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  1. Feb 25, 2011
  2. Feb 17, 2007
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 07d3de38
      eric Farris authored
      added a class to the freelinks:
      * external links get class="freelinking external"
      * internal links get class="freelinking"
      closes #119221.
  3. Apr 01, 2006
  4. Mar 19, 2006
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · fde94c3b
      eric Farris authored
      Implemented feature request from, where
      an administrator can decide how to handle freelinks without a target:
      * always try to create the content (the old behavior)
      * try to create it if the user has rights, otherwise do a search (the new default)
      * always search
  5. Feb 18, 2006
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · db666ae8
      eric Farris authored
      changed installation instructions, now that the schema is installed via
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 6788f537
      eric Farris authored
      added hook_install().
  6. Feb 03, 2006
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 4b139617
      eric Farris authored
      freelinking.install -- fixed bad code, as reported in, and some other bugs found in the .install
      file. More testing is needed, but it's getting close to a 4.7 release.
  7. Jan 22, 2006
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 420c61c4
      eric Farris authored
      * CHANGELOG.txt -- must keep up the changelog. I've been really bad at
      * UPGRADE.txt -- added instructions for upgrading the 4.6 version as
        well as upgrading from HEAD.
      * freelinking.mysql -- new schema, with a hash as primary key, new path,
        args columns
      * freelinking.module -- changes to accomodate the new primary key, fixes
        for duplicate db rows getting added.
      * freelinking.install -- support for UTF-8 db type, and an untested
        upgrade to the new db schema for HEAD users.
      Once some more testing is done, this will probably get tagged for 4.7.
  8. Dec 31, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 61d3596f
      eric Farris authored
      Umm, *actually* removing the _freelinking_create_new_link() function,
      obsolesced by version 1.26.
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 26c776e5
      eric Farris authored
      Changes in drupal_goto() broke freelinking_page(). Fixes Introducing the $freelink associative array
      to fix this problem the right way.
      Also merged _freelinking_create_new_link() and freelinking_make_link().
      I don't at this time have a reason for those to be seperate functions.
  9. Dec 13, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      Some changes based on use on · 0633854c
      eric Farris authored
        - freelinking table updated at click-time. As a result, table now
          holds 'node/add'+whatever for target-not-exist
        - change to the block code to take advantage of the above, resulting
          in a much faster block (sql now does the filtering, instead of
          checking every target)
        - some misc fixes where $target was used instead of $phrase
      No bug fixes.
  10. Dec 12, 2005
  11. Nov 03, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · de612379
      eric Farris authored
      My fix for (per-format freelinking options) does not
      work, and breaks the module. Reverting the settings back to hook_settings()
      until a workable fix can be found.
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · c559e728
      eric Farris authored
      Implemented suggestions by Moshe in and hook_settings() is gone now; configuration is done at
      the more appropriate places hook_block() and hook_filter(). Thanks, Moshe!
  12. Oct 31, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 08b6c6f7
      eric Farris authored
      fixed variable spelling error (delmiter->delimiter).
  13. Oct 28, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · c8751336
      eric Farris authored
      Using theme('item_list') instead of hard-coded unordered list. Fixes Reported by Moshe. OMG, Moshe's looking at my
      code. :)
  14. Oct 16, 2005
  15. Oct 09, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · de4b142d
      eric Farris authored
      Implemented an instance of hook_nodeapi, so that the freelinking table
      is not modified on preview, but when the node is actually committed.
      Based on a patch by moggy. Thanks, moggy! Should close
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 7147918b
      eric Farris authored
      updated to the new FormAPI.
    • eric Farris's avatar
      · 5a51735f
      eric Farris authored
      Revision of the regex used to find CamelCase links, now correctly leaves
      CamelCase inside of html tags alone. Fixes:
      Thanks to moggy for testing and revising my earlier attempt.
  16. Sep 28, 2005
  17. Sep 26, 2005
  18. Jul 19, 2005
  19. Jul 07, 2005
  20. Jun 27, 2005
  21. Jun 26, 2005
  22. Jun 01, 2005
  23. May 22, 2005
  24. May 15, 2005
  25. May 10, 2005
  26. May 09, 2005
  27. May 04, 2005
  28. May 01, 2005
  29. Apr 28, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      From the changelog: · 3dc1cb26
      eric Farris authored
      * implemented a database table that keeps a record of freelinking
        phrases. When freelinking_page() is called without an argument
        ( a list of freelinking phrases are
        given, along with their status, either "create this content" or a link
        to the content. This could be used to encourage users to create
        content that is a target of a link, but doesn't yet exist.
      This should close .
      Also, a rewrite of core code, hiding code in private functions for
      future expansion. Added CHANGELOG.txt and the database schema (just a
      single field table, at the moment), freelinking.mysql. Modified
      INSTALL.txt to reflect the loading of the db schema, and updated
      README.txt to reflect the new freelinks page and some other minor
  30. Mar 30, 2005
  31. Mar 28, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      removed dwiki module in favor of freelinking module · f7b46cdb
      eric Farris authored
      Initial commit of freelinking.module. This module came out of my earlier
      dwiki.module and code from crw (ninjafishwiki/ in my sandbox). This
      module provides an input filter for linking to existing nodes or
      creating new nodes in the wiki style using CamelCase or
      double-square-bracket delimiters.