// // Load the img_assist_textarea.js script // // Get the header of the document var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; // Create a new script object var script= document.createElement('script'); script.type= 'text/javascript'; // Source dirname is built from the second script tag found in the document script.src = head.getElementsByTagName('script')[1].src.match( /.*\// ) + 'img_assist_textarea.js'; // Append the new script to the header head.appendChild(script); setTimeout("InitFCKeditorImgAssist();", 1000); function InitFCKeditorImgAssist() { var oldInsertToEditor = insertToEditor; insertToEditor = function(content) { //handle FCKeditor in popup mode if ((myTextarea == '') && (window.opener)) { var myDoc = window.opener; if (myDoc.oFCKeditor) { var inst= myDoc.oFCKeditor.InstanceName; var oEditor = myDoc.FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance( inst ); if (oEditor.EditMode == myDoc.FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG) { oEditor.InsertHtml(content) ; } else { alert(Drupal.t('Inserting image into FCKeditor is allowed only in WYSIWYG mode')); } cancelAction(); return false; } } //FCKeditor enabled and running == textarea not displayed if ( myTextarea.style.display == 'none' ) { var opener = window.opener; if (opener.fckLaunchedJsId) { for( var i = 0 ; i < opener.fckLaunchedJsId.length ; i++ ) { if ( opener.fckLaunchedTextareaId[i] == myTextarea.id ) { var oEditor = opener.FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance( opener.fckLaunchedJsId[i] ); if (oEditor.EditMode == opener.FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG) { oEditor.InsertHtml(content) ; } else { alert(Drupal.t('Inserting image into FCKeditor is allowed only in WYSIWYG mode')); } } } } else { var oEditor = opener.FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(myTextarea.id); if (oEditor.EditMode == opener.FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG) { oEditor.InsertHtml(content) ; } else { alert(Drupal.t('Inserting image into FCKeditor is allowed only in WYSIWYG mode')); } } cancelAction(); return false; } oldInsertToEditor(content); }; }