0) { if (!_gallery_init(TRUE)) { return $text; } $default['n'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_n_images', 1); $default['type'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_block_type', 'recentImage'); $default['maxsize'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_maxsize', GALLERY_FILTER_MAXSIZE_DEFAULT); $default['exactsize'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_exactsize', GALLERY_FILTER_EXACTSIZE_DEFAULT); $default['class'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_div_class', 'nowrap'); $default['album_frame'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_album_frame', 'none'); $default['item_frame'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_item_frame', 'none'); $default['show'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_show', array('none')); $default['target'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_link_target', ''); $default['link'] = variable_get('gallery_filter_default_link', ''); } else { return $text; } $head_array = array(); // Loop over all matches foreach ($matches as $match) { // First argument is numeric => valid G2 filter tag if (is_numeric($match[1])) { $args = array_filter(preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $match[2])); $params = array('itemId' => intval($match[1])); // If this item is not an album (e.g. photo, movie, ...) set block type to 'specificItem' $details = gallery_item_details($params['itemId']); if (isset($details['g2type']) && $details['g2type'] != 'GalleryAlbumItem') { $params['n'] = 1; $params['type'] = 'specificItem'; } if (preg_match('/user(:([\d]+))?/i', $params['itemId'], $param_uid)) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/gallery_user.inc'); $params['itemId'] = gallery_user_useralbum(isset($param_uid[2]) ? $param_uid[2] : NULL, FALSE); } // Loop over all (optional) arguments foreach ($args as $arg) { list($key, $value) = array_filter(explode('=', $arg)); if (!empty($value)) { $key = strtolower(preg_replace('/\W/', '', $key)); $params[$key] = _gallery_filter_sanitize($key, $value); } } // Treat 'maxsize' and 'size' as the same if (isset($params['size'])) { $params['maxsize'] = $params['size']; unset($params['size']); } // Carefully treat the default size method (cannot just merge them as the // entered value must take precedence over the default) if (isset($params['maxsize'])) { unset($default['exactsize']); } else if (isset($params['exactsize'])) { unset($default['maxsize']); } // Merge params with default values $params = array_merge($default, $params); // Transform 'type' into a valid parameter if ($params['n'] > 1 && $params['type'] == 'specificItem') { $params['type'] = $default['type']; } if (is_array($params['type'])) { // Ensure 'type' contains 'n' elements (auto-append if necessary) $count = count($params['type']); if (($num = $params['n'] - $count) > 0) { $params['type'] += array_fill($count, $num, end($params['type'])); } } else { $params['type'] = array_fill(0, $params['n'], $params['type']); } // 'frame' overrides 'album_frame' and 'item_frame' if ($params['frame']) { $params['album_frame'] = $params['item_frame'] = $params['frame']; } // Convert into G2-compatible arguments $params['blocks'] = implode('|', $params['type']); if (isset($params['maxsize']) && !empty($params['maxsize'])) { $params['maxSize'] = $params['maxsize']; } else if (isset($params['exactsize']) && !empty($params['exactsize'])) { $params['exactSize'] = $params['exactsize']; } $params['albumFrame'] = $params['album_frame']; $params['itemFrame'] = $params['item_frame']; $params['show'] = implode('|', $params['show']); $params['linkTarget'] = $params['target']; // Unset redundant parameters unset( $params['n'], $params['type'], $params['exactsize'], $params['maxsize'], $params['frame'], $params['album_frame'], $params['item_frame'], $params['target'] ); gallery_debug($params, t('Filter parameters')); // Fetch the images and format output list($ret, $content, $head) = GalleryEmbed::getBlock('imageblock', 'ImageBlock', $params); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error trying to get image block.'), $ret); continue; } $content = trim($content); if (!empty($content)) { $params['class'] = 'giImageBlock'. ($params['class'] ? ' '. $params['class'] : ''); $content = '
'. $content .'
'; // Allow other modules to alter the filter output drupal_alter('gallery_filter', $content, array('params' => $params)); } // Replace G2 filter tag with image block html (or at least remove filter tag) $text = str_replace($match[0], $content, $text); if ($head) { $head_array[] = trim($head); } } } // Add html head items and css if (count($head_array)) { gallery_set_head(implode("\n", array_unique($head_array))); } GalleryEmbed::done(); return $text .'
'; } /** * Function _gallery_filter_sanitize(). * (sanitize filter parameters) */ function _gallery_filter_sanitize($key, $value) { switch ($key) { case 'n': case 'size': case 'maxsize': case 'exactsize': return intval(preg_replace('/\D/', '', $value)); case 'class': case 'frame': case 'album_frame': case 'item_frame': case 'target': case 'link': return preg_replace('/\W/', '', $value); case 'type': case 'show': return explode('|', preg_replace('/[^\w\x7c]/', '', $value)); default : return check_plain($value); } return $value; }