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  1. Mar 30, 2007
  2. Feb 04, 2007
  3. Oct 02, 2006
  4. Apr 25, 2006
    • kiz_0987's avatar
      #59789 - Changed css import to use theme_add_style(). This may need to be updated · 4b1be46a
      kiz_0987 authored
       again once the correct methods to import module css files has been documented
       - The css file is now not included twice on gallery pages (is correctly loaded
         after Gallery2's theme.css file and so can override)
       - This *removes* the functionality to use a theme specific drupal_g2.css file.
         There have got to be better ways to override module css files.
       - css improvements to not hide h2's in G2 Admin pages
       - Removed DOS line endings from
  5. Mar 24, 2006