using a special syntax.', array('@url' => url('filter/tips', array('fragment' => 'filter-gallery-0')))); } /** * Function gallery_help_filter_long_tip(). */ function gallery_help_filter_long_tip() { $prefix = trim(variable_get('gallery_filter_prefix', 'G2')) .':'; $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/help/filter-gallery.html'; $output = '

Gallery2 Filter:

'; $output .= str_replace('PREFIX:', $prefix, file_get_contents($path)); return $output; } /** * Function _gallery_report_help(). */ function _gallery_report_help() { return t('

A serious error has occured. This can happen due to an incorrect configuration or a bug in the gallery module. If you plan to submit a bug report to the issue queue at consider to include the pre-generated report file.

', array( '@gallery-issues' => '', '@report' => url('admin/settings/gallery/report/download')) ); } /** * Function _gallery_advanced_help_get_form_help(). */ function _gallery_advanced_help_get_form_help($form_id, $module = 'gallery') { static $form_help = NULL; if (!isset($form_help)) { $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', $module); if (file_exists("$module_path/help/$module.forms_help.ini")) { $info = parse_ini_file("./$module_path/help/$module.forms_help.ini", TRUE); foreach ($info["$module-forms"] as $form => $topic) { $form = explode('@', $form); $form_help[$form[1]][$form[0]] = $topic; } } } return isset($form_help[$form_id]) ? $form_help[$form_id] : array(); }