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  1. Feb 25, 2011
  2. Jul 07, 2005
  3. Jun 01, 2005
  4. May 10, 2005
  5. May 09, 2005
  6. May 04, 2005
  7. May 01, 2005
  8. Apr 28, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      From the changelog: · 3dc1cb26
      eric Farris authored
      * implemented a database table that keeps a record of freelinking
        phrases. When freelinking_page() is called without an argument
        ( a list of freelinking phrases are
        given, along with their status, either "create this content" or a link
        to the content. This could be used to encourage users to create
        content that is a target of a link, but doesn't yet exist.
      This should close .
      Also, a rewrite of core code, hiding code in private functions for
      future expansion. Added CHANGELOG.txt and the database schema (just a
      single field table, at the moment), freelinking.mysql. Modified
      INSTALL.txt to reflect the loading of the db schema, and updated
      README.txt to reflect the new freelinks page and some other minor
  9. Mar 30, 2005
  10. Mar 28, 2005
    • eric Farris's avatar
      removed dwiki module in favor of freelinking module · f7b46cdb
      eric Farris authored
      Initial commit of freelinking.module. This module came out of my earlier
      dwiki.module and code from crw (ninjafishwiki/ in my sandbox). This
      module provides an input filter for linking to existing nodes or
      creating new nodes in the wiki style using CamelCase or
      double-square-bracket delimiters.