FALSE, 'full' => FALSE); // Initialize only once if ($ready[$full ? 'full' : 'half']) { return TRUE; } $init_err_msg = t('Unable to initialize embedded Gallery. You need to configure your embedded Gallery.', array('@link' => url('admin/settings/gallery/install'))); $g2_dir = isset($vars['gallery_dir']) ? $vars['gallery_dir'] : variable_get('gallery_dir', './gallery2/'); $g2_uri = isset($vars['gallery_uri']) ? $vars['gallery_uri'] : variable_get('gallery_uri', '/gallery2/'); $embed_uri = isset($vars['gallery_embed_uri']) ? $vars['gallery_embed_uri'] : variable_get('gallery_embed_uri', '?q=gallery'); $gallery_valid = isset($vars) ? (isset($vars['gallery_valid']) ? $vars['gallery_valid'] : TRUE) : variable_get('gallery_valid', 0); $uid = isset($vars) ? (isset($vars['uid']) ? $vars['uid'] : '') : (($user->uid > 0) ? $user->uid : ''); // Language-prefix url rewrite if (function_exists('language_url_rewrite') && $language->prefix) { $embed_uri = str_replace('index.php?q=', 'index.php?q='. $language->prefix .'/', $embed_uri); } // Prepare array with init parameters $debug = variable_get('gallery_g2debug', 0) && user_access('administer site configuration'); $params = array('g2Dir' => $g2_dir, 'g2Uri' => $g2_uri, 'embedUri' => $embed_uri, 'loginRedirect' => url('user/login', array('query' => drupal_get_destination(), 'absolute' => TRUE)), 'activeUserId' => $uid, 'activeLanguage' => gallery_get_language($language->language), 'apiVersion' => array(1, 4), 'debug' => $debug ? 'buffered' : FALSE, 'eventListeners' => array()); // Add theme to init parameters if (($g2_theme = variable_get('gallery_embed_theme', 'default')) != 'default') { $params['themeId'] = $g2_theme; } // Add root album to init parameters (but only for the gallery pages) $g2_root = variable_get('gallery_root_album', 'default'); if ($g2_root != 'default' && arg(0) == variable_get('gallery_base', 'gallery')) { $params['defaultAlbumId'] = $params['breadcrumbRootId'] = $g2_root; } // Allow modules to alter the init parameters drupal_alter('gallery_init', $params, array('fullInit' => $full, 'ready' => $ready)); $params['fullInit'] = $full; // Debug output of init parameters gallery_debug($params, t('Init parameters')); // Check for existence of 'embed.php' if (!$gallery_valid || !is_readable($params['g2Dir'] .'embed.php')) { if ($report_error) { gallery_error($init_err_msg); } return FALSE; } // Initialize Gallery2 include_once($params['g2Dir'] .'embed.php'); $ret = GalleryEmbed::init($params); if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH) { $err_msg = t('Embedding API version is incompatible.'); if ($vars) { drupal_set_message($err_msg, 'error'); } gallery_error($vars ? $err_msg : $init_err_msg, $ret, !$vars); } else if ($report_error) { gallery_error($init_err_msg, $ret, TRUE); } return FALSE; } // Check if initialization was successful if (!class_exists('GalleryEmbed') || !class_exists('GalleryCoreApi')) { if ($report_error) { gallery_error(t('Initialization seemed successful, but classes \'GalleryEmbed\' and/or \'GalleryCoreApi\' are still not available.')); } return FALSE; } // Multiroot: 'Virtual Root' (or 'Alternate guest user') view requested if (isset($params['defaultAlbumId'])) { $GLOBALS['gallery']->setConfig('defaultAlbumId', $params['defaultAlbumId']); } if (isset($params['breadcrumbRootId'])) { $GLOBALS['gallery']->setConfig('breadcrumbRootId', $params['breadcrumbRootId']); } if (isset($params['anonymousUserId'])) { $GLOBALS['gallery']->setConfig('anonymousUserId', $params['anonymousUserId']); } // Register event listeners if (count($params['eventListeners'])) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/G2DrupalHelper.class'); $ret = G2DrupalHelper::registerEventListeners($params['eventListeners']); if ($ret && $report_error) { gallery_error(t('Failed to register event listeners.'), $ret); } } // Session handling $g2_session =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getSession(); $g2_session->doNotUseTempId(); // list ($ret, $g2_admin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup(); if (!$ret && $g2_admin) { $g2_session->put('session.siteAdminActivityTimestamp', time()); } $ready['half'] = $params['fullInit'] ? ($ready['full'] = TRUE) : TRUE; return TRUE; } /** * Function gallery_handle_request(). * (handleRequest extension with error handling) */ function gallery_handle_request() { global $language; // Remove the language-prefix for G2 if (!empty($_GET['g2_path']) && function_exists('language_url_rewrite')) { $args = explode('/', $_GET['g2_path']); $prefix = array_shift($args); if (!empty($language->prefix) && $language->prefix == $prefix) { $_GET['g2_path'] = implode('/', $args); } } // Handle the request ob_start(); $result = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest(); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($output) { if (!preg_match('%


