[$element] = ceil($pager_total_items[$element] / $max_rows_per_pager); $first_item = $pager_page_array[$element] * $max_rows_per_pager; // Slice the array to display only the results for this page of the pager $search_items = array_slice($search_items, $first_item, $max_rows_per_pager); // Add empty cells if needed to complete the last row $last_row = count($search_items) - 1; if (count($search_items[$last_row]) < $num_items_per_row) { $search_items[$last_row] = array_merge( $search_items[$last_row], array_fill(0, $num_items_per_row - count($search_items[$last_row]), '')); } $output .= theme('table', $header, $search_items); $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $max_rows_per_pager, $element); $element++; } } return $output; } function gallery_search_item($item) { $output = ''; if ($item['g2_thumb']) { $output .= '
' . $item['g2_thumb'] . '
'; } else { $output = '
'. check_plain($item['title']) .'
'; } $info = array(); if ($item['type']) { $info[] = $item['type']; } if ($item['user']) { $info[] = $item['user']; } if ($item['date']) { $info[] = format_date($item['date'], 'small'); } if (is_array($item['extra'])) { $info = array_merge($info, $item['extra']); } $output .= '
'. ($item['snippet'] ? '

'. $item['snippet'] . '

' : '') . '

' . implode(' - ', $info) .'

'; return $output; } ?>