array('g2image_uri' => $g2image_uri)), 'setting'); drupal_add_js($path .'/g2image.js'); $sent = TRUE; } } /** * Theme function : theme_gallery_g2image_textarea_link(). * (for adding an image link underneath textareas) */ function theme_gallery_g2image_textarea_link($element, $link) { $output = '
'; $output .= t('Add Gallery2 images'); $output .= '
'; return $output; } /** * Function _gallery_g2image_page_match(). * (determine if g2image button should be attached to the page/textarea) * * @return * TRUE if can render, FALSE if not allowed. */ function _gallery_g2image_page_match() { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/'); $page_match = FALSE; $only_listed_pages = variable_get('gallery_g2image_only_listed_pages', 1); if ($pages = variable_get('gallery_g2image_std_pages', gallery_help('admin/settings/gallery_g2image#pages'))) { $path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']); $regexp = '/^('. preg_replace(array('/(\r\n?|\n)/', '/\\\\\*/', '/(^|\|)\\\\($|\|)/'), array('|', '.*', '\1'. variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node') .'\2'), preg_quote($pages, '/')) .')$/'; $page_match = !($only_listed_pages xor preg_match($regexp, $path)); } return $page_match; }