%', $output)) { // If $output does not contain '


', this is an AJAX/Image callback print $output; exit(); } else { // Otherwise (on regular pages) $output means that an error occured if (variable_get('gallery_error_redirect', 0) && user_access('search content')) { drupal_set_message('The requested Gallery URL does not exist. The item may have been moved or deleted. You can search for it below.', 'notice'); drupal_goto('search/gallery'); } preg_match('%
%is', $output, $matches); gallery_error(t('Error handling request (invalid request)
or the requested Gallery URL does not exist.'), $matches[1], TRUE); return NULL; } } // Include theme-specific css overrides (gallery-themeid.css) if (isset($result['themeData']['themeId'])) { $stylesheet = drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/gallery-'. $result['themeData']['themeId'] .'.css'; if (file_exists($stylesheet)) { drupal_add_css($stylesheet); } } // Catch debug output from G2 if (($pos = strpos($result['bodyHtml'], '
')) !== FALSE) { list($result['bodyHtml'], $suffix) = explode('
', $result['bodyHtml']); if ($suffix) { list($debug, $suffix) = explode('
', $suffix, 2); $result['bodyHtml'] .= $suffix; gallery_debug($debug, t('G2 Debug Buffer'), TRUE); } } return $result; } /** * Function gallery_get_language(). */ function gallery_get_language($lang = '', $user = NULL) { global $language; // Get language from $user object $lang = (isset($user) && $user->uid > 0 && !empty($user->language)) ? $user->language : $lang; // Use current global $language, if no other language is specified $lang = empty($lang) ? $language->language : $lang; // Convert certain language codes, e.g. 'esl/spa es' => 'es' or 'fr-ca' => 'fr' $lang = preg_replace(array('/([\w\/]+) ([a-z]{2,3})/i', '/([a-z]{2,3})-(\w+)/i'), array('${2}', '${1}'), $lang); return $lang; } /** * Function gallery_get_themes(). * (retrieve all (active) themes from Gallery2) */ function gallery_get_themes() { if (!_gallery_init()) { return array(); } // List of themes list($ret, $g2_themes) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus('theme', TRUE); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error retrieving theme list'), $ret); return array(); } $themes = array(); foreach (array_keys($g2_themes) as $themeid) { // Only active themes if (!empty($g2_themes[$themeid]['active'])) { // Get theme details list($ret, $theme) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('theme', $themeid, TRUE); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error getting theme (:themeid) details', array(':themeid' => $themeid)), $ret); return array(); } $themes[$themeid] = $theme->getName(); } } return $themes; } /** * Function gallery_get_image_frames(). * (retrieve all image frames from Gallery2) */ function gallery_get_image_frames() { if (!_gallery_init()) { return array('none' => t('None')); } // List of available image frames list($ret, $imageframe) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstance('ImageFrameInterface_1_1'); if ($ret || !isset($imageframe)) { return array('none' => t('None')); } list($ret, $list) = $imageframe->getImageFrameList(); if ($ret) { return array('none' => t('None')); } return $list; } /** * Function gallery_check_path2id(). */ function gallery_check_path2id($path) { if (!_gallery_init(TRUE)) { return FALSE; } // Cache the request items here to save G2 API calls // (the menu system invokes _load repeatedly with the same arguments) static $items = NULL; if (!isset($items[$path])) { $url_generator =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getUrlGenerator(); if (isset($url_generator->_shortUrls)) { // Fetch item id for this path (to check existence) and return id list($ret, $id) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdByPath($path); $items[$path] = $ret ? FALSE : $id; } else if (is_numeric($path) && ($id = intval($path))) { // Fetch item by id (to check existence) and return id list($ret, $entity) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($id); $items[$path] = $ret ? FALSE : $id; } } return $items[$path]; } /** * Function gallery_generate_url(). */ function gallery_generate_url($params, $html = TRUE, $full = TRUE) { if (!