// $Id$ /** * Auto-attach standard client side file input validation. */ Drupal.behaviors.filefieldValidateAutoAttach = function(context) { $("input[@type='file']", context).change( function() { $('.filefield-js-error').remove(); /** * Add client side validation for the input[@file] accept attribute. */ if(this.accept.length > 1){ accept = this.accept.replace(/,/g, '|'); v = new RegExp('\\.(' + (accept ? accept : '') + ')$', 'gi'); if (!v.test(this.value)) { var error = Drupal.t("The selected file %filename cannot not be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %extensions.", { '%filename' : this.value, '%extensions': accept.replace(/\|/g, ', ') } ); // what do I prepend this to? $(this).before('
' + error + '
'); this.value = ''; return false; } } /** * Add filesize validation where possible. */ /* @todo */ }); }