_gallery_init(TRUE)) { return ''; } // Get URL generator and generate the url $url_generator =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getUrlGenerator(); if (!$url_generator) { gallery_error(t('Error: UrlGenerator not available')); return ''; } $options = array(); $options['forceFullUrl'] = $full; $options['htmlEntities'] = $html; if (!isset($params['view'])) { $params['view'] = 'core.ShowItem'; } return $url_generator->generateUrl($params, $options); } /** * Function gallery_album_tree(). */ function gallery_album_tree($root = NULL, $depth = NULL, $uid = NULL) { if (!_gallery_init(TRUE)) { return array(); } // If this is called for the Drupal guest user, pass in G2 // anonymous user id (otherwise fetchAlbumTree() returns nothing) global $user; if (!$uid && !$user->uid) { list($ret, $uid) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'id.anonymousUser'); if ($ret) { return array(); } } // Fetch G2 album tree list($ret, $tree) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAlbumTree($root, $depth, $uid); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error fetching album tree'), $ret); return array(); } return $tree; } /** * Function gallery_item_details(). */ function gallery_item_details($id, $verbose = FALSE) { $details = array(); if (!_gallery_init(TRUE)) { return $details; } // Load entity list($ret, $entity) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($id); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error fetching item details (entityId: :id)', array(':id' => $id)), $ret); return $details; } // Extract details $details['g2id'] = $id; $details['g2type'] = $entity->entityType; $details['g2owner'] = $entity->ownerId; $details['g2parent'] = $entity->parentId; // Drupal node properties (without g2 prefix) $details['title'] = _gallery_htmlcharsdecode($entity->title); $details['created'] = $entity->creationTimestamp; $details['changed'] = $entity->modificationTimestamp; // Gallery2 item properties (with g2 prefix) if ($verbose) { $details['g2description'] = _gallery_htmlcharsdecode($entity->description); $details['g2summary'] = _gallery_htmlcharsdecode($entity->summary); $details['g2keywords'] = $entity->keywords; $details['g2theme'] = isset($entity->theme) ? $entity->theme : NULL; } return $details; } /** * Function gallery_item_access(). */ function gallery_item_access($id, $permission = 'core.view', $user = NULL) { if (!_gallery_init(TRUE) || !is_numeric($id)) { return FALSE; } // Check access permissions list($ret, $access) = GalleryCoreApi::hasItemPermission($id, $permission, $user); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error calling hasItemPermission()'), $ret); return FALSE; } return $access; } /** * Function gallery_db_query(). */ function gallery_db_query($query, $data = NULL) { if (!_gallery_init(TRUE)) { return FALSE; } // Perform query list ($ret, $search) = $GLOBALS['gallery']->search($query, $data); if ($ret) { return FALSE; } $results = array(); while ($result = $search->nextResult()) { $results += $result; } return $results; } /** * Function gallery_flush_entity_cache(). */ function gallery_flush_entity_cache() { if (!_gallery_init()) { return FALSE; } // Flush entity cache $platform =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getPlatform(); $cache_basedir = $GLOBALS['gallery']->getConfig('data.gallery.cache'); $cache_dir = $cache_basedir .'entity'; if ($platform->file_exists($cache_dir)) { if (!$platform->recursiveRmDir($cache_dir)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Function gallery_set_head(). */ function gallery_set_head($html, $settitle = FALSE) { if (!empty($html)) { list($title, $css, $javascript, $meta) = GalleryEmbed::parseHead($html); if ($settitle) { drupal_set_title($title); } gallery_set_meta($meta); gallery_set_css($css); gallery_set_javascript($javascript); } } /** * Function gallery_set_meta(). */ function gallery_set_meta($meta) { static $meta_memory = array(); // Debug output gallery_debug($meta, t('Head [Meta]')); // Drupal adds these item by default already if (empty($meta_memory)) { $meta_memory[] = md5(''); } // Handle head/meta data foreach ($meta as $include) { if (!in_array(($md5 = md5($include)), $meta_memory)) { $meta_memory[] = $md5; drupal_set_html_head($include); } } } /** * Function gallery_set_css(). */ function gallery_set_css($css) { static $css_memory = array(); if (count($css)) { // Debug output gallery_debug($css, t('Head [CSS]')); // Handle css styles and includes foreach ($css as $include) { if (!in_array(($md5 = md5($include)), $css_memory)) { $css_memory[] = $md5; drupal_set_html_head($include); } } } } /** * Function gallery_set_javascript(). * (druapl_add_js() ensures proper cascading of included G2 javascript) */ function gallery_set_javascript($javascript) { static $js_memory = array(); if (!empty($javascript)) { // Debug output gallery_debug($javascript, t('Head [Javascript]')); // Handle inline javascript and includes $files = preg_grep('/]*)>(.*?)<\/script>/is', '\2', $inline); drupal_add_js(implode("\n", $inline), 'inline'); // Javascript files foreach ($files as $include) { if (!in_array(($md5 = md5($include)), $js_memory)) { $js_memory[] = $md5; drupal_set_html_head($include); } } } } /** * Function gallery_context(). * (store and/or access the context of the current gallery page) */ function gallery_context(&$params, $setcontext = FALSE) { static $context_cache = NULL; if ($setcontext) { // Store new context $context_cache = (isset($params) && count($params)) ? $params : array(); gallery_debug($context_cache, t('Context cache')); } else if (isset($context_cache)) { // Get context parameters if (isset($params)) { // Return requested context parameters $params = is_array($params) ? $params : array($params); foreach($params as $param) { if (!isset($context_cache[$param])) { return FALSE; } $context[$param] = $context_cache[$param]; } $params = $context; } else { // Return all stored context parameters $params = $context_cache; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Function gallery_get_blocks(). */ function gallery_get_blocks($plugin_names = NULL) { if (!_gallery_init()) { return array(); } // List of available blocks list($ret, $g2_blocks) = GalleryCoreApi::loadAvailableBlocks(); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error retrieving available blocks list'), $ret); return array(); } // Filter plugins if (isset($plugin_names)) { $plugin_names = is_array($plugin_names) ? $plugin_names : array($plugin_names); foreach ($g2_blocks as $plugin => $blocks) { if (!in_array($plugin, $plugin_names)) { unset($g2_blocks[$plugin]); } } } return $g2_blocks; } /** * Function gallery_get_block(). * * This function allows developers to fetch an image or grid block with certain * parameters from Gallery2. * * @param $params * An array of parameters to be passed to getImageBlock(). * (http://gallery.menalto.com/apidoc/GalleryCore/Classes/GalleryEmbed.html#methodgetImageBlock) * If 'itemId' is set to 'user' (or 'user:uid') items are be taken from the * current (or specified) user's useralbum. * @param $block * Name of the block to get from Gallery2 (e.g. 'ImageBlock', etc.) * @param $extra * $extra['class']: * Optional class to apply to the block (if customized css styles are required). * $extra['num_cols']: * If given for a 'ImageBlock' a grid block with 'num_cols' columns is generated. * Otherwise (default) a 'normal' image block is returned. */ function gallery_get_block($params, $block = 'ImageBlock', $extra = array()) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/gallery_block.inc'); if (!_gallery_init(TRUE)) { return array('content' => ''); } $block_map = _gallery_block_map(); $plugin = $block_map[strtolower($block)]['plugin']; $plugin_block = $block_map[strtolower($block)]['block']; return _gallery_block_get_block($plugin, $plugin_block, $params, $extra); } /** * Function _gallery_htmlcharsdecode(). * (recover special character's HTML entities, see htmlspecialchars_decode() for php5) */ function _gallery_htmlcharsdecode($string) { return strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS))); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Error, Debug and Status Functions * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Function gallery_error(). */ function gallery_error($msg, $ret = NULL, $serious = FALSE) { $error_mode = variable_get('gallery_error_mode', array(GALLERY_ERROR_WATCHDOG)); $admin = user_access('administer site configuration'); $report = $admin && variable_get('gallery_report', 1); // Verbose error messages (include backtrace if available) $debug_info = array(); if (in_array(GALLERY_ERROR_VERBOSE, $error_mode) || variable_get('gallery_debug', 0) || $admin) { $msg = $ret ? (is_object($ret) ? ($msg .'
'. $ret->getAsHtml()) : $ret) : $msg; if (GALLERY_DEBUGTRACE && function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { $trace = debug_backtrace(); $source = t('Error in function \':func()\' (:file::line):
', array(':func' => $trace[1]['function'], ':file' => basename($trace[0]['file']), ':line' => $trace[0]['line'])); $message = $source .''; $debug_info = array('Debug Trace' => $trace); } } $message = !empty($message) ? $message : $msg; // Debug output (do not log to watchdog) if (variable_get('gallery_debug', 0) && $admin) { if ($report) { _gallery_report_error($debug_info); } drupal_set_message($message, 'error'); return; } // Error output to browser if (in_array(GALLERY_ERROR_BROWSER, $error_mode)) { if ($report) { _gallery_report_error($debug_info); } drupal_set_message($message, 'error'); } elseif ($serious) { if ($report) { _gallery_report_error($debug_info); } drupal_set_message($admin ? $message : t('Embedded Gallery2 is not available or requested Gallery URL does not exist.'), 'error'); } // Error output to watchdog if (in_array(GALLERY_ERROR_WATCHDOG, $error_mode)) { watchdog('gallery', $message, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } /** * Function _gallery_report_error(). */ function _gallery_report_error($report = array()) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/gallery_help.inc'); require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/gallery_report.inc'); drupal_set_message(_gallery_report_help(), 'error'); _gallery_report(FALSE, $report, TRUE); } /** * Function gallery_debug(). */ function gallery_debug($output, $label = NULL, $html = FALSE) { if (variable_get('gallery_debug', 0) && user_access('administer site configuration')) { // Output debug log into a collapsible fieldset $fieldset = array( '#title' => t('Gallery Debug') . (isset($label) ? (': '. check_plain($label)) : ''), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#value' => '
'. ($html ? $output : htmlspecialchars(print_r($output, TRUE))) .'
', ); drupal_set_content('content', theme('fieldset', $fieldset)); } } /** * Function gallery_plugin_status(). */ function gallery_plugin_status($plugin_names) { static $all_plugins_status = array(); $plugins_status = array(); if (!_gallery_init()) { foreach ($plugin_names as $plugin) { $plugins_status[$plugin] = GALLERY_PLUGIN_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } return $plugins_status; } // Fetch status of G2 modules if (empty($plugins_status_cache)) { list($ret, $plugins_status_cache) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus('module'); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Unable to get Gallery2 module status.'), $ret); foreach ($plugin_names as $plugin) { $plugins_status[$plugin] = GALLERY_PLUGIN_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } return $plugins_status; } } // Generate array containing module status foreach ($plugin_names as $plugin) { if (isset($plugins_status_cache[$plugin])) { if (isset($plugins_status_cache[$plugin]['active']) && $plugins_status_cache[$plugin]['available']) { $plugins_status[$plugin] = GALLERY_PLUGIN_ENABLED; } elseif (!isset($plugins_status_cache[$plugin]['active']) && $plugins_status_cache[$plugin]['available']) { $plugins_status[$plugin] = GALLERY_PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED; } elseif (($plugins_status_cache[$plugin]['active'] == FALSE) && $plugins_status_cache[$plugin]['available']) { $plugins_status[$plugin] = GALLERY_PLUGIN_NOT_ACTIVE; } else { $plugins_status[$plugin] = GALLERY_PLUGIN_DISABLED; } } else { $plugins_status[$plugin] = GALLERY_PLUGIN_MISSING; } } return $plugins_status; } /** * Function gallery_single_plugin_status(). */ function gallery_single_plugin_status($plugin_name) { $status = gallery_plugin_status(array($plugin_name)); return $status[$plugin_name]; } /** * Function gallery_set_status(). */ function gallery_set_status($status = array(), $reset = FALSE) { $status_array = $status; if (!$reset) { $status_array = unserialize(variable_get('gallery_status', serialize(array()))); foreach ($status as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $status_array[$key] = $value; } elseif (isset($status_array[$key])) { unset($status_array[$key]); } } } variable_set('gallery_status', serialize($status_array)); } /** * Function gallery_get_status(). */ function gallery_get_status() { return unserialize(variable_get('gallery_status', serialize(array()))); } /** * Function gallery_version(). */ function gallery_version() { if (!_gallery_init()) { return array(); } // Get API version list($core_major, $core_minor) = GalleryCoreApi::getApiVersion(); list($embed_major, $embed_minor) = GalleryEmbed::getApiVersion(); $version = array( 'core' => array('major' => $core_major, 'minor' => $core_minor), 'embed' => array('major' => $embed_major, 'minor' => $embed_minor) ); // Update version in status messages $status = array('version' => array( 'title' => t('Gallery2 API version'), 'info' => "$core_major.$core_minor / $embed_major.$embed_minor") ); gallery_set_status($status); return $version; }